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Humph, how do I know this Cang Mu lazily talked to Yun Sheng, ignored Yun Sheng, and turned to look at the other side. Who's coming next Jiang Shi smiled slightly and glanced at Mingchen.

However, because of what happened a few years ago, our five sects We have no choice but to unite again That's it Jiang Shi nodded.

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There is no need to force it Father, Lingling understands that Lingling will work hard to practice, even if she can't be with Brother Jiang.

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I am alone and weak, so I have to lure the three Baishi people to lead the army to suppress them Jiang Shi thought in his heart, turned around and flew into the void At the same time, Wang Yunhe took over Jiang Shi and introduced him to Yunsuo.

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The dragon claw appeared directly behind Qiu Gan and the other four Golden Dragon Divine Fire Seal No Jiang Shi's strength is too terrifying The three Three Tribulations Loose Immortals were shocked and hurriedly protected Qiu Gan and joined forces to resist Jiang Shi's Golden Dragon Divine Fire Seal Hmph The Three Tribulation Loose Immortals are at most the level of the Mahayana Stage.

Jiang Shi touched his nose and said helplessly. Gulu The crowd of spectators in the city felt their stomachs churn, but the immortal puppet was chewing on the human arm with relish.

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As the Immortal of Luo Tian, she tried two moves in a row, but they were all broken by Jiang Shi Suddenly I realized that Jiang Shi was really not a simple character Huh Ximen Bing'ao unfolded his immortal consciousness and mobilized the water vapor here.

Melt away. No, you kissed me Ximen Bing'ao suddenly said, looking at Jiang Shi with pretty eyes. Jiang Shi was speechless, this Ximen Bing'ao must have done it on purpose But the result was beyond Jiang Shi's expectation.

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His hand gently placed on Ximen Bing'a's white face, and then gently crossed her neck. Jiang Shi leaned forward slightly and leaned over.

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After all, they were also loose immortals. Normally, others would be respectful when seeing them, but this Jiang Shi dared to humiliate them like this Let's join forces to kill this Jiang Shi Even if we die today, we will drag Jiang Shi to be buried with him Sanxian said firmly, and then the three of them pushed Qiu Gan aside and jointly blocked Jiang Shi's Golden Dragon Divine Fire Seal Boom The tyranny of the Golden Dragon Divine Fire Seal is not only the weird energy, but the most powerful thing is the layer of divine fire covering the dragon's claws At this moment, the three loose immortals joined forces to block the Golden Dragon Divine Fire Seal, but as soon as the true energy outside the three people's bodies came into contact with the divine fire, a chichi sound instantly sounded Humph Jiang Shi sneered, but no movement was seen.

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Long, is this dangerous Jiang Shi asked, Long Lao shook his head, It's not dangerous. If she accumulates enough, even if she can't reach a satisfactory level of cultivation, she won't be in any danger Everyone nodded understandingly.

I am also very surprised about this Could it be because of the God Killing Picture Yiliu The fairy said suddenly, but Jiang Shi was shocked in his heart and secretly said that it makes sense Because the Immortal World once secretly asked the five sects, four sects and three demon sects to search for the fragments of the God Killing Map, but until now, all the known or unknown fragments have fallen into the hands of Jiang Shi.

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There is no guarantee that the life and death sentence will not find some hidden strong men to deal with you Uncle, I know Don't worry, if they come, I will kill one Jiang Shi is full of confidence.

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Mu Jie, Over the countless years, have you told your husband that you love him Jiang Shi stared at Mu Jie's empty eyes and said, At this moment, I hope that you can die Mu Fan and say that you love him Mu Jie, you love him.

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Name: Roderick King

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Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.