25 of The Best Finger Foods For Babies & Toddlers! - My Fussy Eater | Easy Family Recipes (2024)

25 of the best finger food ideas and recipes, perfect for baby led weaning and toddlers too!

25 of The Best Finger Foods For Babies & Toddlers! - My Fussy Eater | Easy Family Recipes (2)

I’ve lost count of the amount of times that I’ve uttered the words “oh, just use your fingers!” during a mealtime with my small person!

Amongst all the other useful stuff we are expected to teach our small people, using a knife, fork or even spoon sometimes feels like a near impossible task, especially when it seems to add what feels like an extra hour on to a mealtime which can already be a really stressful time without the introduction of tools to do the job!

Even as an adult though, there is something very satisfying about “finger food” (perhaps it’s the reduction of washing up!), so in this vein, I have been looking around for the best finger foods for babies and toddlers and here are my Top 25!

Finger Food Recipes For Babies & Toddlers

Two Ingredient Pancakes for Baby Led Weaning

Pancakes made with just two ingredients. Gluten, dairy and sugar free. Perfect for baby led weaning and older children too!

Delicious oat baby muffins with no added sugar or honey; sweetened naturally with banana, avocado and apple sauce! Great for baby led weaning and older kids too!

Baby French Toast (Eggy Banana Bread)

This simple French Toast or Eggy Bread recipe makes the perfect finger food for weaning babies and toddlers too!

These delicious little tots are packed with potato and butternut squash and make the perfect finger food for weaning babies and toddlers!

Delicious Banana & Egg Mini Muffins made with just three natural ingredients. Perfect for baby weaning and toddler finger food too!

Thesedelicious apple & banana quinoa oat bites are made with just four simple ingredients, and are soft and chewy so perfect for baby led weaning and toddlers too.

With just a few store cupboard essentials you can make these really tasty Pea & Sweetcorn Fritters. Great for kids, toddlers and weaning babies too!

Veggie Meatballs for Kids

Packed full of protein and fibre, these Veggie Meatballs make a super healthy meal for kids. They’re great finger food for baby led weaning too!

A tasty weaning friendly green pasta sauce made with spinach and peas.

These frittata fingers make the best finger food for baby led weaning and toddlers!

Tasty soft weaning-friendly bars made with just four simple ingredients; oats, banana, berries and chia seeds. Ideal for baby led weaning and toddlers too.

Sugar Free Flapjacks for Baby Led Weaning

Quick and easy sugar free flapjacks or oat bars, perfect for baby led weaning!

Cauliflower Cheese Quinoa Bites

These delicious Cauliflower Cheese Quinoa Bites make an easy and healthy savoury snack!Super filling too so perfect to keep little tummies full until dinner time!

Sweet Potato Frittata Slices

For a delicious, filling and healthy lunch try these Sweet Potato Frittata Slices. Super easy to make and perfect for the whole family!

Butternut Squash Fritters

These Butternut Squash Fritters make a delicious and comforting lunch or dinner the whole family will love. They’re also a brilliant way to get some veggies into your picky eaters!

Chocolate Pancakes

Delicious dairy and gluten free Chocolate Pancakes made with just 3 simple ingredients – bananas, eggs and cocoa powder – perfect for baby led weaning and toddlers too!

Rainbow Omelette Cakes Recipe

This bakedomelette recipe is a greateasy recipe for kidsto cook as there are no hot frying pans involved. You can also sneak in lots of lovely vegetables – who wouldn’t want to eat a rainbow?!

Frozen Fruity Yoghurt Bites

With just a few ingredients and minimal equipment,thisrecipe couldn’t be easier to make, and the yoghurt bitesmake a greathealthy dessert,snackor evena funbreakfast idea!

Sweet Potato & Quinoa Bites

Perfect fit for the little chubby hands,these bites are rich in protein, fiber and vitamin A, all very important components of a baby’s diet. And theydo not crumble easily, so less mess to clean up after meals. (Yay!)

Baby’s First Greek Yoghurt Pizza

A saltfreepizza dough with simple toppings that’s perfect for baby led weaning.

Spinach & Cream Baby Pies

These are really great to have on hand for those busy days. Just reach into the freezer, defrost and hey presto a healthy lunch in a few moments.

Mini Burgers

Turn meatballs into mini burgers. A really fun and easy lunch or dinner for kids!

Healthy Blueberry & Banana Pancake Muffins

These healthy pancake muffins are loaded with protein and fibre and very low in added sugar.

The Best Mini Pea Pancakes

This pea fritter recipe is super easy, packed with peas and protein from cottage cheese and eggs and is made with oats instead of wheat flour.

Cauliflower Cheese Egg Muffins

These egg cups are perfect for kids and baby led weaning. A Healthy breakfast or snack, packed with veggies picky eaters will never notice

Spinach & Tomato Corn Muffins

These savoury muffins are so easy to make, fun to cook with kids and great for making up in advance for a healthy breakfast idea that the whole family will enjoy.

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.