Could you please help with my sentences? I wanna know the most natural way to say this 1.I didn’t notice that today is the last day of July until I wrote this diary. Time flies way too fast. Soon I’ll be 27 I’m terrified about getting older. 2.During thes (2024)


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31 Jul 2021

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Could you please help with my sentences? I wanna know the most natural way to say this 1.I didn’t notice that today is the last day of July until I wrote this diary. Time flies way too fast. Soon I’ll be 27 I’m terrified about getting older. 2.During these three days, I didn’t do work out at all. 3.I’m going to do what I want to do it’s definitely takes a lot of guts but this is my life I’ll do my best for this precious life. 4.My life has been changing a lot since this freaking pandemic. but honestly, for me this crazy time has been being great opportunity. 5.I have been getting to know myself and on top of that now I can speak English pretty well. this is the best present that I can give myself. (2)

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31 Jul 2021

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1.I didn’t notice that today is the last day of July until I started writing this diary. Time flies way too fast. Soon I’ll be 27 and I’m terrified about getting older.2.If you are talking about a "specific" 3 days (not necessarily the last 3 days), you can say "during THESE three days". - During these three days, I didn't work out at all. Or, I wasn't working out at all during these three days. 👈a mention about a specific time or event should come before these sentencesBut if you are just talking about the past 3 days (from today), it may be better to use "past three days" or "last three days".- I haven't worked out at all for the past three days / last three days.3.I’m going to do what I want to do. It definitely takes a lot of guts, but this is my life and I’ll do my best in this precious lifetime.4.My life has been changing a lot since this (freaking) pandemic. But honestly for me this crazy time has become a great opportunity. 👈Including the word 'freaking' makes this very casual. If you are writing a diary or talking to a friend, it will be fine. However you may want to leave it out in some other situations.😉5.I have been getting to know more about myself. And on top of that I can now speak English pretty well. This is the best present that I can give myself. 👈this last sentence feels just a little bit out of place. Did you mean that learning English is the best present that you can give yourself? In that case you can also say: "Learning English is the best present that I've given myself so far"

1.I didn’t notice that today is the last day of July until I started writing this diary. Time flies way too fast. Soon I’ll be 27 and I’m terrified about getting older.

2.If you are talking about a "specific" 3 days (not necessarily the last 3 days), you can say "during THESE three days".

- During these three days, I didn't work out at all. Or, I wasn't working out at all during these three days. 👈a mention about a specific time or event should come before these sentences

But if you are just talking about the past 3 days (from today), it may be better to use "past three days" or "last three days".

- I haven't worked out at all for the past three days / last three days.

3.I’m going to do what I want to do. It definitely takes a lot of guts, but this is my life and I’ll do my best in this precious lifetime.

4.My life has been changing a lot since this (freaking) pandemic. But honestly for me this crazy time has become a great opportunity. 👈Including the word 'freaking' makes this very casual. If you are writing a diary or talking to a friend, it will be fine. However you may want to leave it out in some other situations.😉

5.I have been getting to know more about myself. And on top of that I can now speak English pretty well. This is the best present that I can give myself. 👈this last sentence feels just a little bit out of place. Did you mean that learning English is the best present that you can give yourself? In that case you can also say: "Learning English is the best present that I've given myself so far"

Could you please help with my sentences? I wanna know the most natural way to say this 1.I didn’t notice that today is the last day of July until I wrote this diary. Time flies way too fast. Soon I’ll be 27 I’m terrified about getting older. 2.During these three days, I didn’t do work out at all. 3.I’m going to do what I want to do it’s definitely takes a lot of guts but this is my life I’ll do my best for this precious life. 4.My life has been changing a lot since this freaking pandemic. but honestly, for me this crazy time has been being great opportunity. 5.I have been getting to know myself and on top of that now I can speak English pretty well. this is the best present that I can give myself. (4)

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31 Jul 2021

  • Koreanisch
  • Englisch (US)Fast fließend

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1.I didn’t notice that today is the last day of July until I started writing this diary. Time flies way too fast. Soon I’ll be 27 and I’m terrified about getting older.2.If you are talking about a "specific" 3 days (not necessarily the last 3 days), you can say "during THESE three days". - During these three days, I didn't work out at all. Or, I wasn't working out at all during these three days. 👈a mention about a specific time or event should come before these sentencesBut if you are just talking about the past 3 days (from today), it may be better to use "past three days" or "last three days".- I haven't worked out at all for the past three days / last three days.3.I’m going to do what I want to do. It definitely takes a lot of guts, but this is my life and I’ll do my best in this precious lifetime.4.My life has been changing a lot since this (freaking) pandemic. But honestly for me this crazy time has become a great opportunity. 👈Including the word 'freaking' makes this very casual. If you are writing a diary or talking to a friend, it will be fine. However you may want to leave it out in some other situations.😉5.I have been getting to know more about myself. And on top of that I can now speak English pretty well. This is the best present that I can give myself. 👈this last sentence feels just a little bit out of place. Did you mean that learning English is the best present that you can give yourself? In that case you can also say: "Learning English is the best present that I've given myself so far"

1.I didn’t notice that today is the last day of July until I started writing this diary. Time flies way too fast. Soon I’ll be 27 and I’m terrified about getting older.

2.If you are talking about a "specific" 3 days (not necessarily the last 3 days), you can say "during THESE three days".

- During these three days, I didn't work out at all. Or, I wasn't working out at all during these three days. 👈a mention about a specific time or event should come before these sentences

But if you are just talking about the past 3 days (from today), it may be better to use "past three days" or "last three days".

- I haven't worked out at all for the past three days / last three days.

3.I’m going to do what I want to do. It definitely takes a lot of guts, but this is my life and I’ll do my best in this precious lifetime.

4.My life has been changing a lot since this (freaking) pandemic. But honestly for me this crazy time has become a great opportunity. 👈Including the word 'freaking' makes this very casual. If you are writing a diary or talking to a friend, it will be fine. However you may want to leave it out in some other situations.😉

5.I have been getting to know more about myself. And on top of that I can now speak English pretty well. This is the best present that I can give myself. 👈this last sentence feels just a little bit out of place. Did you mean that learning English is the best present that you can give yourself? In that case you can also say: "Learning English is the best present that I've given myself so far"

Could you please help with my sentences? I wanna know the most natural way to say this 1.I didn’t notice that today is the last day of July until I wrote this diary. Time flies way too fast. Soon I’ll be 27 I’m terrified about getting older. 2.During these three days, I didn’t do work out at all. 3.I’m going to do what I want to do it’s definitely takes a lot of guts but this is my life I’ll do my best for this precious life. 4.My life has been changing a lot since this freaking pandemic. but honestly, for me this crazy time has been being great opportunity. 5.I have been getting to know myself and on top of that now I can speak English pretty well. this is the best present that I can give myself. (11)

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1 Aug 2021

  • Koreanisch

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@mrosek Thank you so much for connecting my sentences!! I really appreciate it

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Could you please help with my sentences? I wanna know the most natural way to say this 1.I didn’t notice that today is the last day of July until I wrote this diary. Time flies way too fast. Soon I’ll be 27 I’m terrified about getting older. 2.During these three days, I didn’t do work out at all. 3.I’m going to do what I want to do it’s definitely takes a lot of guts but this is my life I’ll do my best for this precious life. 4.My life has been changing a lot since this freaking pandemic. but honestly, for me this crazy time has been being great opportunity. 5.I have been getting to know myself and on top of that now I can speak English pretty well. this is the best present that I can give myself. (19)

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Could you please help with my sentences? I wanna know the most natural way to say this 1.I didn’t notice that today is the last day of July until I wrote this diary. Time flies way too fast. Soon I’ll be 27 I’m terrified about getting older. 2.During these three days, I didn’t do work out at all. 3.I’m going to do what I want to do it’s definitely takes a lot of guts but this is my life I’ll do my best for this precious life. 4.My life has been changing a lot since this freaking pandemic. but honestly, for me this crazy time has been being great opportunity. 5.I have been getting to know myself and on top of that now I can speak English pretty well. this is the best present that I can give myself. (20)Was ist dieses Symbol?

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Could you please help with my sentences? I wanna know the most natural way to say this 1.I didn’t notice that today is the last day of July until I wrote this diary. Time flies way too fast. Soon I’ll be 27 I’m terrified about getting older. 2.During these three days, I didn’t do work out at all. 3.I’m going to do what I want to do it’s definitely takes a lot of guts but this is my life I’ll do my best for this precious life. 4.My life has been changing a lot since this freaking pandemic. but honestly, for me this crazy time has been being great opportunity. 5.I have been getting to know myself and on top of that now I can speak English pretty well. this is the best present that I can give myself. (21)

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Could you please help with my sentences? I wanna know the most natural way to say this 1.I didn’t notice that today is the last day of July until I wrote this diary. Time flies way too fast. Soon I’ll be 27 I’m terrified about getting older. 2.During these three days, I didn’t do work out at all. 3.I’m going to do what I want to do it’s definitely takes a lot of guts but this is my life I’ll do my best for this precious life. 4.My life has been changing a lot since this freaking pandemic. but honestly, for me this crazy time has been being great opportunity. 5.I have been getting to know myself and on top of that now I can speak English pretty well. this is the best present that I can give myself. (22)

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Could you please help with my sentences? I wanna know the most natural way to say this 1.I didn’t notice that today is the last day of July until I wrote this diary. Time flies way too fast. Soon I’ll be 27 I’m terrified about getting older. 2.During thes (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.