Buffalo Courier Express from Buffalo, New York (2024)

5 TftE BLFFALO EXPRESS. SATURDAY MORNING, JANU 1899; to tog ia. i aha Slav Jtfanr I fatally de- Rulrond and the towth Carolina A 1 Brery raatHirnloa of private ml Aa H. i i r. mm wa JeDoauaattoa.

tat-, asked ta offer Hit ottwtons tor a meeting atari to attend to IsJUD aad take an It. i. it-, im public wettar aemaatat last Sf ferrate, tfSl iM LSI HALL HATIggXt D4ILT. Ta stash to sts a -f us Religious notes. It ts aM fata tha An.

TTtrittsi Dixon, toe tat Manitoaa) imn of the r-eopte's Chorea to Nss Test, will ta- railway rate shall be reasonably -uniform ta all satin pars aad eoariable between all Br. Paraons wife died ome time ago was member of the Lawyer Riding. Ataleito tad Tato Aloatai subjecta. Aa nsrw ateaaea. a Htttllit Intil aaeYtd Tracuais of the Mars." faitost ass sat Ctojuil Tmkn as, ctm-wl Nr The tm.

fca-rt tvett. MsSar ar. AL W. lA.TIrs 1 Report ol Intent Com- supplied that deaaaad asuet ret sin "awfareace win held in. N.w sattoaed.

and ta Twk City. tia letoat aaaaarttai tat lock i Cabin kssfsi USS ass a-ss. awtt sctoaL at CTACUt-A BaT EEI at 7 p. sa fMctsag by th i 6 PC 6 Co HI HI WiPC tototWlsM Kuraoean traveler will be Una to rant under tat rssmntttility of a dutr which It powerless to discharge "USSV BVy ss Uwrrfc PWflDUCTIOM OF ae eaararlttea says: "If toleration in religion la the heat fruit at the last Utlls The art farther provide that the tartf Ut (Mri teworrow morulas: For odm um the rintimnwi has km a- i -rri ng la ttss ud this, with certain ft- rusnas tost rata shall in all cans he adhered te. aad district immu aatat tt la New Tort Central and West Shore railroad, has bee appointed srnt at ta Hamburg-Amer- centuries, ahouid not the beginning of that departure therefrom shall constitute I LEGISLATIVE RELIEF URGED REPORT SCGGESTS THAT COMVaTI- century mark aa advance ta a criminal often.

It I the dnty of Iran Lin TU will complete his reure tvemm TV Rev AHtot A paste, onus- wrvto ISXtt YI. Tease, TV Ossn. irr of tos" aaalg srrrk-e at 1.M 'fleck T.4r. 'tailing Oat Uwltorm." rVsssint insMSM fas Itw Ctist esswsv Pro. tun aehler position, that at reciprocation sen tm tea of ttoo principal tiatwllaatle line, and ho ta now isr tarsal to hook ia religion and of tnterreltgioue eo-opera-tton.

the attitude of men ooea-miaded. TIO.N 8HOCLO BE RESTRICTED IN ORDER TO PRKVENT DISCRI1IINA- I part AvNswjsssi UmtssS stessaV Tt i. Mmak hall Grand Opera-Sale of Single Tickets tor tke Per. tormaaces ot tke EHIs Opera Company New Progressing at tke Peter Paul Book. Store.

oaacial cotualaeratltna, it to said, has led ts tbs rtalgmatlMi. So tar as Is tons, Dixon will eaaas preaching altogether ao4 his Urns to the lectur plat-rorro. For th praacat he will lira at his summer home at Cap Chart, Ta. traveler over any ot them via the New Tor Central at? Went Shore The Haas ssftUs railway manager to charge th tariff rate, but he often And or believe, from lot tt business, thai the published rate has ben secretly cut by a rival rh, and to maintain th published rate may mean dictator ta hi read, tow at hi reputation a a manager aad ultimately of hi employmetu. What mean managers actually do is to get spiritual and loving enough to acknowl reins Mte.it LnMtuw fat sat rtadtog I Lord." rsvwtng.

"Wtotaa 0 Tm Use." sVsa edge that there Is truth to be leaned from burg- American list to, tasrsrla- at th oldeel German tine, as well as the knrweat steamship ttao to the world. It to now TION BT THE RAILROADS ALLEGED FAILURE OF THE ENFORCED COMPETITION THEORY. at well as truth ha air. rd tay rrasa IS aa. 1 ft a.

lousg People sslliat st ti as. twoail BWb Wa tVerv and Prices: X50, SlstT UM. kuiMIn a ttmntfr "ItomehtBttd. ttS the busiaeta by making whatever rate I forf lMI( xt Mm ton, larger than any ship neighbors, and that a great deal of good now undone in the world waits far the necessary. The White Star LIB Oceanic, now building, will too torgwat "The commission doe not Intimate that the abov causes justify the alleged result, nor data It consider for a moment hour when the shurchea shall tola hands In new brotherhood? The Immediate or Shea's Garden Theater Iveala rrtesa 4 tts-WsBts, tathj, ail ass tts.

that It 1 Impossible for a carrier to maintain Its published rates la th world 7i4 ft long. OVC n.isvm ton being IS feet longer than the Great Eastern. Theee ship will be In controls ion tn time for the Pari Exposition In ltW. sod with tht) fleets of the Uoyd, ur own American line, the Dominion Line aad other, will handle an enormous transatlantic traffic. The report at the Interstate Commerce Commission for th year ending oa January 1, ISM, hat Just been lasted.

It contains a great deal of interesting and valuable Information. The aaltent features at the report follow: "la previous report to Congress, especially those of more recent date, atteattoa ha been celled to the vital respects la which the tct hat proved defective and Inadequate. Some ot ita provision were early seen te be imperfect, while other were "A large part of th railway busmen is ARAGON new transacted upon Illegal rate aad to VIRGINIA Al latch sail ta Rue ganic unity of the churches It Impossible, however desirable, but could they not set the example of good will and good deed relation-, instead of continuing the long-lasting, historic example of IndlKereace and even hostility to each other?" It to a sa Junior fcliiai al 4 ss. totwii ts ti sine at 1st p. a.

Psilrkisg service at 44 p. as. Berate gy the pasta. ttVTV BAA LAST. Pint fBlverssUst Our.

(ftarrk ot Messiah) Satan Bonk snd Mariner starts. Ta Re. Powsss, reatoe. aentra at 4.1 a aa. Vr-nsu by th pat Topic, "Tk Story ot a hnag Ma ad a Small i flaoaay sekool at lt.lt as.

Young People' ttirtsl I ate at 7 0 P- at Grace faireraaltst Oturch Owasngn Street, near I'arry. Th Rev II Philbroak Morrrtt. sM-tstsr. Wotaatp at 10. A as.

mtkfert ot wrmon. "tliurrk Symnottan." Thai CuusBstls will certain quarter charging th pubitstted WlUett A Tas-ra. (total A Morton. ActolaM rani Ar rate is the exception. The result are groat discriminations between Individual aad gross preference between localities, which A dispatch from Rome to the London Timet announces that the Pope, In a letter dated oa Christmas, aad addressed to the American bishops of the Latin race, convoke! a council to be held InRome this year.

Bit Haiiaeae obeenee thai he has loot wished ta aire them another proof of lils for teens, and has been consld-i ring seriously how best to benefit the Latins, who occupy the greatest part of the New World. "We grtev," he tars, "that in the condition In which we now are we lire unable to entertain you In Rome at we would." Tomorrow morning the congregation, of Sinai Temple in Chicago will celebrate its 2th anlvereary of Sunday worship. Half te law ic an I auaaoa A so uncertain or ambiguous as to girt rise in his Interesting and Important report 10 Protracted litigation, resulting Anally STAR totaT'SaW most always fsvor the strong ana oppress th week Probably no one thing today doe much to force out the small operator tad build up the trusts and monopo In authorltttlv construction by the Su oh conditions la Porto Rico, Father Thorn of awrv id sa a part of tha service. THE HO. J.

McNALUY as E. Sherman cay that the state of religion on the island 1 very unsatisfactory. lies, against which Itw snd public opinion silk beat ia vain, a discrimination la YL I I CHURCH NOTICES. TOMORROW'S XXSM'SCgsJaTTTt FOR TUB rwrxciPAL ii ii" ttouaxaui tonri tun mmncn. RfmkTAIt, Gtw Episcopal 0hsph wtopss.

sad Penaetd stmts. Outlet A. RtHatcker. rerter. thtrtay si-hart at e'cloct.

Holy Cammus ra. Morals prayer aad straw st W.a clout. ROGERS A REION UN at It p. as. usoeiing at AM p.

to. im rr aria fwasek T()r twtkasi rMssato Avals. Though evry tftwa. anjjUaAa a largo freight rate. A further result is tba' railroad butlnett to carried on largely In OF ERROR OR.

Huro Street. Tke tn. Adalbert Hudson. conceded violation of Itw. Thlt eondltlou iatae Benic II Meet of the resent law It nowerlett to control.

a- is. it. is. OR AJ-fe C-E-' preme Court ot the United State. To state that the law, la it present condition cannot be enforced is oaty to repeat what has already been said.

Until further and ''Important legislation is enacted tht beet efforts at regulation must be feeble and disappointing. "Meanwhile, the situation htt become Intolerable both from the viewpoint of th public and the carrier. Tariffs are disregarded, discriminations constantly occur, the price at which transportation can obulned is fluctuating and uncertain. Railroad manager are distrustful of each oth The criminal remedies have been applied I 'Tain am! Progiw." Buaslay school at 11 p. m.

Meeting of liuiltt at T.15 p. m. I Sunday srhool assembly room Bubjeet of couvenattuai. and One church, the services tre very poorly attended. With few exceptions, the Inhabitants are Roman Catholics, but rery few of the men are more than Roman Catholic In name.

The extent o( their a doten of the leading rabbis of the -an, tt at, srtTAarT aoasox tenuis preycr ami sermon si i.w eir. and some convtctiona nave been nau, out no substantial effect has been produced and St John's Church Ulsrrtit Avrrrne si country re expected to assist. Dr. Kmil no satisfying results can be obtained from G. Hlrsch, rabbi of Sinai Temple.

In the. celebration of this radical departure from COURT STREET THEATER M-Unee Ever, raay Itood Rssrvaj tst JACOBS ah LOWRY'B "tlladdooe Purity in Pfbllr Life," led by Mr. KrviiVrWlti TttWativ I'srkald nil Brian goriety-Aiakerst and Ealr-Srld streets. Th kef. Job M.

Applehre. psaf. Service st lt.15 is. I'rrathiat hr the paster Iwell Parkwsv. The get.

0. O. Hslttrd. It Holy Crauaion st s. m.

uny srfcool 111 sa. Morning prayer and struw si II lock, Evensong at 4 o'clock. that course. Catholicism appear' to be baptism, "marriage and burial by a priest. The Roman 'If unrestricted competition produce St.

Paul's Church M.tr. snd F.r! stwtt Th Sunday school at tt Eveline service it discrimination, one obvious way to prevent such discrimination ts to restrict competi Merry Maidens A Rosreoer. U.T.D.. recti. -v er and shippers all the while are in doubt 'clock.

Barm by the pastor, hubjert, vs. aha l.ittetl. curate. Nth CosamiHilosi 7.tt M.nM- Bl Jollf B.S,S.S I11SL1. tion.

Whether existing conditions would as to the rates secured by their eompot! Old Truths letter New tapevte. I1 1IIUI l.iranv st 10 s. ra. Morning' prayer, tors. The volume of traffic I so unusual Neat Wees tl Silt I lllfl; the old Hebrew custom.

Most ot the Jews of the country hold to the old form of worship on Saturday, while a few cling to the Friday evening services. Still others have services both on Saturday and on Sunday. Dr. Hlrsch Instituted the custom t( the 3sindy. exxie 25'.

years, ago- tit rtSWBSAfl. 7 be Improved by legalising railway contracts wotrta trpon thir-tTtent to-whlrh the stjnsHts Hory Vtsmrwioti -to-4 'fWS. -day srhool at IS p. as. short nesaong assd ra at- frequently to exreed "the capTKIty of HeaiM by Big, sin i ill ii aVsna AlfTil Chart ot the Atonement.

Encltak Lsttawsst a Tiaaatv I. equipment, yet the contest for tonnag agreements were made and actually enforced by the carriers. So tar aa the eom- il ruction at oflirt. Bvcawng sun mmw Ksarlt ft. reel wel of Jefferson Street.

Th Rev. Catholic Church ha been so nnlted with the stste and so identified with it in the eye of the people, that it mint, fn tfcs "odium with" which the BpanTth rule It commonly regarded." The sacrament of -bee administered' in-many years in a great part of the Father Sherman's look into the future 1 far from being a happy one. "It would seems never relaxed. Enormous sums are Vlocli, preceded by an orgs twIUl beginning at mlstloni can obtain IntotuatJoa, there Is at spent. In, purchasing tumieea kail, eeem YCtlfttTltCAftfr W.anfaaaV "i present no other great nation which en rates accorded far below the standard of Trinltv ilmrrh DvUvire Arsnue.

hetwevn deavors to enforce competition between Its published charge. The general public get Tupprr and Edward streets. TV Rev. Eranrta Ltbdetl, D.r rtrtnr. The Rsv.

Pmrow J. mmI. Hoi fonmunion at Sam rsilwavs. although In many rases that little benefit from these reductions, for con cessions are mainly confined to the heavier method has been tried and abandoned. But just as no other great nation today enforces WARD VOKES Morning service and srnnn II o'clock.

Sua-dsr school at p. m. Evensong and sermon st shippers. All this augments the advan tages of Urge capital and tends to the In Luther League decnttoml servlos at ISA p. as.

Church ol the Holy Trinity, English Lutheran, -comer of Ellicott Tlsppar street The Rev. A. gahler, pastor. Bervica al Rt.tt a. aa.

aad 7 So m. Sunday school it f.ll s. ra. Luther L-agu devotional aesrvlov kt tit m. tatnrrh of the Redeemer, Eng'dsh Uitheras onr-ner Rtmwood and HiaTlrland avenues.

The Rev. F. Bossart, pastor, ftrvirt at tl a. tn and T.tt p. in.

Sunday school U.M a. m. Eton English I.ulhr can Church corner retry and Nineteeath Mreets. The Rev. J.

J. 11111. ruurti-r. competition between railways, so more vs nn other areat nation today which does not seem," ssys. he, "that a change In the ecclesiastical system was too sudden, causing a kind of paralysis and consternation Ijury and often to the ruin of smaller detL Ia thtir New Kdittma of THE GOVERNORS." o'cloet.

PRESBYTERIAN. Betkaajr Preabvterisn Churcte-Fifteenth Street, regulate and control railway rtta. If thl ert. These are not only matters of grav est consequence to the business welfare ot the country, but they concern In no less country Is to change its theory ot railway regulation, it should adopt the new theory Slot I Wools Slla-t between Rhode Inland snd Vermont streets. Th k.v HuMiarit.

Dtstor. Pivtne worship In Its entirety degree the higher interests of public moral lty." st 10.45 a. m. and 7.45 p. with sermon by th pastor.

Sunday chord at 1110 p. m. V.I'M E. The report reviews the rate war between ihe Canadian Pac flc Railway and numer The report of the commission goes on to prayer meeting st 6. so p.

m. Service at 45 tn. and IM p. at. Suttstsy school it a.

tn. at Alt p. ra. nnsXTPT.E. Through the generosity of ttje late James L.

Toner of Greeasburg, the rtenerilctiue Society of the Roman Catholic rhurch in America wtl receive about $140,000. One hundred acres of land, which belonged to Mr. Toner, ts set aside for the site of an Institute of an industrial character where boys may be educated and trained to perform skilled labor The condition to the gifts is that the society celebrate masses annually on the anniversary of the death of Mr. Toner's father, mother, brother; wHe; sister and himself If the bequest it not acccptod by the Benedictines, the entire property Is to go to the Roman Catholic Diocese of Pittsburg under the same conditions. out American lines over the refusal of the state that the Investigations held in St Itethtehem Presbytmsn CTsttl! toav street among a body of men accustomed to lean on the Government and find In 1t their normal means of support.

Religion la dead on the island. Whether it can be revived as a living Influence ta highly problematical." It Is with Just such serious problems that our churchmen are preparing themselves to cope. The deplorable condition of the church in the former Spanish snd Bird Avenue. The Rev. Frank B.

Carlton, American lines to grant to the Canadian Paul, Portland, Savannah and Washingtou DR. LINN'S MUSEUM M6 Mail, corner of Rorth Dtruton. HUMANITY I (SI WAKI Pernals Beauty. Manly Pertection. IUitstrall to (lady Enday.

1 to fvav SawtkBaa asatoi pastor. Services at 10.30 a. n. and to p. si.

Pacific a differential basis for the fixing Church of Christ. Diariplet Ttirhmond A vents and Hrvanl I.lomt Its eat- rwaaw showed that various practices were in ex tuntsv school at 11.43 a. Junior Endeavor at lstence, whereby rebates were obtained by Itw, 10 to and. 1 p- anv I SB), Eadsssnr. -t-Stt- n- of fares from the Atlantic Coast to the Pa rifle Coast; grrd the deeltion of-rhe coram ts ion in favor of the American lines.

various shippers and that other irregular Morning snrdrct. "power. r-vening "orniBg BBBjea, the Holy spirit Special evangelistic setarjves i the evening Sub methods prevailed. The report states that 'Reaping the Wnlrlwin. ('Ivarv Presbvt.

risn Church -Dels wsr Avenue. "A serious defect in the statute, which It was proved tbat freight was carried for iect of eermnn. Bfnnec Seeking Chrntt." Aa illustrated song service with tk aid of the atereopticoB assd illustrated sermon. Sunday has heretofore been pointed out, is that the much less than the published rates below Tupprr end opposite Tracy street. Th Rev.

W. J. McKlttriek, pastor. Horning service commission It not empowered to nx a mini urgent demand made by the car rlers for legislative relief following the de mum rate when that remedy is found nec st 10.15 o'clock. Evening service st 7.4 clock.

possessions has long been appreciated by religious workers of all denominations and it is with a fairly clear understanding of the enormity of tbelr task that the work school at rs v.r.it.t'.E. at sat m. Jefferson Street Church of l.nst. Disctple sear Street. The Rev.

Intstl C. Mcltu-r Christian Endeavor meeting at 8.50 p. an. Tn essary to correct wrongful discriminations pastor will preach. Have you made your arrangements for going between localities While It Is true, as often asserted, that Central Presbyterian t'hunti- corner w.

t.enesee snd fearl streets. The Rev. Henry Elliott Jlott, son, pastor. Preaching and (Vnimunion at 10.M a. tn.

Chines claw at 1.30 m. Bible school at 9 p. nt. Junior Christian Esdsanr at t.m m. comparatively few of our railway rates ar rlsions of the Supreme Court In the Trans-Missouri and Joint Traffic Association cases is noted and the commission then proceeds to discuss the nature and functions of railway traffic organisations, and the origin and growth of such associations.

Substantially all competitive railway traffic In the United States Is believed to have been cov ers are about to roll up their sleeves, so to speak, and pitch in. It is not too much to expect that, under the benign Influence of pastor preaches at lo ss a. m. snd sa p. m.

Morning subject. 'Time aad the Soul." Evening unreasonable 'In and of that ts, without reference to other charges made T.P.B.t.-.E-at ao p. m. Evening servu at 7 so o'clock. The Rev Anson 0.

Chester will preach away this winter If not and you are un. subject, "The People That Tske. Nothing oil Trust," being fourth In the aerie on "People both morning and evening. Mcrnint; subject, "Th Christian teaching and practice of both the Church n( the rusrarv. Evening subject.

"Th by the same carrier or to those of other carriers to the tame place or to different localities, it by no means follows that all Whom Rave Been In rhurch." Sunday schools certain as to where, let us Sigh of Christ." st ltll and p. m. Y.P.B.C.E. at p. m.

Eirst Presbyterian Churclv-Oa th Circle. Th but a small portion of the great oouy ot transportation rates In-this country are In Roman Catholic and the Protestant laborers, as we know them In the United States, a deep religious spirit will again be raised in the long-oppressed people. Rev. s. 8.

Mitchell, D.D.. and Henry t. Master, mialatera. Public worship at 11 a. ra.

and 4 p. ra. fact reasonable unaer section i oi toe statute. As frequently held by the commission Sermona by the pastor. Sunday school at s.i give you some help.

We have pamphlets and full information concerning hotels and resorts ot The Bermudas, Florida, Geor- p. m. The 46th annual report of the Board of Trustee "of the Congregational Church Building Society shows that during the last year 1123,674 aid wag voted to 102 churches for the houses of worship, to 57 churches for parsonages, to 42 churches in the form of loans and $47,414 to S2 churches In the form of grants. The whole amount of money returned to the treasury ot the society by aided churches was $695,740, of which $527,087 was on account of the houses of worship and $168,652 on parsonages. The society received $182,477 In offerings from churches.

Only two churches suffered from Are during the year and In both Instances the loan waa fully covered by Insurance. application of the terms reasonable ana CONfSTtEO first Congregational t'hnrcli Elmwnml Avenue and Bryant street Th Rev. Inak s. Kit. h.

D.D.. pastor. Public worship at It a. with preaching by th pastor Sunday school at 11.15 p. in.

Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor at 7.30 p. m. An illustrated lecture on India. Niagara Square People' Churrb. Congregation-si.

Service st 10.46 m. and 45 ra. Preach-In bv the Rev, T. Aird Moffat ot Ohicsaro. 111.

Kirt I'nlted Presbyterian fhurch Kienmonn ered by about eleven ot these associations at the time the act to regulate commerce took effect. In each of these combinations the 'pool' was the vitalising force, the sanction of the contract. The results obtained from such application of the pooling principle to the act were not satisfactory. Rates were not stable, the grossest discriminations existed, rate wars were frequent, tnd it wat largely thlt condition which railway combination had failed to cure that induced the passage ot that stat unreasonable necessarily involves com Avenue, corner of Summer Street. Th Rev.

8. M. Btiley. psstor. Public worship St 10.80 s.

IB. snd 7.W o. m. Morning, reception of member parison, and the cases are exceedingly rare in which unreasonableness has been found MORNING'S MAIL. and Communion of Lord's Supper.

Sabbath school 1 eia. North Carolina, South raere)y from the amount of the rate ttseit at laid upon the particular traffic and the at IS m. Juniors i p. m. u.v.r.i;,u.

at o.au as I rl 1 at Special music by th quartette. Young people's p. m. distance It was carried, it results, were Lafayette. Avenue Prestiyteflaa rhurch corner I un-ting st A 46 p.

sn- fore that a eiven rate in force Ul some 10 ute. The act prohibited pooling, but the fi V. inn, v-uhjihuu, A I California and many other Lafavette and Elmwood avenues. The Rev. Win Piurrlm Conarresratlonsl Church -Richmond Av- cality may not appear too high If viewed need for common understanding as to competitive charges still existed and was em onlv bv tself.

end yet De round unoeara nu and Rrcckenridge Street. The Rev. Albert L. OreiB pastor. Service at 10.46 a.

n. aad 7.SO p. lam Burnet Wright. D.D., pastor. Heme at 10.45 a.

in. ami 7.4S p. m. Sunday school at Ills m. Y.P.8.C.E.

at 0.30 p. m. Th pastor will blv excessive a.id burdensome lu the light phasized by the requirement In the law for tn. The paator will preach. Sunday school at of comparisons based upon facts disclosed publication of rates.

The associations wero occupy the pulpit. points, THE BUFFALO EXPRESS TRAVEL DEPARTMENT bv the investigation perpetuated In one form or another, and at 1110 p. m. Junior Endeavor at 4 p. m.

Y.P.S.C meeting at i. 43 p. m. OTHER CHURCHES. Since the enactment ot tne taw ot ism the time of the Trans-Missouri decision about nineteen were In operation.

Asser there baa been a decreasing number of Advertising Value of the Falls. Editor Buffalo Express: A Chicago gentleman-was recently heard to say that his city would have given $5,000,000 for an advertising card having the value of Niagara Falls for drawing people to their recent great exposition. In that statement there Is a hint ot the utmost significance to the managers of the, coming Pan-American Exposition. The fact Is there Is" not In all the world another single object that so quickly serves to attract the mind of civilization as we have at our command in Niagara Falls. To underestimate this, would be a grievous mistake.

It Is the dream of millions In this and other lands -and that, too, of persons who rarely spend money for travel ome day to visit the world's greatest cataract. It will be casualties. There were 1,034 fewer em tions that the decision forbade all railway Christian and Missionary Alliance at the No. 431 Niagara Street. The Rev.

D. North Presbyterian fhurrh -nam mreet. near Chippewa. Th Rev. Bdwia 11.

Dickinson, P. IE, pastor. Momlrtg service at 10.44 o'clock. Evening' service at 7.48 o'clock. Third sermon on th 'Life of Christ." South Prosbvterian Church-Benee and Juniata streeta.

The Rev. Joseph K. Orillls. pastor. Berv-Ices at 10.4S a.

tn. and 7.80 p. tn. Sunday school st m. Junior C.

E. at MS u. m. Y.P.8.CE. nlovees killed and 4.062 fewer Injured dur 177 WaakiagtM ear.

SchulU will conduct the services at l. and 7.S0 agreements have little foundation. "The cardinal purpose of traffic assocla if sou writ Disss eaclow ataastt far p. m. tlons is restraint, ot competition between return poaug and saaation plaea tsa.

SSrniag wbtta you nqair tatormatlea Flrat Americsn Reformed Ball, corner Grant and Perry streets. Th Rev. J. rival lines, and their object has been In lng the year ending on June av issi, man during the year ending on June 30, 1893. In the Spanish-American war 298 men were killed and 1.645 were wounded.

In 1897 there were men killed and 27,667 Injured i every Instance to substitute the 'Will of Perry Reaver, pastor. Services st 10.30 a. m. and st H.S0 n. m.

In the morning there will be two laaaaa The meeting of the Franco-American committee of evangelization, which waa to have been held In New York today, hat been postponed because the guest of honor. Pastor Jean Knatz of Switzerland, found It Impossible to sail for this country before January 7th. This committee waa organized several years ago to co-operate with a similar committee In France. The object of these bodies ts to strengthen weak churches among the Huguenots in France and Belgium. The committee in this country relies for support on contri the association for the will of the individ 7 46 p.

m. fAaadsy smool at 11 m. Y.P.S.C E. at elders ordained. Evening subject, "The Oain of 6 at) p.

m. from all causes In railway service, coupling and uncoupling cart alone First Church of Christ. Scientist. In Buffalo ual member. This Is Illustrated by the Joint Traffic Association.

Its orders were seldom enforced. It was able to secure Jersey Street, near Pveapeet Avenue. Service st less men were killed and 4.994 less were In 10.30 a. tn. and 7.46 n.

in. Mornlnar stthieet. publication ot Its tariffs, but unable to se lured in 1897 than In 1893. The number of "Truth," Psalm tat 14. Evening suhlecf.

The In such employees killed has been reduced ons the proper utilizing of that fact, more than any one other thing, that is destined to make the Pan-American Exposition not only a great success, but the most phenomenal success of Its kind. Let Buffalo cure maintenance ot those tariffs. This should be carefully noted in considering half and the number ot lniurea atso prac ternational Sunday seitool lesson, "Turning wttar late Wine." St. Jtttoi it. 1 11.

Rsllrosd Deoartment. A -Broadway snd Btiley Avenue. Oeauiel meeting it i is. lil- the legislation sought by the railroads tlcallr reduced one half. The reduction In the number of accidents from all causes make no mistake as to this.

Let her seize They are asking, not simply the right to form such organizations as they formed in Half-toies largely exceeded In a single year tne en teen mlnst sonar sarvtc. Address by lir. Francis this matchless opportunity as Chicago and Loss." West Avenn Preahvterlan Church corner Wait Avemie and Perry Sireet The Rev. Herbert BuigeaC pastor. Services at I0.U a.

m. and 7.45 nV The pastor will presob morning and even-ng, with special sermons. Sunday school tt IS at. Y.P.B.C.E. st 6.49 p.

Westminster Presbyterian Church Delaware Avenue, abov North Street. The Rev. Samuel Vtn Vranken Holm, pastor. Th Rev. tost Woodhridge Riley, pastor's assistant.

Service st 10.45 a. m. snd 8 p. with sermons by lb pea-tor. Evening subject, 'The Shallow Lire." (sun-day school and Bible classes at 11.

15 p. m. Young People's Beciety at 7 p. m. METHODIST EPISCOPAL Aabury Met hod tat Episcopal 4'huroh -vomer Pearl and Chippewa streets.

TH Rev Prank A liowlsnd. pastor. The R. B. W.

Hutchinson. D. the past, but to make contracts which are A. Bay. tire casualties of the late war.

a score of other lets fortunate cities would illegal and unenforceable at common law be glad to do If. they could, and she will Perfect Itotlroad Equipment. independent of statutory prohibitions. The acnieve a success or immeasureable ad Rhoite Island Street Evsngellrsl Association Church between Eighteenth aad Nineteenth streets. The Rev.

S. Kraft, psstor. Service st 10.30 a. m. aad 7 30 p.

ra. Preteliing by Us The palace sleeping cars of the Florida These beautiful picture bavf ba vantage for all future time. want of legal sanction was always the in herent weakness of these associations. East Coast Railway are marvel, oi eie These suggestion are offered for the gance tnd beauty. These huge structures paator.

"On the other hand, agreements between come the msjit Bopultr ravtOKti 'of lUutrtioaU WI wtjft trMBtT reason that a disposition sometimes Is ap are 80 feet long over vestibules, which ex carriers In regard to rates are Indlspens Second Church of Chrlat, Scientist- SOth Oa-tunr Club. Services- at 10.41 1. IB. Subject. parent to mage more or Buffalo and less tend the full width of the car.

and are able to the stability of rates and to the "Truth." At p. m. Ho. 413 Mosmey A flHa- sVthe pioneort is tntt atrie tm- built with what is known as the antl proper adjustment of reasonable and non hsne Building. Subject, "Turning Water late of Niagara Falls in connection with the exposition.

The proper Idea It to make It a matter of Greater Buffalo, Including the telescoping device; a construction of wood Wine." discriminating rates. Moreover, when rates have once been established the act graving and toiaf our pUttt ant junequaled in caMMM of utiina The Buffalo Spiritual Society meet at -fov ttt towns and frontier of our noble river, all Itself requires that they shall be observed Eagle Street, at 1.30 and 7.3 n. Prof. James strongly welded together by water. 11., president ot Genesee Weslryan Seminary, will preacii at 10.30 a.

m. The pastor will preach at 7.46 p. m. subject, "A Young Man's Strange Quration. Clas meeting at O.SO a.

m. Sunday School at 11 m. Epworth League at 0.30 p. in. Central Park Methodist Eplacopal Church corner Morris and Wesley avenues.

The Rev. II. Clay and ease of rxiratltg. For Twart until changes are announced In the man Gusttn trill heal diseaa aStbllrly without charge land, steam and power. The ner provided; and it certainly ought not to Brol hi rhood Room 17.

llrvsnt Ji we htre printed emr man tm be unlawful for carriers to agree and con difference between having the enterprise hedged In by local considerations, and of Btralton College Building, No. 95 West One fer for the purpose of doing what the law enormous edition at oar Illui-Jtvutkd Kxpresb from amnmtnn broadening out to make the utmost of our Street Mis-ting at A p. m. Subject "The Nobility of Life." by R. O.

R. Bsraath. The Uurs Circle. enjoins. It It true that a great part of an unsectarlan Bunday achool will meet si 10.43 rich opportunity may easily make a difference of millions In the attendance, so the competitive business is done at pres and iron, which in case or collision, reduces the danger of Injury to passengers to the minimum.

The trucks are of the six-wheel type, having Krupp steel tires and built In the most substantial manner. The interiors are of white mahogany. The striking color contrasts blend beautifully Into harmonious effects. The heavy Wilton carpets of special design are ot olive green shades, the upholstery Is of frieze plush, olive green, a shade lighter than the carpets. The beautiful grain ot the prima vera wood, ornamented In richly Inlaid designs of marquetry work, presents an appearance rarely seen in more lavish and plates upon good niwtaiwr, and ent upon secret rates, which are less than largely does success hinge on good adver those specified in published tariffs.

There tising. It ia true Buffalo Is a great town. t. m. in tne same room.

PINBD TWO mm Spteial to Tie Buffalo Express. fore, while discriminations and preferences But travel 100 miles away, and farther, have been ostensibly removed or diminish and see how many persons you will find to our experience tn Van ttaroenon ba enabled to ma.t pkttt which work tlwafg. Wt Iwre an experienced corps of Atttttt who furatth drmwlnn for thb ed, they still exist In a most aggravated Dunkirk, Jin. 11. Fred Peters and John form.

The roads claim tnat this situn butions from auxiliary societies, which have been established in all parts of the land. Part of the object ot Pastor Knatx'a visit Is to travel through New England and the Western and Middle States, organizing new auxiliaries and arousing new Interest in the work. The officers of the Franco-American committee are: President, the Rev. Dr. David James Burrell; vice president, the Rev.

Dr. A. Beard; secretary, E. Twyeffort; treasurer, F. A.

Booth. Prof. Jean Bracq of Vassar College is the secretary for foreign correspondent. The other members of the committee are th Rev. Drs.

Richard S. Btorrs, Samul H. Virgin, William Jay Schieflelln, James Stokes and J. Eugene Robert, I 0 As a result of the controvery between Bishop Spaulding snd Dean Hart of the Protestant Episcopal Diocese of Colorado, a council of conciliation will be held in St. Louis late In this month.

The council was appointed by Bishop Wlllams of Connecticut and will consist of Bishop Tuttle of Missouri, Bishop Garrett of Texas, Bishop Millspaugh of Kansas, Bishop Atwlll ot Western Missouri and Bishop Coadjutor Gilbert of Minnesota. The differences between Bishop Spaulding and Dean Hart began thirteen years ago over the disposition ot $1,300, which the latter raised on a lecture tour through the East. Dean Hart asserted that he applied the money to th payment of a debt on a church building In Denver. A Denver banker says that the money was handed to him In the pres MiUlman, putor. Services at 10.46 a.

m. anil 7.30 p. in. Sabbath school at 11.15 p.m. Epworth League at is 30 p.

m. Preaching by the pastor. Evening subject, "Who Will Deliver My Soul from lining lKiwn to the Pit, or Hell" (with chant). Delaware Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church-corner Topper Street. Charles C.

Albertaon, pat-tor. Services at 10.30 a. in. and 7.10 p. tn.

Th pastor will preach. Grac Methodist Episcopal' Church Michigan Street, near North Division Byron H. Rtauffer. pastor. Morning service at 10.30 o'clock.

Subject, "Wrestling with the Angel," with a word to th penitent. Evening service at 7,80 o'clock. Sermon by Bishop Charles H. Eowler. flampsjilf street Methodist Episcopal fhurrh The Rev.

T. -E. Hell, paator. Pnnchine at 1.M a. m.

and 7.30 p. m. by the pastor. Class meet tog whom the name of our City would of Itself awaken a strong desire to visit the exposition. But give Niagara Falls due promi Rutkowskl were arrested for assault IB tha Hon cannot be changed unless they have the power to combine and thereby control second degree.

The complainant wat Will lam Hcllng, a fisherman. Last week Hit. nence therewith, coupling Its great expo 'a process, and correct aad lapgoro sition with Nature's great cataract, and we have a combination that will move millions lng had the two men arretted for petit larceny tnd they were discharged by the police justice, at tha evidence wat inauf to open their purses and undertake a long-hoped-for journey, to the falls with Buf phoiograpns ao that our tragrav-Avam often excel the arvtvtlt. Where wo print- large editieat expensive Interiors. I tie marquetry wots, color scheme, harmonizes with the beautiful surroundings, and is composed of rich woods collected from all pans of the globe.

The great variety of these Woods for marquetry work includes tulip, amaranth, saffron, olive, boxwood, white holly and satlnwood. This -style of design Is Sclent to convict cither. Last night Pstttra and his partner attacked Hellng. Patera falo sure to be the recipient of untold was fined 125 and Rutkowskl $15. benefits.

Where does Detroit, or any other city In creation, stand with attractions for all civilisation like ours, If we but make st N.sii s. m. similar scnooi at ii m. sjisaa naming and Epworth League at 6.10 p. m.

from such prates, we renew the original! to that the taft impression ii at good aa the BrU. the competition which provotes these violations of law. "It does not, necessarily follow that permission should be given the carriers to make these combinations. The evils attendant upon restricted competition might be greater than -the benefits derived from It. The rate should be removable as well as stable tnd uniform, and hitherto competition has been malnlv relied upon for that purpose.

Now, If competition is to be removed what Is to take the place of It? The conclusion of the commission in reference to agreement a of this sort, and the degree of control over rates whleh should be exercised by public authority, is substantially as announced In its last annual TON A WANDA M. A. tpecial to The Iluffalo Eipreta. the most of the opportunity? That there is much force In this argument of our great advertising advantages Kensington Methodist Episropsl Ohurch enrner Marigold snd Shawnee venues. C.

B. Sparrow, past or. Morning service at 11 o'clock. Bun-day school at 12 m. Evening service at 7.80 ovto' Preaching by th pastor.

Plymouth Mthodlst Episcopal (liureh, Th Rev. Tnhawanda, Jan. U. Th Totiawanda must be manifest to every Intelligent Buf Bualnett Men's Attociatlon was formed James I). Plielp.

paaUir, Preaching st 10.30 a. in. here-this evening with mtmhtrthlp 7r. prominent man. James B.

Huff used for the finest class of Work, the color and shading scheme, presenting rich relief effects, was originated and Introduced by the Barney Smith Car Company. The celling Is composed ot oil painting on canvas in tints ranging in shade from dark to light, from the entablature to the center of the car, the lower tint of dusky Pompellan red blending In a golden tan, and to a light amber in center and ornamented In gold leaf. The length of the main room of fourteen sections Is divided Into three parts by arches supported by massive columns and Corinthian capitals richly carved suggest The Complete Art Printing Works The latthews-Ntrthnp C. BUFFALO. N.

Y. elected president and Oscar Cramer, secre and 7.3U p. tn. oy the Hev. r.

K. nelma. Richmond Avvnue Methodist EplKopal Church-comer West Ferry Street. Th Re. S.

T. Wisthafer, paator. 'Preaching st 10.30 a. m. aad tsry tnd treasurer.

A committee tooolnt ed to prepare constitution and by-laws will falo man who hat traveled at home and abroad. It is vexatious to find how dull people tt a distance somehow seem to be as regards knowledge of the importance, or eVen the location, of Buffalo. This Is especially true abroad, a point not to be overlooked now that all the world la gazing towards the United States, with a desire to visit us, as never before. The writer recalls In bis own travels abroad the difficulty he usually had of making people report at a meeting to be held next Wed report. The amendments there recommended would not invest the commission with any different or any greater authority than it was long supposed to possess; they would simply enable the commission to carry out, the purposes of the act as de nesday night.

HBH OPIStON. 7.3(1 p. m. by the ptor. Morning sibj-d, "The Worth of a Man;" evening, "The Cosverttoa ot Zacchaeua." Epworth League at 0.30 p.

as. Ripley Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church corner Farmer and Thompson strfete. The Rev, L. A. Steven, pastor.

Preaching-by th pastor at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p.m. Sunday school 11 in. Junior League at 3.30 p.

m. Epworth League at 6.30. p. m. Riverside Methodist "Episcopal Church comer ence of Bishop Spaulding, but the latter OFFICES From tht Cleveland Leader.

Mr. Quay ker I atchoo btlleve 1 have caught the grip. Mlas Wabath Oh. no: that can't "be rjos- tlble. It mutt have waited for you.

disclaims all knowledge of such a transaction. Finally, the trouble was smoothed ever, but it broke out again a year ago, when a question of the finances of another church building came up for discussion. The matter hat been greatly complicated tine than by various other issues' and at ive of the classic triumphal arches. Each car has two staterooms, one at either end of the car. The color effect Is entirely a different study to th main room, composed of a rich red Wilton carpet of Oriental bloom.

The upholstery Is of soft copper color frieze figured plush; the drapery hangings are of a soft subdued green shades ornamented In gold leaf. The architecture of these cars Is of the Empire, strictly carried out In detail. Second (las Tloket. Bird and West avenues. The E.

H. Comas, pastor. Public worship at 10.30 a. m. and 7.10 p.

m. Maj. Mcintyre of th Salvation Army will preach In the morning. Sentinel hlethodtat Episcopal Church comer Howard and Monroe streets. The Rev.

Joseph Dennis, paator. Public services at 10.30 a. aa. and 7.80 p. m.

St. Mark's Methodist Episcopal Church No. 40 Elk Street. The Rev. James Moas, paator.

8rv- THOUGHT BABY'S EAR WOULD DROP OFF last it was deemed best to refer It all to For Rent FLOOR 40144 EXCHANGE ST. IN The Matthews Building. a council. The decision of thlt body Bod and Hsad Mass Bleeding Toronto, Jan. 13; The American railway llneB are endeavoring to have the Canadian roads Join them In an effort to gnffr4 Hsyond Doscrlpllon.

Physi which. Is believed, It final, will be of unusual Importance, as It will In a measure form a precedent on how far clergymen ean go In opposition to the wishes of their superiors, without rendering themselves understand about the importance, not to say existence, of Buffalo, but state that It was near Niagara Falls, and the locality Identification waa complete. The site question shohld be considered from the same broad viewpoint. If people are to be attracted by the Pan-American Exposition and it is believed that with due regard to the foregoing views this can be done let no petty local consideration rule In deciding on location. Obviously, no place would be so appropriate as one of the large Islands In our world-famous river.

The, farthest good-sized one from Buffalo, Cayuga Island. Is but 35 minutes' ride by train time-card from the center of the city. 8uch distance cannot be objectionable, especially when the superior water front advantages are considered. But. wherever located, let this be remembered: From the hosts that, will visit the exposition every day through the season, not only will Buffalo hotels be heavily taxed for accommodations, but jail branches of trade and transportation'1 will feel the impetus to he derived from millions of visitors, buyers and prospectors tbat will come within our gates during the months ot the great fair.

ELIAS A. LONO. Buffalo, Jan. 13th. abolish the sale ot second-class tickets.

It ts hardly probable that the latter can accede to the request, as It to said the Canadian law compels them to sell second-class clared In Its first three sections. If the present commission Is not qualified to discharge that trust, then a more competent tribunal should be created. "If combinations In restraint of competition are to be permitted, the following additional observations should be borne in mind: First, to permit only limited and feeble restraint would be to doom the experiment tn failure before It but It might -be well to provide that the provision granting the privilege should expire after certain number of years by its own limitation. Second, the contract Itself and everything done under It should be" open to public Inspection. Third.

It would probably be to the advantage of both the public and the railways If the public had some voice or representation, in any organisation of the kind under consideration. If the public appointed one or more of the board ot managers, to whom the shipper would feel free to. submit his complaint, and who would bring the shipper's views before the association, It might; do much to promote just conduct and harmonious relation between the railways and the public, and thus prove materially beneficial In a high degree. "Whatever view may be taken of this phase of the subject, the necessity for a thorough revision of the act cannot be overstated. The principles of this law as set forth In Its first three sections are conceded to be sound and beneficent, but tt present they amount to little more than declaration of a sentiment.

Soma of tl minor feature of the statute are fairly sufficient, but toe machinery for enforcing I tickets. 1 amenable to discipline. cian Could Not Ersu lUllev. Kept Under Oplsf. Osawd by CUTICUKA.

My Infant was on man of bltdloaorea which steaded to his head, and ws tbouftl on of hi ars would drop off. Ills sufferings wero beyond deserlptio and he bad te ba kept undr piste. Onrphysieiaa did every thing for his relief; I bav oame utterly dlscourgod. My attention waa called to COTICOBA testimonial. I bought tha CtmcoaA, OnTicoa Soar, aad Ctmcotu Rg.

solvent. The result was simply marvellous. After the third day the opiate wsre discontinued, he wss free from pain sad terrtbls ttehlag. and la mm Mtt tea cured, with si, smooth. APPLY TO UIHUEUWlffi No.

170 Waahtnarton St. The proposition mtde by several prominent clergymen and laymen Interested In ices st 10.30 a. m. snd 7.80 p. ra.

Cla meeting at 0.80 a. m. Epworth lieagu at A. to p. m.

Presehlng In the mornlwt by the pastor and In th evening by the Rev. Dr. B. W. Uutchinsss, prest dent of Lima Seminary.

BAPTIST. Cedar Street Baptist Church corner ot Cedar and South Division street Th Her. Oorga Whitman, D.D., paator. Services at 10.80 m. tnd 7.30 p.

m. Sabbath schools at 11 m. and 1 p. m. The pastor will preach In th morning on "The Sound In the Mulberry Tree" tad is th evenlug on "The Perversity of the ItaruVne.

Sinter." Delaware Avenue Baptist Church between Bryant snd I'tic street. 0. P. Glftord, D.D., paator. Services at 10 45 a.

m. and 7 4 p. m. Sunday school at 11.18 p. m.

Pretchlng morning and evening bv the pastor. Morning topic, "Christ at the evening, "On the Right Bide." Emanuel Baptist ts'iurch emuei Rormal Avenue and Rhode Islsisl Street. Paator Crrlghton R. church work that a Conference of Relit; ions be established In New York State ap peart to hare met with wide approval. The committee having charge of the prellmtn ITiarle l'nrsonn, Dead.

New Tork, Jan. 13. Charles Parsons, well-known railroad man, died last night at his home. No. 27 West 45th Street.

He wt born in 1858 and was graduated from Yale In the Class of '78. He afterwards studied law In the Columbia Law School tnd then started In business. His father at the time was financially Interested In many railroads In the Kant 'and the two bave since been closely associated In business. Mr. Parsons was elected a director of the New York A New England Railroad In 1S92, and later wat elected vice president.

He was alto vice president of the Rome. Water-town Ogdenaburg Railroad, of which lilt father ww at out time pretldent. He also baby skin. J. O.

ABUW1UI, Clara, Us. try Invitations consists of the Rev. Dr. statu ats To yossttss awsaat. Cwicvaa I Jtmes M.

Whlton, editor of the Outlook; assst etkeslvs Ml all snS Mai hair. Warm talk. likOvi va th Rev. Dr. Lalghton Williams of the SI id od U4 rJUi in-ai imntmmi Amity Btptltt Church, th Rev.

Dr. SuffOCtflOD, ritWeljiam. If sooinUars lm frr at eraria sad am tias as gss slistn tkssMsat la, Sura log. sad I gtorey will preach. Morning tonic, "Nchemiah'a Hafatr Newton of All Souls' Church, the Rev.

Samuel T. Carter, editor of the Church Secret; evening. me Uosptl in Sammria. Bible schools at if m. and 3 p.

m. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup Is sure to curt Incipient consumption. This remarkable remedy will stop tht witting twty ot tht patient, and In a abort tint effect car. ESPIC'S CIWRmESsOrRlllffl ParU.J.BSPtCi rvu- ir au.

navooitTa First Baptist Chun b- -Concert Hall, corner ol Uatoa. and tht KtT. Dr. W. C.

Jannctt of SAVE YOUR WN turn and fidward lUettt, IBS Rsv, A 8. Cottt,.

Buffalo Courier Express from Buffalo, New York (2024)


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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

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Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.