EFPS Times October 2013 Issue - YRDSB · 2013-12-06 · Have a safe and wonderful Halloween!!! Health & Safety Halloween Tips EFPS Times - School News Continued Page 2 October 2013 - [PDF Document] (2024)

EFPS Times October 2013 Issue - YRDSB· 2013-12-06· Have a safe and wonderful Halloween!!! Health & Safety Halloween Tips EFPS Times - School News Continued Page 2 October 2013 - [PDF Document] (1)

due to the fact that we all know that Mr. Hamid is a good guy and good guys only like good guys. He did finally say that The Venom would be his favorite. Thought added that he also likes the fictional text called "The Alchemist"! Mr. Hamid in your opinion what goes best with pop-corn? “Well of course the one and only Star Wars Series” was his answer. His favourite restaurant is Bamiyan Kabob and he also loves Falcons.

By: Sadaq and Zain

On September 30th Sadaq and Zain interviewed Mr. Hamid to answer questions you had about him, as our principal. A principal is a person who take leader ship for the entire school, which is a large responsi-bility. He has many jobs, such as making sure the students are safe. A princi-pal has a positive attitude every single day because it helps the school stay fo-cused and cheerful.

Mr. Hamid is a fun loving guy who enjoys be-ing a principal. He says "It's the best job in the world,” and has been a principal

for seven years. We asked Mr. Hamid what are his favorite hobbies and he said " I like to spend time with my family, go snow-boarding, and being physi-cally active ". We asked Mr. Hamid, do you like sports and if so which one? Mr. Hamid replied " I like to snow board and do fit-ness activities”. Next we asked him what his favour-ite superhero and super villain? He responded “Batman is my favourite super hero”. Then he thought and thought about his favourite super villain, we believe that he only took time to think about it

Lead Story - Mr. Hamid - Who Is Our leader?

World News:

World of Technology:

New IPhone 5


October Celebrations


Haj & Eid


In The United States:

Mystery Train Crash

World Sports

Leafs News


Mrs. D’Souza and the students planted shrubs outside to make the outdoor classroom look greener. The eco team is planning on adding some wood chips and malt. Also they will be trimming some of the over grown trees in the future.

A friendly re-minder to students to not step on the shrubs outside. We are hoping to use the outdoor classroom very soon.

By: Asemah. B

On September 21st and September 27th Mrs. D’Souza and a group of students up-dated the outdoor classroom. The outdoor classroom is a project that the eco team has been working on for the last 2 years. It’s a smart way to use less energy in the classroom, and students can also get some fresh air while learning.

EFPS Times October 2013 Issue

By: Nandita M.

Having a healthy lifestyle

is a big part of maintain-

ing your nutrition and by

being a Fairclough Falcon;

you should be eating

healthy food. To maintain

a balanced lifestyle, here

are 5 basic nutrition tips

you can follow.

1) Eat Natural Foods

Try to eat foods

that are planted or

grown instead of

processed foods.

To stay healthy, eat

foods such as fresh

fruits and vegeta-


2) Start Your Day With

A Healthy Breakfast

Breakfast starts up

your metabolism

for the day and

people who eat

breakfast tend to

do better in school.

3) Drink Lots of Water

Water increases

your energy; it gets

rid of waste from

your body by urina-

tion, boosts your

immune system,

keeps your skin

moisturized and

helps you stay hy-

drated and fresh

throughout the


4) Eat Less Junk Foods

Try to balance your

meals by eating

fruits and vegeta-

bles most of the

time and treating

yourself some-

times with chips or


5) Don’t Over Eat

Only eat until

you’re full. Don’t

overeat something

just be cause you

love the taste. Eat

an amount that’s

just right for you.

Health & Safety

Eco News - Eco Team Is Hard At Work In EFPS?

School News:

Bio - Mr. Hamid

Sports & Clubs

EFPS Cross Country



Health & Safety


Halloween Tips

Breakfast Club

School News

Parent Teacher Night

Terry Fox


Looking Forward

Remembrance Day


Bio - Madame

wards, Mr. Hamid gave a

short speech and told us

where to go for the next

part of the presentation.

Based on the grade the

students were in, the sub-

jects discussed may have

been about homework

help, leadership opportu-

nities, and about the cur-

riculum. After the event,

most parents said that

Meet and Greet Staff

Night was entertaining

and informative for all. It

was a great night and one

that most people look

forward to.

By Kaarusan S.

On the evening of Thurs-

day, September 26th 2013,

it was Meet and Greet Staff

Night. The event began at

6:00p.m and ended at

8:00p.m.There were many

people at the event. Most

of the general audience in-

cluded students, parents

and teachers. From 6:00 to

6:30 parents and teachers

were allowed to visit class-

rooms and talk with the

teachers. After, they attend-

ed an assembly in the gym.

With the assistance of Mrs.

Hughes, four students in

grade 8 created and per-

formed a welcome poem

introducing our new princi-

pal to our school. After-

Parent Teacher Night - Meet & Greet

Nutrition Facts

The audience listens intently to Mr. Hamid’s speech.

Four students in grade 8 perform a welcome poem

for Mr. Hamid. They are, from left to right, Ashwin Y,

Herpreet K, Kaaru S, and Nandita M.

Photo By: Mrs. D’Souza

Tarnvir A. and Vasi P. planting trees in the out door classroom in the back field.

EFPS Times October 2013 Issue - YRDSB· 2013-12-06· Have a safe and wonderful Halloween!!! Health & Safety Halloween Tips EFPS Times - School News Continued Page 2 October 2013 - [PDF Document] (2)

By: Herpreet K.

Here are a few tips for

Halloween if you cele-

brate this holiday. These

tips will help you stay

safe, during trick or treat-

ing with families or


1) Be Visible

Make sure people

can notice you

when you go trick or

treating. You can

wear a glow stick on

your hand or wear

something bright/ or

reflective so people/

drivers can notice

you .

2) Before You Eat

Don’t eat candy dur-

ing trick or treating.

Have your parents

check your candy to

make sure it’s safe

to eat. You should-

n’t eat candy that

looks unusual and

or candy which the

wrapper is open.

3) Stranger Danger

Don’t go into a

stranger’s house,

even though they

invite you in. Make

sure you tell a par-

ent, if this happens.

4) Costume

You need to be able

to breathe and see

through your mask.

Make sure that your

costume isn’t too

long or else you

may trip.

5) Don’t Over Eat

If you’re going alone

or with friends, be

sure to tell your

parents where

you’ll be and the

route you are go-

ing to take .

Have a safe

and wonderful


Health & Safety

Halloween Tips

Page 2 EFPS Times - School News Continued October 2013 Issue

On October 8th

2013, York Region held

their Cross Country Meet.

EFPS had 54 students par-

ticipate in the meet.

Although everyone

ran well and finished, only

two people made it to the

regionals. They were Ve-

ondre in grade 4 and Adsiya

in grade 5. Their coach

Mrs. Robb said “Many kids

came out and they prac-

tised three times a week.

That is true Falcon dedica-

tion and we are very proud

of our students.”

The cross country

meet went smoothly and

the organizers did a great

job. Mother Nature provid-

ed a sunny day, with a bit of

a chill but overall a perfect

day to run.

By: Jamal. N

School Sports - Cross Country -

Health & Safety - Breakfast Club - Blast Off!!

At Ellen Fairclough Public

School we have a Break-

fast program designed

for kids who don't have

time in the morning to

eat breakfast. Eating

breakfast is very im-

portant. Its very hard to

concentrate on your

work with an empty

stomach. Your energy

level will also decrease

because your body does

not have the right nutri-

tion it needs. Our Break-

fast program offers a bal-

anced meal, and an emo-

tional support to young

people. The breakfast

program has about 115

students coming. It is a

place where you can so-

cialize with others and

feel confident interacting

with one another. The

Breakfast program is

open for all students in

the school and is free of

charge. This is a great op-

portunity for parents

who do not have time in

the morning to make

breakfast for their chil-

dren. Eating breakfast is

important and we should

make sure we are getting

the right nutrition we

need. Join the breakfast

program and your self

esteem will BLAST OFF!

BY Bonita N.

The Equity council is one of the

school’s touchstone teams.

They believe in the equity

about fairness, diversity, inclu-

siveness and being respectful

to all people. They think it is

important that we recognise

and celebrate the richness that

comes from the differences

amongst us. They provide di-

verse learning opportunities for

students, staff and the communi-

ty. Some previous activities by

the equity team are: dances,

spirit days like red and white day

to honour Terry Fox, fundraisers

like pizza lunches and celebrat-

ing different backgrounds by or-

ganising events like the multicul-

tural fair. Some upcoming events

are anti-bullying awareness,

black history month, woman’s

month, the festival of lights and

various spirit days. The Equity

teams motto is Diversity is our

strength, Equity is our commit-

ment and inclusion is our goal.

We look forward to seeing all that

they bring this year.

By Virpal B.

School News - Equity - What Is The Equity Team?

EFPS Times October 2013 Issue - YRDSB· 2013-12-06· Have a safe and wonderful Halloween!!! Health & Safety Halloween Tips EFPS Times - School News Continued Page 2 October 2013 - [PDF Document] (3)

away train at this point.

The question most peo-

ple were asking "In order

for a train to move, it has

to be energized”? Au-

thorities are looking at

videos from the incident

and found nothing so far.

They're also questioning

workers who were near-


It's a mystery whether

there were criminal activ-

ities. Authorities did not

immediately find win-

dows broken, doors open

or scratches on the train.

Authorities are trying to

find out what might’ve

caused the crash.

By: Jarrar N.

On Monday at about

8a.m. Chicago commuter

train that was parked in

a service yard somehow

moved onto a rail line

and crashed into an in-

coming train, injuring

many people.

How it happened is a


At least 48 people were

injured 33 of them were

transported to a hospi-

tal. It was not clear how

many passengers were

on the train. Investiga-

tors are not characteriz-

ing the problem as a run-

Mysterious Train Crash

Page 3 EFPS Times - School News Continued

October 2013 Issue

Page 3 EFPS Times - World News October Issue

The 2013-14 NHL Hockey

Season has begun and this year is looking

like a great season for the Toronto Maple

Leaf’s. Toronto has picked up a new goal-

ie this past summer and his name is Jona-

than Bernier. The leafs are off to a great

start with 6 wins and 1 lose so far this

season. This puts them in 1st in their con-

ference at this point. It’s still early and

the Leaf’s hope to continue this great

start for the rest of season.

By: Jamal. N

World Sports - NHL Hockey

Terry Fox was born on

July 28th 1958 in Winnipeg,

Manitoba to Rolland and

Betty Fox. When Terry turned

18, he was diagnosed with a

type of bone cancer. His can-

cer had gotten so bad, that in

1977, Terry was forced to

have his right leg amputated

15 centimeters above his

knee. While he was in the

hospital, Terry saw all the

people especially children

that were suffering because

of cancer. He was so touched

when he saw the people

suffering, that he decided to

run across Canada to raise

money for cancer research.

After spending 18 months

preparing with his prosthetic,

Terry started his run, The

Marathon of Hope, in New-

foundland on April 12th 1980.

As soon as he started run-

ning, a lot of money was be-

ing collected. He kept on run-

ning until he reached Thun-

der Bay, Ontario. He was

forced to stop running be-

cause his cancer reached his

lungs. He died 10 months lat-

er on June 28th 1981 when he

was 22 years old.

Although Terry died,

his legacy has continued.

People all over the world par-

ticipate in the Terry Fox Run

in honor of Terry Fox and his

dream of bringing cancer to

an end. This year our school

raised money along with the

rest of Canada. On Friday

September 20th our school

hosted its 9th annual Terry Fox

run. A representative from the

Terry Fox campaign came to

some classes, brought an exact

replica of Terry’s artificial leg,

and shared some of his experi-

ences of working with the Ter-

ry Fox campaign. Our school

goal was to reach $540. We

went beyond our goal and

raised $544.22. As Terry Fox

said, “Even if you have given a

dollar, you are a part of the

Marathon of Hope.” Way To

Go Falcons!

“I’m not a dreamer, and

I’m not saying this will initiate

any kind of definitive answer or

cure to cancer, but I believe in

miracles. I have to.” –Terry Fox B Y Maha R.

School News - Terry Fox - The Legacy Lives On Left Photo:

Students looking a

replica prostatic leg used by Terry


Right Photo: Students

participating in the 9th

annual EFPS Terry Fox


EFPS Times October 2013 Issue - YRDSB· 2013-12-06· Have a safe and wonderful Halloween!!! Health & Safety Halloween Tips EFPS Times - School News Continued Page 2 October 2013 - [PDF Document] (4)

to the annoying passcodes.

The camera also went sky

high: as the 5s has a dual

LED flash. The fingerprint

identity sensor is a very

futuristic way to unlock the

iPhone, and it is now very

difficult to steal. One might

have forgotten their

passcodes on previous

iPhones, but goodbye to

that issue, since everyone

carries their fingerprint.

The sensor is made up of

laser cut sapphire crystal, a

By: Niranjan K

Many people will

be writing to Santa Claus

this December for the

iPhone 5s, as it’s the big-

gest thing to happen to

iPhone since iPhone.

This phone, along with

the iPhone 5c, was an-

nounced on September

10, 2013, at the Cuperti-

no headquarters. The

iPhone 5s, compared to

the 5, has some signifi-

cant changes under the

hood. Apple boosted its

processor to the A7 chip,

with an impressive 64-

bit architecture- the first

ever on a phone. A ma-

jor difference was the

fingerprint identity sen-

sor on the home button,

which is an alternative

stainless steel detection

ring, a captive single touch

sensor, and a tactile

switch. Now unlocking the

iPhone is so facile. The 8-

megapixel iSight camera

includes a dual LED flash,

mentioned above. It is

made up of two different

colored LEDs and they just

don’t shoot the photo

once one clicks the button.

It uses complex software

algorithms to diagnose the

Technology - Forward Thinking—IPhone 5C

Page 4 EFPS Times - World News October Issue


Laser-Cut Sapphire Crystal

Stainless Steel Detection Ring

Capacitive Single-Touch Sensor

Tactile Switch

brand promoted its rank in

the industry, starting with an

innovative email pager, but

since 2008, sales have fallen

and the company has feared


Fortunately, the Canadian

brand may be bought out by

the Torontonian firm Fairfax

International, meaning Black-

berry won’t go out of busi-

ness. Also, Blackberry has

numerous new products roll-

By: Hadi A.

Three weeks ago, the world’s

sixth-largest cell phone brand

announced a loss of $1 billion

and 4,500 employees, which is

terrible news for the famous

company, Blackberry. The firm,

based in Waterloo, Ontario,

predicted more sales, but ri-

vals Apple and Samsung have

stolen customers, leaving it in

the dust. The 14-year-old

ing off the table, named

the Q5, Z15, and Z30.

These new and im-

proved devices are hop-

ing to put more Black-

berries back into cus-

tomers’ hands. With this

much support, there is

virtually no doubt that

Blackberry will, one day,

come back into the mar-

ket like never before.

Technology Cont. - Blackberry — Losing Sales, Employees

Picture © sitesgadget.com

The new Z30, by Blackberry, is in-tended to bring more sales back to the company.

ourselves, all this is done

by reciting a dua (meaning

prayers) and (praise to Al-

lah). Then there is Eid-ul-

Fitr which is a gift from Al-

lah for fasting throughout

the 30 days of the Islamic

month of Ramadan.

By: Muizz A.

What is Eid? Why is it cele-

brated? Who celebrates it?

Well Eid is a Muslim cele-

bration that is a gift from

Allah (GOD). There are two

Eids that are celebrated

every year. Eid-ul-Adha sig-

nifys Prophet Ibrahim’s

(Prophet Abraham) ultimate

sacrifice where GOD sent

down a goat. It is celebrated

as Eid of sacrifice where we

make three portions of the

meat one for the poor, sec-

ond for the family member

and third portion is kept for

October Celebrations - Eid

color temperature of the scene, thus presenting

the accurate percentage of the light. Therefore,

the iPhone 5s is Apple’s best super phone yet,

and Santa is going to be visiting the Apple Store

in North Pole often this Christmas season.

or water. Baby Prophet Ismail then start-

ed tapping his feet on the sand and right

where Prophet Ismail had tapped his

foot, the Angel Gabriel made a stone well

with water inside it. Prophet Abrahim

(Ibrahim) then came back a few days later

to check on his family and was amazed

that they were progressing very well.

Prophet Abrahim (Ibrahim) was then told

by Allah (God) to build a shrine dedicated

to him and Prophet Abrahim (Ibrahim)

did so. After many many centuries the

city of Makah was famous for Muslims

thanks to the stone well now called Aab E

Zam Zam.

By: Muizz A.

Some people wonder what the

word “Hajj “means in Islam? Well,

Hajj is not a word in Islam, but it

is a Muslim’s religious responsi-

bility, one of the five pillars of

Islam. Why would it be a respon-

sibility for Muslims? Well in the

history of Islam, Prophet Abrahim

(Ibrahim) had been requested by

the one and only Allah (God) to

leave his wife Hagar and his son

Prophet Ismail with a limited

amount of food and water and go

to Palestine. Very soon the food

and water had been finished and

both Hagar and Prophet Ismail

were very thirsty and were both

starving. Then Hagar ran up two

hills called Safa and Mirwa des-

perately trying to find some food

October Celebrations - Hajj

EFPS Times October 2013 Issue - YRDSB· 2013-12-06· Have a safe and wonderful Halloween!!! Health & Safety Halloween Tips EFPS Times - School News Continued Page 2 October 2013 - [PDF Document] (5)

Page 5 EFPS Times - World News October Issue

From October 5th

to 13th there was

a Special Festive

event for all Hin-

dus called Navrat-

ri!!! Navratri is

celebrated all

across the globe

by Hindu people

every where. Nav-

ratri means nine

nights, Nav means nine and Ratri means nights. Peo-

ple celebrate Navratri to honour the Goddess Durga

also known as Maa Shakti (Mother Goddess of Uni-

verse, Power and Energy). Hindu’s believe that

God's glory, his cosmic energy, his greatness and su-

premacy can best be depicted as the motherhood as-

pect of God. Just as a child finds all these qualities in

his or her mother, similarly, all Hindu’s look upon

God as Mother. In honour, people fast for nine days

having fruits only as a meal and pray every day.

By: Kushvir

October Celebrations - Navratri

peoples. Thanksgiving Day in

Canada is related to the Euro-

pean tradition of harvest fes-

tivals. A common tradition

seen at this time of year is a

cornucopia, or horn, filled

with fruits and vegetables.

The cornucopia, which means

"Horn of Plenty" in Latin, was

a symbol of more than

enough or plenty in ancient

Greece. Turkeys, pumpkins,

the ears of corn, and large

quantities of food are also

used to symbolize Thanksgiv-

ing Day. Most people have a

day of work or school.

Thanksgiving is an exciting

holiday that most people look

forward to. After all, who

could be able to resist all the

yummy food!

By: Maha R

Thanksgiving Day, (which

will be celebrated on Mon-

day October 14th this year,)

is a national holiday cele-

bration as a day of giving

thanks for the harvest year.

Thanksgiving ceremonies

are the most common tradi-

tions in most cultures.

Thanksgiving is about

spending time with your

family. Most people travel

to their families

to spend time

with them. The


meal is the big-

gest event of

the day. Most

feasts include a

stuffed turkey,

gravy, corn-

bread, sweet/mashed pota-

toes and cranberry sauce.

And for dessert, the feast

includes pie, ice-cream, and

sometimes even baked ap-

ples with stuffing! Pump-

kins, fruits, and vegetables

are also on a platter for the

thanksgiving feast. Thanks-

giving was celebrated a long

time ago by the First Nation

October Celebrations - Thanksgiving

us to break out the scrap-

pers for the first time this

year. However, there are

those that do in deed love

winter and yes it will be

here before we know it! So

make sure to get out your

gloves, hats, mittens,

boots and those snow

shovels as we pay homage

to that wonderful season

known as winter.

As we look forward into

November there are many

different celebrations and

events that will be taking

By: Unknown

A clear sign that fall is

here can be seen all

around us. The weather

has begun to turn cooler,

the leaves have changed

from green to yellow, red

orange, the trees are be-

coming bare, the sun is

staying away longer and

sadly the first signs of win-

ter was here on the car

windows. That’s right Jack

Frost has been up to his

old trick of putting frost

on the car window forcing

place. Remembrance Day

will be held on the 11th and

there will be a ceremonies

taking place all over the

world in memory of many

soldiers who have fallen in

the past and the present.

Ellen Fairclough will be

having their assembly at

10:30am on the 11th.

Diwali is a Hindu festival

with lights, held in the peri-

od October to November. It

is particularly associated

with Lakshmi, the goddess

of prosperity, and marks

Looking Forward - What does November have in store for us?

the beginning of the financial

year in India. This year Diwali is

on November 3rd. We wish all

who celebrate Diwali and hap-

py celebration.

Bonjour comment allez-vous, la

biographie de novembre sera

sur madame. Hello, how are

you? November’s Biography

will be Madame Rampatab.

We are very excited and can’t

wait to read learn more about


In Eco news the battery recy-

cling begins this November. So

Save those unwanted batteries.

EFPS Times October 2013 Issue - YRDSB · 2013-12-06 · Have a safe and wonderful Halloween!!! Health & Safety Halloween Tips EFPS Times - School News Continued Page 2 October 2013 - [PDF Document] (2024)


Why is Halloween not safe for kids? ›

About 55% of injuries related to Halloween result from pumpkin carving. Leave all carvings to the adults, and let children have fun scooping out the seeds inside. They can also search for their favorite design and trace it on the pumpkin with a child-safe, non-toxic marker.

What is a safe Halloween? ›

Top Tips for Halloween Safety

Carry glow sticks or flashlights, use reflective tape or stickers on costumes and bags, and wear light colors to help kids see and be seen by drivers. Join kids under age 12 for trick-or-treating. Slow down and be alert! Kids are excited on Halloween and may dart into the street.

What is Halloween Safety Month? ›

Halloween Safety Month is an annual designation observed in October. Halloween is a fun holiday for friends and families, but since it usually involves being outdoors late into the evening, it's important to keep safety in mind when you're out celebrating this spooky holiday.

What are the precautions for trick-or-treating? ›

Trick-or-Treating Safety Tips

Tell older children to remain in a group and stay in communication with you. Avoid homemade treats and inspect all candy before it's consumed. Only go to well-lit homes. Do not enter any homes or cars for treats.

Is 13 too old for Halloween? ›

The Bottom Line: You're Never Too Old for Halloween

Overall, there's no clear cutoff for trick or treating. Each parent is free to establish their own ground rules for this holiday, but I say embrace the idea that preteens and teens aren't too old to enjoy the innocent fun of touring the neighborhood collecting candy.

Is Halloween Kills kid friendly? ›

For 18 and up. Parents should know that this show is inappropriate for people undec 18 and up because this show has a lot of bad things like, killing, guns, sex, violence, people getting hit by a car, all of the curse words. This title has: Great messages.

What is the #1 rule of Halloween safety? ›

Each year in the United States, more children die at the hands of drivers than from any other cause. This risk is highest on Halloween: children are three times as likely to be killed by a driver on Halloween than they are on a normal day.

Is Halloween a legal holiday? ›

Halloween, while not an official holiday, is an important celebration to many in the United States. Since the 8th century, All Saint's Day has been celebrated on November 1st. The day preceding this religious holiday was established as a hallowed day and named Halloween.

Why is Halloween safer on a Saturday? ›

There'd be less work traffic on a Saturday. More parents could go trick-or-treating to ensure kids' safety. Moving Halloween to a weekend would also mean more parades. It'd make the holiday relaxing, safe, and fun.

What should we not do on Halloween? ›

It's totally in poor taste to use your decorations for inappropriate jokes about bodily functions, sexual activity, or political opinions. While some people like to be spooked on this holiday, many little kids don't. Don't jump out at them or yell or wear any sort of costume that will cause them fright!

What age can you not go trick-or-treating? ›

At what age do kids stop trick-or-treating? Although it's rare, some cities and towns actually have laws in place around trick-or-treating age limits, like Chesapeake, Virginia, where officials declared age 14 the cutoff, and Upper Deerfield Township in New Jersey, where there is a suggested age limit of 12.

Is it safe to trick or treat at night? ›

Research shows that evenings from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. are the riskiest times of day for child pedestrians. If your older children are trick-or-treating alone, plan and review the route that is acceptable to you.

Is Halloween inappropriate for kids? ›

This is a great classic horror film that reinvented the slasher genre, although it is pretty inappropriate. For example, teens have sex under sheets, with moaning too. Afterwards, the girls breasts are shown including the nipples. Teens make out.

Why is Halloween not allowed in schools? ›

The 1st Amendment guarantees that government entities, like public schools, may not prefer one religion to another and that teaching or celebrating Halloween falls under the guidelines of teaching about religious beliefs or customs.

What age should kids stop Halloween? ›

"There is no age when kids 'should' stop trick-or-treating, but after graduating high school many enjoy other ways to celebrate Halloween," Sheryl Ziegler, a Denver family therapist tells TODAY.com. "The decision to stop is based more on behavior than age." If your older child loves trick-or-treating, that's OK.

How many kids get injured on Halloween? ›

32% of child fatalities on Halloween are between 12 and 15, and 23% are between 5 and 8. The most Halloween pedestrian fatalities occur between 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, an average of 3,200 people visit the emergency room due to Halloween-related injuries.


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Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.