52 Inspirational & Funny Wednesday Quotes to Get Through the Midweek  (2024)

Table of Contents


The word ‘Wednesday’ originates from Old English “Wōdnesdæg,” named after the Norse god Odin (Woden) and literally means “Woden’s Day.”

Wednesday is the day of the week when there is a sweet scent of freedom in the air on a Friday afternoon, but… it’s not quite Friday. It’s that pivotal point when we’ve overcome the Monday blues, but have a couple of days left before we start to feel the weekend vibes.

Now, we all need a little pick-me-up on some Wednesdays, especially when it seems like the middle of the week is a never-ending tunnel.

So, as we approach midweek, let’s inject some inspiration and joy into our day with these 52 inspirational Wednesday quotes, happy Wednesday quotes, and some funny Wednesday quotes. Let’s dive in…

15 Wednesday Inspirational Quotes

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Wednesday is a day to motivate others, so they can finish the week strong.

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Wednesday is a great day to have gratitude for all the blessings in your life.

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Wednesdays are a great day to step back and evaluate your progress, and make any necessary adjustments to achieve your goals.

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Wednesday is a day to live fully, not a day to get through.


Brief Analysis

Do you ever feel stuck on a Wednesday? The alarm goes off, the same routine plays over and over again, and the to-do list seems endless. But this Wednesday inspirational quote relieves that feeling for us. It’s a reminder that even in the middle of the week, there’s still room for something great.

Think about it like a surprising Wednesday. The day when you shared a laugh with a coworker, explored a hidden corner of your city, or just had fun doing something you enjoy. Even small moments can turn a regular Wednesday into a good day.

Although these words don’t guarantee a great Wednesday, they can inspire you to see the day differently. Try to connect with people, try something new, or take time to appreciate what you have.

So, don’t let next Wednesday pass you by. See it as a chance to create something cool. You might be surprised what fun you can have during the week.

Also Read: 46 Inspirational April Quotes 2024 to Welcome April (April Fools Day Quotes)

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Wednesdays are a great time to step outside your comfort zone and try something new.

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In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.

Albert Einstein
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Happy Wednesday! Take pride in how far you have come and have faith in how far you can go.

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Wednesday is a day to be motivated. Use the energy of the week to drive you towards your goals.


Brief Analysis

During the workweek, Wednesdays are special. After Monday and Tuesday, it feels like the weekend is just around the corner. This can be a sweet motivating spot.

In other words, knowing the weekend is coming soon makes current tasks seem more manageable. It’s like we’re getting close to the finish line, which inspires us to keep pushing.

So, how can we stay motivated on Wednesday? Simply, set clear goals, break larger ones into smaller chunks, and reward yourself for completing them.

In the end, staying motivated throughout the week can be tough. But by taking advantage of these three Wednesday tricks, we can set ourselves up for a strong and productive finish.

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The only way to have a good day is to start it with a positive attitude.

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Wednesday is a day to renew your perspective, recharge your energy, and restore your hope.

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On Wednesdays, we wear our positive attitude and conquer the workday.

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Today’s challenges are tomorrow’s successes.

Denis Waitley

Brief Analysis

Have you ever been stuck on a tough level in a game? It can be frustrating, but when you finally beat the level, it’s worth the effort.

Similarly, the challenges we face can feel like roadblocks at first. But pushing through them often leads to learning and growth. We gain new skills and improve our ability to tackle problems.

Think back to a time you learned something new, like a sport or an instrument. Remember the initial confusion and frustration? Sticking with it and overcoming those challenges eventually led to a sense of accomplishment, right?

Life’s the same way. Tough situations or setbacks can be stepping stones to future success. By persevering through challenges, we build resilience and gain the satisfaction of overcoming.

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A Wednesday with purpose is a great day to make progress towards your goals.

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On Wednesday, when the sky is blue, and I have nothing else to do, I sometimes wonder if it’s true. That who is what and what is who.

Winnie the Pooh
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Keep your head up, keep your heart strong, and keep moving forward towards your goals.


12 Happy Wednesday Quotes

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Happy Wednesday! I thought that I would stop by with a smile to brighten up your Wednesday for a while.


Brief Analysis

When everything seems a little off or sad, a little kindness can make the world a better place.

This Happy Wednesday quote, written anonymously, reminds us that small acts can make a big difference. Whether it’s a smile or a kind word, it can really turn someone’s day around, even yours!

And here’s the cool part: kindness is contagious! Your smile or compliment can spark a chain reaction of positivity. You might brighten someone’s day and inspire them to do the same for someone else, creating a wave of good feelings.

So, instead of just getting through Wednesday, spread some positivity! Next Wednesday, or any day really, try paying it forward with a smile, a kind word, or even a helping hand. Maybe you can brighten someone’s day and perhaps even improve your own, as this Wednesday saying suggests.

Also Read:

52 Inspirational & Funny Wednesday Quotes to Get Through the Midweek (17)

Be the reason someone smiles today.

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It’s Wednesday! Keep going! Your day is halfway through!

Kate Summers
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Wednesday is a day to help others celebrate life. You and only you are accountable for what you extend and give to others. One smile not only increases your value, but it gives joy to each person you meet.

Byron Pulsifer
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Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.

William Shakespeare

Brief Analysis

There is a deeper meaning to this famous quote by Shakespeare that goes beyond simply greeting it. It suggests spreading kindness everywhere and recognizing that everyone deserves respect.

However, there are only a few people you can trust about your deepest feelings. After all, true trust is something that takes time to build, and only those few people will get to know you.

Plus, this message also emphasizes acting with integrity and making choices that don’t harm others, whether it be the big or the little things we don’t notice.

In the end, these positive words are a gentle reminder to be positive in the world, to respect others, and to be careful where we put all our trust.

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It’s not what we have in life but who we have in our life that matters. Happy Wednesday!

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Happy Wednesday! A positive mindset is key to achieving your goals and succeeding in your work.

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Make your Wednesday a win by celebrating the little things and keeping your focus on the big things.

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Happy Wednesday! Let your smile change the world, but don’t let the world change your smile.


Brief Analysis

When we smile a little more, we change moods far further than we might think. That’s the power we hold, even with a simple gesture. Imagine what we could accomplish if we all smiled more often! This is what this happy Wednesday quote is trying to convey.

But, let’s be honest, the world isn’t always a sunny place. It’s easy to get worn down, to let the tough days steal our smile. That’s why we need to protect that good feeling inside us, that little flame that keeps us positive.

We should all strive to make a difference, to add some light wherever we can. But while doing that, we need to stay true to ourselves. Don’t lose sight of who you are and the joy you bring to the world.

Because ultimately, it’s a two-way street. So, let’s sprinkle some smiles around, and hold onto our own while keeping that spark safe. That way, we don’t only change the world but make sure it doesn’t change us in ways we don’t want.

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Wednesday is a day to renew your commitment to your goals and remind yourself of the reasons why you work hard.

Catherine Pulsifer
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Wednesdays are like Mondays in the middle of the week!

Lee Fox Williams
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The best preparation for good work tomorrow is to do good work today.

Elbert Hubbard

10 Funny Wednesday Quotes

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Nothing screws up your Friday like realizing it’s only Wednesday!


Brief Analysis

The beauty of this funny Wednesday quote is in the fact that it captures a universal feeling. Sure, your week may look different on Wednesdays, but we’ve all experienced the feeling of realizing there is still so much to do.

Sometimes, it’s not exhaustion or workload that gets us, but rather the disruption of that mental countdown toward the weekend.

That’s the way time works… sometimes it’s just about how we perceive it, not the actual quantity of it.

So, instead of letting this Wednesday realization ruin our mental countdown, maybe we can use it as a reminder to make every day count, even the ones stuck in the middle of the week.

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I have a love-hate relationship with Wednesdays. I love that the weekend is coming, but I hate that I still have two more days of work.

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Why is Wednesday called ‘hump day’? Because it’s the day that separates you from the rest of the week and makes you feel like you’re climbing a mountain.

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On Wednesdays, we wear pink… and try to survive the workday.

Mean Girls
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I can’t believe it’s only Wednesday. It feels like I’ve been working for a month already.


Brief Analysis

This Wednesday funny quote says that sometimes Wednesday seems like it has lasted forever and I’m pretty sure we’ve all been there! It’s like our brains get confused – we worked hard and tackled all the stuff, yet somehow it’s still the middle of the week?

The thing is, time flies when we’re having fun, but drags on forever when we’re stressed or bored. That’s especially true during a busy workweek. By Wednesday, we might feel overloaded and the weekend seems far, far away.

Plus, Wednesday is the furthest point from the weekend – that sweet freedom is still days away. Therefore, when we’re tired, it’s tough to stay motivated.

But remember, it happens to the best of us! Wednesday’s time-warp feeling is a normal part of life, a reminder that sometimes our brains and schedules need a little break.

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Wednesday: It’s like being in the middle of a sandwich. Not quite Monday, not quite Friday.

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I don’t mind going to work on Wednesdays, but it feels like I’m running a marathon, and the finish line is still miles away.

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Wednesday is the perfect mix of “Wow, it’s Wednesday already?” and “It’s only Wednesday?

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I’m not saying Wednesday is the worst day of the week, but it’s definitely in the top two.


Brief Analysis

As Wednesday approaches, we find ourselves stuck on a track that’s not the start of the week, but a long way from the weekend. We feel as if the days don’t seem to end for a long time, and there’s nothing we can do about it.

Wednesday kinda puts us in a loop. As we’re already tired from the week, but there’s still so much left – it’s the day we realize just how much work is waiting for us.

Plus, it’s not just us, everyone seemed to be dragging their feet on Wednesday. It feels as if the whole world has hit the snooze button, which makes the day feel extra slow and heavy.

Honestly, Wednesday might not always be the absolute worst day of the week, but it is certainly one of the most draining ones as stated by someone unknown in Wednesday’s quote with an image.

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Wednesday: The day when you realize that nothing has been achieved yet and the weekend is still far away.


7 Wednesday Morning Quotes

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A good day begins with a positive mindset and the determination to make it great.


Brief Analysis

Ever wake up feeling like you can take on the world? That’s the power of a positive mindset in action! It’s not about ignoring problems; instead, it’s about approaching challenges with an eye for opportunity.

That feeling doesn’t mean your day will be perfect, but it sets you up to make the best of it. Think about it like this: when we’re determined to have a good day, we’re more likely to push through challenges or find those little moments of joy.

This positive energy isn’t just for you, either. When we’re optimistic and determined, it can inspire the people around us too!

Ultimately, we have much more influence over our days than we often realize. In fact, a positive mindset and a little determination are a powerful combination to kickstart any morning.

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Wednesday morning is the perfect time to start chasing those big dreams in your heart.

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Good morning. Be Happy. Smile. Be fearless. Most importantly, be you. You’re unique and special. No one will ever replace you. Happy Wednesday!

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Embrace this new day in the middle of the week as a fresh start towards your dream life.

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Just one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.

Dalai Lama

Brief Analysis

It’s amazing how just one tiny thought can change the way you feel. Negative thoughts drain you, but positive ones make you feel good.

That single thought can be a game-changer. Instead of getting stuck on problems, we see possibilities. This changes how we tackle challenges and leads us to find solutions.

According to this morning quote by Dalai Lama, this positivity also changes our interactions with others. We become more receptive to those little moments of joy throughout the day, like a warm smile from a stranger or an unexpected laugh from a friend.

Of course, negative thoughts can always creep in, especially on tough days. But remember, that initial positive seed we planted in the morning can become a lifeline, something to hang onto when life gets tough.

Also Read:

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A good morning on Wednesday sets the tone for a great rest of the week.

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Good morning! Today is a new beginning, a chance to do great things and make the most of it.


4 Wednesday Motivational Quotes For Work

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Wednesday is a great day to be awesome! Stay positive, work hard, and make it happen.


Brief Analysis

Normally, Wednesdays catch us off guard. It seems like the weekend will never get here, and that depressing feeling starts to set in. However, Wednesday actually has the potential to be an amazing day!

Think of it as a midweek power-up. It’s a chance to re-energize and make things happen. A positive mindset is like fuel for our Wednesday. It gives us the energy and attitude to handle whatever comes our way.

But, positivity alone won’t make a difference. That’s why working hard is so important – it’s the action that turns our positive attitudes into real progress, making us feel unstoppable and proud.

And the best part is, all that hard work and good energy build on themselves. In the end, this motivational quote about Wednesday reminds us that we can be awesome every day if we’re willing to step up.

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Wednesday’s child is full of woe, but working hard will help you grow.

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Wednesday is a great day to focus on what you can do, not what you can’t. Keep pushing forward; success is just around the corner.

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Wednesdays are the perfect time to remind yourself that you are a work in progress.


4 Wednesday Wisdom Quotes

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Make each day your masterpiece.

John Wooden

Brief Analysis

As you live your life, you are adding brushstrokes to it every day. Each day is an opportunity to add something special to your life. So, the idea in this Wednesday wisdom quote is about taking control of your day and making it meaningful, no matter how big or how small it is.

See, beauty isn’t about living a perfect life every day. It’s in finding meaning in the ordinary moments – a kind word, a goal achieved, even taking a moment to appreciate what’s good about one’s life.

Of course, life’s going to throw us some curveballsdays when the painting gets messy! But even then, we have a choice: we can focus on our mistakes or we can use them to advance the project.

Ultimately, the power of this mindset is incredible. Instead of just going through the motions, let’s approach each day as a blank canvas, ready for us to create something unique and meaningful.

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Wednesdays are a reminder that even your hardest days only last 24 hours.

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Wednesdays are a great time to remind yourself that you’re capable of achieving anything you set your mind to.

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On Wednesdays, we don’t wait for motivation to strike. We create our own motivation.


Get ‘Once Upon A Wednesday’

52 Inspirational & Funny Wednesday Quotes to Get Through the Midweek (53)

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Published on March 20, 2024
52 Inspirational & Funny Wednesday Quotes to Get Through the Midweek  (2024)


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Happy Wednesday! Focus on the good and turn your midweek crisis into a midweek opportunity.” – Unknown. “Wednesday is a day to live fully, not a day to get through.” – Unknown. “On Wednesdays, we don't wait for motivation to strike.

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Not many people are aware that Wednesdays are usually called 'Hump Day'. The term hump is a slang expression commonly used to refer to Wednesday, the middle day of the traditional workweek. The 1950s was the first time when Wednesdays were called 'Hump Day'.

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Positive Wednesday Quotes
  • Seize the Wednesday.
  • Wednesday rules!
  • Halfway to the weekend!
  • Wednesday: Another word for wonderful.
  • Wednesday is a great day to make a difference.
  • Lead the way to a fabulous Wednesday!
  • Wednesday: The countdown to the weekend begins!
  • Bloom where you're planted, even if it's Wednesday.
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It's not whether you get knocked down, it's whether you get up. The struggle you're in today is developing the strength you need tomorrow. Happiness is the only thing that multiplies when you share it. The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.

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Positive funny Wednesday quotes

“Good morning! Happy Wednesday! If Wednesday had a motto, it would be 'Smile through it all, because Friday is on the horizon, and we're halfway to the weekend! '”

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I find social media to be a soul-sucking void of meaningless affirmation.” I mean, this Wednesday Addams quote and fantastic one-liner isn't wrong.

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Go tell him you'll poison him right back." When the characters were adapted for the 1964 television series, Charles Addams named Wednesday based on the Monday's Child nursery rhyme line: "Wednesday's child is full of woe".

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Eugene is a sweet and nerdy Nevermore outcast who is defined by his passion for bees. Through his friendship with Wednesday, Eugene becomes embroiled in the horror of the Jericho monster hunt.

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Wednesday is commonly known as Hump Day. It's the day of the week that represents the middle of the workweek, meaning that once you get over the hump of Wednesday that you're on the backside of the week and closer to the weekend.

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The term alludes to the fact that Wednesday is the middle of the work week, meaning that one has made it "over the hump" towards the weekend.

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May your morning be as brilliant as your potential.” “Wishing you a Good morning and a Happy Wednesday! Today is an opportunity to shine brightly in the middle of the week. Embrace the morning with a smile, and let positivity lead the way.”

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50 motivational quotes
  • "It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are." — ...
  • "Your self-worth is determined by you. ...
  • "Nothing is impossible. ...
  • "Keep your face always toward the sunshine, and shadows will fall behind you." — ...
  • “You have brains in your head. ...
  • "Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference." —
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“Do your little bit of good where you are; it is those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” “If it doesn't make the world better, don't do it.”


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