Delaware County Daily Times from Chester, Pennsylvania (2024)

six CHESTER TIMES, CHESTER, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 1938 L'NCLF, SAM, HOME OWNfilt (Kmc SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARFS Today Thirty Years I the Day Ago AKUlS K. LONG, KdltOf flMST OK ALL I HOSU; SRVS 'Vf1tr' i't Afci Iftom Chester Tlmo, nu of iooai of Cyrus William son. the engineer, to projierly read the llPtlit' was re, oonsjlSe for th.e Ash Wednt Match 2, Texas Indcpei.dencc Day. New Moan 'U)): month wJU two new snowisi Venus and Moon in cunjunuUon. ls now a inornlnu star in Venus.

Mars and 'v nii in the Mercury invisjtjlc. railroad smashun at feltotx station the Waltiniore and Ohio Uallroati the night of February 13, when a 7T77 BRANCH OFFICK g' 'e I'li'iKV, IKU special train with the Philadelphia' Orchestra, crashed, into a freiulit Upon March tf It were fo hi, iskcd what pco 230 PArt Av Ji' had most to do with settlcinenl train at that place. The coroner's jury brought in this verdict after testimony had been heard from 12 75 I Wsc: inu cnanccs are thr? "I mo i'oiv. scs arm I.OS lilfiise.t eon tl oyer three and one San Francisco i Uuu. and "an in mi.

Monartuock RulUllnf fiff! Soul The nnhlif 1iik nf 11, ell would be done to the Scandl rjlcic Is little Ion if. (li: NEVILLE AND'yu'T'CfU In view of the. recent legislation to start a cam paixu throughout the country for a building boom with Government funds, it is not without intercut to note that in its recent report the Federal Home Owners' I.oitri Corporation shows Uncle Ham as the owner of 7 1 homes, an increase of a little more than 50,000, or MO per from the year About 12,000 accounts of the HOLO are regarded as insoluble, it AJurft of the foreclosures wore not started until the home owner had been delinquent a year or more. I(c; nn. for the logc.

cioh ures are given as follows: abandonment of properly, IH.Ii per reimuij to pay despite the possession of sufficient t'uiiils, US, per death of owners and refusal of hens to aumo mortgages, r.r, per complications, per all other including inability to pay, MM per Foreclosed hom*os aro hcing sold by the Govern merit or rented to individuals. During the year 10. J7, it is said, the number of loans more than three moil His in arrears was This is decrease of 100,000, which can be regarded as a reassuring factor, but (lie increase in he number of foreclosures in part explains (his and is in itself anything but reassuring factor. The purpose of the new legislation is to bring about a building boom by decreasing the down pay. meuL which a home builder hau to raise, thereby making it easier for him to get a home.

The down payment was already small, however, and these figure of the ilOl.C show that something mom than easy credit, is necessary for home building and home maintenance, li. is therefore that when the Government lends money for liiiihJine; iL jH as necessary exercise as much care in looking over the Sutrcd ucd ostomco at Chca to vl.Mt and cslahlish tlemciHs In tils couiUry were Norse Lfio' western land in 00b a. 1J. and named it Vinelainl (lie Good and HlpraelJiiu, the total playhouses sre in good condition and are well arranged Jor the protection of life with fire escape requirements and exits provider) according the State laws, as far as hivestiipuion conducted by Depdly Factory In; pcclor W'sliiarj, Leary, Chief of Fohcc VillIam 1( under A. of Morel TXRMS OF SB.OO" inU, prepaid; 12 J'hcy penetrated I.

Jiiiand via ulnj J.altcs. ayo tcdity WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2. 1938 "Uisa ieaiiditia lans. possibly vniiunis, Lhicl wn ameer of the ire ncpartmeiil Fdward McCaroy and BtilldinK Inspector H. A.

Fair nisti llo1; of Port'chlls MIOW WliniiiaH'iii 1 A "0 New Sweden they fmm.itlis a the Delaware River, 'j'ney had ar a short time before in two fchlpti, the Key of Col mar and Hird Orihii. under Liu leadership of Uru.smio, black eyed' fso sav his hiourapliersi. Minuit was tiie wane Prussian who had been one of the decree. While there is. some ice in the si ream, navigating is pretty irrP and no ships are blocked.

On account tiio tides, the fee thick at I'tcedy island. Yesterday, the new eight hour law relating to switchmen and other railroad employes, reeeaitly adojitetl by Cony i ess. went into effect and the R. n. lias nrratiged their men so as to he within the provisions ot the law.

'J'hn law reduced the worh Ine time and they will also lose in LKe Dutch cojotiy of governor oi Netherlands' ''now York) unt the r. 'j. aeeu ed him of allownili' all the case in a purely private trans Uude Sam may eventually Jiml action. Olherwi.e imnseif in the rei few wealthy men. 11 0 a loss lo each ih.

big to tin rope, offered bi.s The fact that he Dow bo taken as an indicatim John the old horse which has oweoiMi and was employed to lead a eons o. 'a eo oj me a red 1 1 1 so ee 01 Swedes; and to Us World. Cia s'er lias been sent to Cm inly Home, he will be IIJlilCNlCSS AND CKIfll 10 wo, i.y sicward ivs be lirst colony white slaves s'ew Sweden in America to Criminals worn lin. John has done good work over in chains and sold to the settler 11 WH.S not the only colon v. how hliu 'J tie Hoard ot Maoryers e.

cided to retire lilm for the tenia older of his Jifc. nieii w'l v.jgniM, Jiao' Tn furtherance of the "Citv Rean. this date )n nils the lifiil" Idea, which some of the best citizens me (Iciernihied to keep li! v'nur ail's ijlaeh slaverv been tr tiodtitrd Into the taint oh am mm "of Vh ic'fm There Is a storv In "An. Committee of the New Century Club appeared before the Board of Edn tin aweties on the iPela WHAT' DO YOU WANT TO KNOW? ware, ny edition of which i eeeived osrom 'doi introoie: into serial sehwds a been is sued to hom*o nf "Rv ttAcTmr There has long been suspicion that idleness was no breeder of virtue. Especially when it was coupled with other old olTeuders like had companions and lack of proper hom*o influence.

Hut now idleness marches to (he head of the class as the chief reason Tor crime, according to Warden Lewis E. Lawes, of Sing Sing prison. Some years, ago gambling headed (hi; ennse of crime list. Liuum enme second anrl iminorulity third. fJnuor and immorality are still 'holding their places, but gambling in way the line and idleness lakes its nilte.

Wnrdch f.awcs blames the depression and points In the result. said: "There are more first offenders getting into difficulty in tnugh times than when limes are good. That's why the proportion of fust offenders in prison is increasing lately." The warden didn't add what he might have' that most of these first offenders would have been' both hiimujt and at liberty if they had been able to find jobs. Idleness will always be productive of crime, in just about the direct proportion that men can't 'get Diccctor of the Chester Times Information Bureau at Washington, D. C.

eh 'in 'Hi'. 'Sleur dc DCVW.OI'Mlf.NT OK GLASS city of Chester, the lorinatim. of companies of Iron, JO 1 1 years of age, of society to he called "The Loam re of CI tied Citizenship." The object ot this oreani.atioii is to interest the children in all matters relating to Rood citizenship ami in this way to elicit their co operation in ket'pini; the city clean. methods and find a way to make plate glass 1OTD Pierre le Me Iberville, fill. Fee oi I he month of My ishod the Hot ps, I WASHINGTON, C.

In the summer of 1M0 tliere is to he set. up on the lofty summit of Mt. and began the settlement of the I'aloi California, yisnt telescope by far the powoi fid In.b.l whieti will lo.N rlcdr.rh Soo isoe was bou 1J 1 1 i literally billions of I'he mine whose sfiesiesi eoin became. Tils fathei THOSli DSHD CAItS The automobile industry wilt open at the end of this week a concerted campaign to move some of the used cars which are hanfring like pall over the automobile mmket. Chester and adjacent areas are participating in the drive.

Nobody knows how many used tars arc now iij the hands of dealers, because no compilation of used cars i made. i'hom various sample surveys, a figure of 800,000 has been arrived at. This total has probably been touched or even surpassed in the past, but at times when new cam were moving fast. It may well be that the present number of used cars in, dealers' Viands is a record in proportion to new This oversupp'ly used earn is delinitelv hinder, ing the sale of iich cars. With sn many used cars on.

hand, the dealer is usually in no position to offer Keneroua trndc iri allowance on a new sale. In. fact, with so much of. his capital tied up in previous trade ins, the dealer may really prefer to sell a used car instead of a now one. This situation may make the prospective purelmscy suspect that he can get better value in a used than in a new car.

One reason ifor the great number of used cars is the high production of new cart; in the last two years. Some M.SGO.OOO factory sales of passenger scars were made inthe United Stales and Canada 1(13(3 and. some .1,050,000 in despite the fail off toward the end of that year. The two year total of about cms has been surpassed only once, in and up prone hed only once, in 105 .26. And a trade in is taken on 85 per ecu I.

of all There is, moreover, a trade in on about 50 per cent, of the used cars Altogether the industry normally about 170 used cars for every 100 new cars. Only about JO per cent, of the trade ins are immediately junked. Automobiles are made better these days, last nrc changed less from vear In year In the average retirement age of a passenger automobile ns about CV, years. lflSfi it was 8V1 years. The Average annual milcige increased from "nbftii" 1025 alniost Sil0 JM0' nmt OVCt' A survey made in 70.1a flinwcd that more than 20 per cent, of the cars in existence were 10 years vof or older.

In lm more than 1 ,00 used 'cars were sold for less than $100 each. In 303G, 27 per cent, of all used cars sold were only one or two years old, Vi per rent, were six or seven" years old. This record would indicate that the average buyer of a new car cither Hu ns It in within one or two years or else drives it for six Another reason for the oversnpplv or used cars at present is the easier terms offered in the last scv eral years. This meant that cars, new or usril were sold, to people whose financial status was from impregnable. Of course, when the present recession occurred, many such shoe slrim purchasers could not meet their obligations.

The inevitable result was a large number of repossessions. The industry agreed, at a conference called last .1 urinary, to tighten up on terms of sales. One solution which has been suggesicd to fim ulate. used car sales is to allow cars to nark on residential side streets nil night. Thai occurs the District of Columbia, with some additional streets banned during, the winter months' to facilitate snow removal.

The avgnment is that muiv thousands of in the large ei'ties where individual garages are not. common would buy a used car who cannot or will not pay for garaging. oe mirror, recently. oidn'l want, him to become a and tied at ihe Califoi taoetana had to leach 1 'I ti id on, L.l eame 10 America lo study fb.e 1ms method. per cent, of the plate glass manu ractmed America is used the manufacture of automobiles.

Pennsylvania. Ohio. West Virginia, ami Indiana are the great (pass prod'scme. states The annual 01 nut va.neo ai f.nd manfac employ workers. nUmbcr mre 200 alul Vh lie most of this' country gias output is of the type, ornamental unci table gltnmwme Wro 'U1 with tbm wo 1 Id's oes.

ana are snipped to almost every part of the globe. As a handmaiden of science, glass cannot aTwav oe valued in money, is indispensable to the doo 1,1 noLame opei ttcn seven yea after he boo; 1R90 Paul de Kruir, bnclcriologlst UNION' HtO liUSUYKSS iiuinjoi Microbe Hunters, etc iva.s born Another notable birllulav oamuel Uiitrrruycr, h. IH58, lawver who bepan iirip.mic; eases bi toro'hc One phase of the errsiu.aUir.n "Vh suvgecui. the chemist, and to manv hat ha oping the enuntry has largely es 1 moom, cue at ist.ier of ems' louiicl his way to the stars. tici be: Usdon, of Lansdowne.

ami Joseph M. wogers. of Media, as prison inspectors, 'fhc takes the Place of Lord Uiqby. of diar who is now necordcr of Deeds, A small frame stable beloneinK to a Polish resident named Zewmsbi on Bunting street near Second reel, we.s devoured by flames shortly he fore last nikhiisht. An was sent.

In and the Felton and branblu, eompanies responded but the latter did not yo in serVee Tilt: Felt on Company oe in file flames with a after about 20 minutes work. The origin of. the fire is unknown. A iiew nrc hydrant lias been pm; cd by the Sptiiufficld Wafer Company on Lincoln avenue south of the Chester nitm, Prospect Park, and the residents of that sec ot the boroufth fee! better triim Pre. SI.

000.000 for handhor. sinelo 'croo's' Iflap EIcven nations, jncludii'm caped notice. That is the union' business iiniy, deposited iheir i be a I ioi is flie fh llooe IOsaoi rnly at Washington, thus 'imploUo, a.s nil nst mien of national It the Instrument reveals what, its producers predict, man, us i.ever bclorc. will view the hmiiless panorama of the shies, and the moon will be in a point of visibility as if only twenty five miles, away lb such thuprs s.s ices, plains, volcanoes, and rivers exist on lite moon, as many believe. Ihev will be seen at close range.

The occasion will witness one of the most spectacular accomplishments of the ages through lhat miraculous substance glass. What possibilities lie in the scientific use of glass oimood flic rooiemplated achievement of 19 10 no one "'fiiiafely fo prophesy. It does nor seem, that the Kcnith of the industry will be icaehen in view ot the constant, yet slow, advances made in the dovdopmeiU or glass as a useful substance. The fact that it has taken more than 5000 veiirs to brn the isdslnm of ybr try its present mate uomo not appear good reasoning that it will not continue to expand in sorviceableness 35 man needs prow and his ingenuity increases, The exact Ivstory ot the art of glass making has heen mst nnouipt the rotes, althotrgh all indications Mat. was first invented in Egypt.

The British Atusemi! has possession of a piece of glass found hi a tomb in Thebes and scientifically judged to be 5000 Vfoirs or more old. Unique among the many articles 'hrrovtaed in Kgyptiar. tombs' arc Icar 'l'" bine noble died those aneaml days, the women of flic hausehnld would shed their ihese bottles, which were left fb.e tombs U.S neruetual evidence nf md ninr n. eonsesset: ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Q. What is a liut dnctnrV If.

G. A. It is a sharp edged ruler 011 the delivery str all terete A. A survey by ihe Department of Commercft Vi Li constitute 70 per cent, of the showings in all foreign markets. it 'J'hc America: It is getting to he a big one.

A recent estimate was that during the year Jm the CIO and the A. V. of L. took in and spent approximately 000 OHO. wi(h about 70,0110 people employed, mostly fessioual orgam.ers and clerical help.

The estimate "1.110 'U'L'U1'Ill' lult il aw That means lhat simply fls unionism already has annual revenues greater than sales volume in the jewelry, typewriter, hat, or glove in dust rics. The United Mine Workers alone load more than 2 ,0110,000 em hand at last report. Many and many a "little business" in't as bias that. There is a certain humor in watching organized labor, which has for years at "big liicd since Fcbrun 'loops, was captinccl by Ukraine very sore lee. lb On by nn "WlSlcd workinp on a large and heavy wheel when the latter fell and in doing Liherty A.

Applications for the isbemnn Feilowsliips 'ror Miii; journali 1 0, por. 1 Lwhs yV MactuLtrby'Mar brifau iirriving 1017, the Aircraft Production Board Vincent, automat i've. c'ur The mcmbn 'o os eonanered I rained thc'ginss 1 Iff i I the arL of of the Pin oi pa a hail the Middle Ages, as name indicltS, fnt; the arrival of their new chemical enpnte and apparatus which expected to arrive daily. The com siofe i Washmedo heii'ip thai islcro once 'paid the 'fabulous' hotel.

In live dais they had cut doesn't want the. present hard was instsoment oesree and hs loss in as shameful as the loss of sword P'V is 'pasme j'e; a demoi i il when the engine noes 111:1 With I tic complete plans of a ihat iioms 'o lie a music last hiul pieu i bil. y. Nnrthern Taeifio Rallws.7 II i tnnalerl that 500 His later mass product ion had ipplied for work on a rare goiijm. r' oic enoog.

,1 dm ing. i.bie twelfth century as the ai ntcr of the km vn wo: and for 500 years supplied the world with most of its 1 1 i 1 iu, 1, near Venice, piod 1 onest glass, although the product is known as onetian g.aiss. Colored cln. possihlv reached its hd.oi m. taeleeiaoo to the lilfcTh crntijrv under the a maltsmanship of the Venetian glass worker.

Limovicio, wnosc f.rcicts were giwrded by him and his amily until one of ins vorbmct tliroupb prrTni.c of love for Bcrovicro's dan 1 dm 1 Act of Congress to be (he most: trusting nr. Id years 'o wear old all encmes the es.e em p.s The Chinese people on earth. They the Ueagup. of Nnl.ion even relying on help fron a brief or last, one tens cieearded not. Ion q.

IT biography of Dirgo Ri, th have done for C. 11. re.idrr asks which America 1 1 to lend him her father's book of formulas for ('ivoieir. "Horse and Buggy of debt and had Jf.O I In Kc member (he old fasten lory who boasted ho was in the bank? Glenn Frank ion. the young man' fieri to OthrrTancis ami 'veVnm ginduahy Josl her monopoly of line glass making Tllt hrst gla manufacl plan 1 emo in Jamestown B03.

The factorv. is lm mil a short taw, as all workers were 11 1 1 Colony, a few lales. bum iinoibrr fmsory and bmom making heads for the Indian trade. Prom these cV.1v beginning's the American glass industry his crown "to larcp proportions. Ee Not.iine among recent achievements in the gla.w 1' LC'" 1 wen employed llieic worked, overtime.

It is hoped lhat the plant will be running full time rsdward a popular voting man Morwood. who has quite a reputation as an athlete, has rn Utled the United Slates Marine Corps ami is at pic.sem. stationed League Is.and. Tim enlistment is said to have been made on the timet TOV IfiMTKS, ('11 'tin DTF.S n. Nin old Aiitrestref Gowei lb rattle imieiicd t.

Mi; AtOKALS OF DEMOCRACt' Day. the President diacuased the morals and knifed The die spread' to 'her of unci lot he's Is that needs There is one problem of political airing which 1 wain lo sralc toctnv. or. I the names' whh'hrr Maritarct was burnwl tGnannjua 1 n0'f' oiben to City where he studied draw'mg a in opain, rans and London. His svima hies alwav wiw gas? cs 'fo; 1 5iK unapingo.

lie bs manv frescoes in ih United Si ales, including one in the DeS ImtituiS that' there' ft'frv lnn StU dy estites to pr'v''tr: mime, tc; "I Motes and that approsimatelv courses.11'5 arfi laklnB school q. What is (he hicbesi p(lint i EcvptV A. lomt St. Kalhcrine on ihe Sinai Pen, snls I' vte I at ilel five1 a solar observatory for about (ha; ties hmii.m hair is sb Uines larger, and used 1 of bads time now we have hardly knoi for insnlafii sly nnd dird. Kha; principles.

'wimt polic Mr ,0 i Mrs. Harry Miller have at progrntn dominated natlonnl ati: uiiuucr. une way glass has also taking it po.ssible for persons in a been developed. At 'TO OF lilflf! iimcd to their home tiflti West Sixth street after a three weeks rapimv shlr'lmg i vv.Hium cannot see ui. Uliia viokt ray glass omng mm spent the south.

REVILLO. S. D. Emil Tucholke has a lOOfi model iiutomobile for miiKcs possioie lor vita 11 ran forceM minute details all the moves'that Miller, before 1 1) in pto.s from sunshine into a bottle of rniHt marroiee. Mo sevetla Whittle, of Ridley r.

i which he obtained the first s(i; rrifib.eate ot tiMe in fOsib espial Pa lk Hoi 'K people gtven neeil upon their a rival 1 mm' icioely tns'allmi in, hospitals and schools. 'he lfd lore, ainuinliv and con isient.v celebrated in lite Ul Mo town of Manlieim mdustrv h' h'PV 01 a two cannot be separated. In t'n cn boo An exhibition drill will be gjVP iiwion ,0,1, go, oL up one of the cottn 1 this 1 product that we saw a political take over the reins of power ir, of 111 11 had ti out ii del iu wh ivnplc and which Ihev lliUi nptv.ovril in the Ua mu ihiV wilh.h, a few switt weetss al.ei the throw into the ashcan virtually eier tllr nn li ad been i 01,1 radically I if Tew tit mud. drill 1 'debt bv collrcfoiss fnr llio 'f Millie and Of ttle iMtullm. Religion Day by Day Kv WlT.I.lAM T.

ULLls AH, DRIVER, SPAIIK OUR TICNDIiR Nf RVKS New York State has taken a happy step which Pennsylvania will he following one of We Hays the introduction of a bill to curb automobile bm'ns. Anti noise campaigns are old stuff and thev lit into a pattern for cities, but the automobile horn is an old raucous offender wherever the unto may be and as long as the motorist has. strength to push the right buttonlong and hard. Voti walk along Market street and are awivn or a multitude of sound, accustomed sound, that form background for thoughts and conversation the whir of tires, the rattle of a truck, the crv of the newsboy, the bustle of unloading van? the rrnc of fect on asphalt. 1 Stepping through a Middlelown bart, lot (bee inso no one ever walks country lanes anv mme) arc the rural noises that poets have made idvi'd of bossy, the crackle of corn hciw I enthusiastic shoals, the rustic 'of the cim the fence, (he murmur of the creek bach the barn More self effacing noises, these.

Thcv don't intrude, but fall forgetfully into the din unheeded corners of the brain where noises should rot, eat Enter the automobile horn. It is two toned half tuned, vile toned, and bad mannered. It firtW creams, it ride voughsln.d over and cm' versation. It shatters nerves and moods roughens tempers, starts lights and makes cnciuies. 1, eaks steep, dreams and eardrums.

The horn is necessary, jam say a in UV i Perhaps, although that's a grudging a.tmis.'il.r, Kut is it necessary for the manufacturers lo build them so evilly mgenius So thai by pressing a i)t ton the driver looses a thousand gie demons 'whi stride your smnc with stabbing uVt. dr.viVuieir tndciit barbcd spears into your brain with gleeful gusto and a twist that sends your brain liber. curling and writhing like a buckclni of lacuna This is a pious pica for moderation in motor horns, uniformity tones. Let them lit into every day life like the call of the traffic cop or the them lilt or coo or cares but don't let them (juavcr and bellow and screech. Then, if you get rim over, you at least haven't hten petrified first.

K. Hyatt, president' of the hr.e fricmb 0: hc ehool' and 'it is ivenbaine there will be a large at hi and emm, So appreciative of sV.eoei' 1 1 held 1 a net noon in the little Lutheran church to express mh msnnude for what'S'iecci had done for the lu of to. comnnuiity through employment and oI assisfanee. nicluding donating :0,: A'dsinp 111 wliirli Hie merhmr was hf 1 11 hilio 1 'l 10 0, 1 1 between lie le: i lid ihf assuiuidioo. of to an cxtrnt justifying Little V'riinUlins Fishing im'i appcncci four years later.

ami Icailcrshlp g( SfteU 0:1 eouljii aieuinent that it'' of hnc and on'oe for I What is the value of the Mellon art rollcclion wmrli was dredrd lo the National Gallery ot Art? jhe rtlelloii Cnlicchon cost appiwimatclv Rllrt 55 by 8t lha tJemce'lir TS related lo King I A. She was his granddaughter. Her faihr.r, Duke foe ihh son of George TIT. Two of her uncles preceded her upon the throne.

al' miles docs the avrracc person walk? ills: once or. ii year, in 'lie month ot ,1 I bung to Ihe chinch a red rose in hi me aitrs his dealh Sticgrl is still so honored inbet procured a ninb AmV. 1 h.os wmeh a as nnfmled fire mm non the is com fed iheie will be a large bsc nut sod for the sis IT. 1'' ,,1 the people and'; it would go on imh tor One 00ml wrtf.rc 1 1 alter election, we saw this anersnip in the 1v. m.for ('r Ihev Pim.

to vac rwmltittcs.e;.' oiled paper was as window panes, bid unniedtafo.m sftm ilhiU period class begun to come into general 'mc It has. been ed OS oblt the ishmg preachers who po.o li( lobo lali. were ncnotiatun: for the 1111 Sotif.h Chester Tube Front miri o. tmsm '1 bostaa for the purpose of ANSWERS TO Ql'KSTIONS ny nrnrttic j. n.isiiiN the plant i oe imoib, no do not expect 1, pi cow, ormosm ess wlm no (oneenfion ot pjunoes 1 rim 1 mil re mac sttsni fv.

i the apostle. The goal is the icsson for race yo. 1 oiou ing 1 can mviiit beginning' of the present conturv. prior to which time gins, was blown into the desired form bv use of and the hmusn brcalb Wmoow mmtine America entered a new em won tdm 00,.. jicn of gbiss blowing machinery, so did the sla boltle tm.mics.s.

Up fo tins time, lyiftie, yere mm 0, about ihe manner as that used by the Egyptians Hemy Ford's name has so long been associated with the tinimitttctmo of automobilfs that roiatneiv few people flunk the Detroit wuid as Imp," a conspicuous pais the very rapid development' of the cemmercia: class industry. Pormcriv huge pots were used 10 held molten glaw. Much time was uli SV. nf thrse nnd thv ntcrc i Ford tct fb, burned to the campiuct speeehes few wllh tllc electorate part of the mi 0, oemoeim vy of li ttibecompan 01 ctutn from life's fishing to fb.e Yuhrr' let it be with a lives ar the most ma new5papr of newspspci an made hi, the works, the binldmg of the automobile umally became known and it. was i cpof feel that the construction of the yehie.r was an expe.

imcnt which yOm lead to plant being turned inm ,1:1 eslablishmen; for the manu facture of the machines. H'll Mring of fish our hand Wr vvant to count for The Read I Cor, 3:10 27. ONL MlNIin: PULPIT hi Arise ami go 10 mv far lies and will ry0 iorcThce. Luk" Heavm be 1 purposes he Instructed his ertir.ecrs"to discard ail old i.

Delaware County Daily Times from Chester, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Aracelis Kilback

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