Medical Abbreviations List: Common Healthcare Terminology (2024)

Medical Abbreviations List: Common Healthcare Terminology (1)

    Doctor listening to baby's breathing with stethoscope


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Whether you’re trying to understand what your doctor just said or you’re attempting to decipher your hospital bill, you’ve probably been stymied by confusing medical abbreviations once or twice. Luckily, there’s an easy way to figure out common healthcare abbreviations and acronyms. (We can’t say the same about paying that hospital bill, though.)

General Medical Abbreviations

What’s the difference between an H&P and an HPI? Should you leave the hospital AMA or A&W? Learn about common medical abbreviations that patients should know so they can make the best healthcare decisions.

  • ADM - Admission, Admitted
  • AOB - Alcohol on Breath
  • ALS - Advanced Life Support
  • AMA - Against Medical Advice, American Medical Association
  • ASAP - As Soon As Possible
  • A&W - Alive and Well
  • BM - Bowel Movement
  • BMD - Bone Mass Density
  • BMI - Body Mass Index
  • BMR - Basal Metabolic Rate
  • BP - Blood Pressure
  • C - Centigrade, Celsius
  • CBF - Cerebral Blood Flow
  • CC - Cubic Centimeter, Chief Complaint, Critical Care
  • C/O - Complains Of, Care Of
  • CV - Cardiovascular
  • D/C - Discontinue or Discharge
  • DNR - Do Not Resuscitate
  • DO - Disorder
  • DOB - Date of Birth
  • DOT - Directly Observed Therapy
  • DSM - Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
  • Dx - Diagnosis
  • EDC - Estimated Date of Confinement
  • EDD - Estimated Delivery Date
  • EGA - Estimated Gestational Age
  • FB - Foreign Body
  • FHR - Fetal Heart Rate
  • FM - Fetal Movement
  • FROM - Free Range of Motion
  • FT - Full Term
  • FX - Fracture
  • GA - Gestational Age
  • GH - Growth Hormone
  • GHRH - Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone
  • GI - Gastrointestinal
  • GU - Genitourinary
  • H&P - History and Physical Examination
  • HB - Hemoglobin
  • HDL - High Density Lipoprotein
  • HPI - History of Present Illness
  • H/O - History Of
  • HR - Heart Rate (or Hour)
  • HS - Hour of Sleep (Bedtime)
  • I&O - Intake and Output
  • ICU - Intensive Care Unit
  • ID - Infectious Diseases
  • IM - Intramuscular
  • IP - Inpatient
  • IQ - Intelligence Quotient
  • IU - International Units
  • IV - Intravenous
  • IVP - Intravenous Push
  • MCO - Managed Care Organization
  • N/V - Nausea/Vomiting
  • NKDA - No Known Drug Allergies
  • NM - Neuromuscular
  • NTG - Nitroglycerin
  • NVD - Normal vagin*l Delivery
  • O2 - Oxygen
  • OPD - Outpatient Department
  • P - Pulse
  • Post-op - Postoperative (after surgery)
  • Pre-op - Preoperative (before surgery)
  • PA or PT - Patient
  • PT - Physical Therapy
  • PCP - Primary Care Physician
  • PPE - Personal Protection Equipment
  • RBC - Red Blood Cell
  • RF - Risk Factor
  • RXN - Reaction
  • S - Sans (without)
  • SC or SQ - Subcutaneous
  • S/S - Signs and Symptoms
  • STAT - Statim (immediately)
  • SX - Symptoms
  • T - Temperature
  • TLC - Total Lung Capacity
  • TPR - Temperature, Pulse, Respiration
  • UO - Urine Output
  • USOH - Usual State of Health
  • WT - Weight

Emergency Medical Abbreviations

In an emergency situation, rapid communication can be the difference between life and death. Common abbreviations found in an ER include:

  • A&O - Alert and Oriented
  • ABC - Airway-Circulation-Breathing
  • A-Fib - Atrial Fibrillation (irregular heartbeat)
  • CAB - Circulation-Airway-Breathing
  • CPR - Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
  • CVA - Cerebral Vascular Accident (stroke)
  • DOA - Dead on Arrival or Date of Admission
  • EBL - Estimated Blood Loss
  • EC - Eye Contact
  • ER - Emergency Room
  • FEF - Forced Expiratory Flow
  • FRC - Functional Residual Capacity
  • GSW - Gunshot Wound
  • LOF - Loss of Fluid
  • MVA - Motor Vehicle Accident
  • NAD - No Acute Distress
  • REM - Rapid Eye Movements
  • SOB - Shortness of Breath
  • VF - Ventricular Fibrillation
  • VS - Vital Signs
  • VSS - Vital Signs Stable


Common Prescription Abbreviations

Prescription labels must be both brief and thorough — a task accomplished by the many medical abbreviations found in a pharmacist’s office. They include:

  • ABX - Antibiotics
  • AC - Ante Cibum (before meals)
  • Ad lib - Ad Libitum (at will, as desired)
  • BC - Birth Control
  • BID - Bis In Dies (twice a day)
  • CAP - Capsule
  • GTT - Guttae (drops)
  • MDD - Maximum Daily Dose
  • NPO - Nil Per Os (nothing by mouth)
  • OCP - Oral Contraceptive Pill
  • OPV - Oral Polio Vaccine
  • OTC - Over The Counter
  • PC - Post Cibum (after meals)
  • PCN - Penicillin
  • PNV - Prenatal Vitamins
  • PO - Per Os (by mouth)
  • PRN - Pro Re Nata (as needed)
  • q2h - Quaque Segunda Hora (every 2 hours)
  • q4h - Quaque Quarta Hora (every 3 hours)
  • qam - Quaque Ante Meridiem (every morning)
  • qd - Quaque Die (once a day)
  • qh - Quaque Hora (once every hour)
  • qhs - Quaque Hora Somni (every night at bedtime)
  • qid - Quater In Die (four times a day)
  • qod - Quaque Altera Die (every other day)
  • qpm - Quaque Post Meridiem (every evening)
  • RDI - Recommended Daily Intake
  • Rx - Recipe (prescription)
  • TAB - Tablet
  • TIW - Three Times a Week

Medical Orders and Procedure Abbreviations

When your doctor orders a test or procedure for you, they’ll probably use an abbreviation when speaking to a nurse or lab technician. Some of these abbreviations may include:

  • AA - Amino Acid
  • ABG - Arterial Blood Gas
  • AXR - Abdominal X-Ray
  • BAC - Blood Alcohol Content
  • BE - Barium Enema
  • BMT - Bone Marrow Transplant
  • Bx - Biopsy
  • CABG - Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
  • CBC - Complete Blood Count
  • CFT - Complement Fixation Testing
  • C/S - Cesarean Section
  • CXR - Chest X-Ray
  • ECC - Emergency Cardiac Care
  • ECG or EKG - Electrocardiogram
  • ECMO - Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation
  • ECT - Electroconvulsive Therapy
  • ECV - External Cephalic Version
  • FNA - Fine Needle Aspiration
  • FOBT - Fecal Occult Blood Testing
  • FSH - Follicle Stimulating Hormone
  • GLT - Glucose Loading Test
  • GTT - Glucose Tolerance Test
  • H20 - Water
  • HPA - Hypothalamic Suppression Test
  • I&D - Incision and Drainage
  • IUI - Intrauterine Insemination
  • IVF - In Vitro Fertilization
  • KUB - Kidney, Ureter, Bladder (x-ray)
  • OGTT - Oral Glucose Tolerance Test
  • PAP - Pulmonary Artery Pressure, Papanicolaou Test
  • PEEP - Positive end Expiratory Pressure
  • T&C - Type and Cross (blood)
  • TPA - Tissue Plasminogen Activator (dissolve clots), Total Parenteral Alimentation (intravenous nutritional needs)
  • UA - Urinalysis
  • US - Ultrasound
  • WB - Whole Blood
  • WBC - White Blood Cell
  • WNL - Within Normal Limits
  • XRT - External Radiation Therapy


Abbreviations for Medical Diagnoses or Symptoms

Nothing is scarier than receiving a diagnosis that you don’t understand. Sort out the confusion and find your diagnosis here:

  • ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
  • AIDS - Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
  • ALS - Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease)
  • ARDS - Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome
  • ARF - Acute Renal Failure, Acute Rheumatic Fever
  • BAD - Bipolar Affective Disorder
  • CA - Cancer
  • CAD - Coronary Artery Disease
  • CF - Cystic Fibrosis
  • C/F - Chills, Fever
  • CHD - Congenital Heart Disease
  • CHF - Congestive Heart Failure
  • COLD - Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease
  • COPD - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
  • CP - Chest Pain
  • CP - Cerebral Palsy
  • DTR - Deep Tendon Reflex
  • DVT - Deep Venous Thrombosis
  • EBV - Epstein-Barr Virus
  • ECASA - Enteric Coated Acetylsalicylic Acid
  • EGC - Early Gastric Cancer
  • FAS - Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
  • F/C - Fever, Chills
  • HA - Headache, Hemolytic Anemia
  • HAV - Hepatitis A Virus
  • HBV - Hepatitis B Virus
  • HCV - Hepatitis C Virus
  • HDV - Hepatitis D Virus
  • HIV - Human Immunodeficiency Virus
  • HTN - Hypertension
  • IBD - Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • IBS - Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome
  • ICP - Intracranial Pressure
  • IDDM - Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
  • IPF - Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
  • JRA - Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • JVD - Jugular Venous Distension
  • KS - Kaposi Sarcoma
  • LAD - Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency
  • LBP - Lower Back Pain
  • LBW - Low Birth Weight
  • LIH - Left Inguinal Hernia
  • MD - Muscular Dystrophy
  • MS - Multiple Sclerosis
  • NIDDM - Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
  • OCD - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  • ON - Optic Neuritis
  • OSA - Obstructive Sleep Apnea
  • PCOS - Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
  • PD - Parkinson's Disease
  • PE - Pulmonary Embolism
  • PKD - Polycystic Kidney Disease
  • PID - Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
  • PIH - Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension
  • PMS - Premenstrual Syndrome
  • PTSD - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • RA - Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • RAD - Reactive Airway Disease
  • RDS - Respiratory Distress Syndrome
  • RHD - Rheumatic Heart Disease
  • SAB - Spontaneous Abortion
  • SBO - Small Bowel Obstruction
  • SBS - Shaken Baby Syndrome
  • STD - Sexually Transmitted Disease
  • TAH - Total Abdominal Hysterectomy
  • TB - Tuberculosis
  • TBI - Traumatic Brain Injury
  • TGA - Transient Global Amnesia
  • UC - Ulcerative Colitis
  • URI - Upper Respiratory Infection
  • UTI - Urinary Tract Infection
  • VB - vagin*l Bleeding
  • VBAC - vagin*l Birth After Cesarean Section


Medical Abbreviations for Body Parts

Doctors may not call your left ear by that name. Instead, they may use the abbreviation AS, along with a number of other body-related medical abbreviations.

  • ABD - Abdomen
  • AD - Auris Dextra (right ear)
  • AS - Auris Sinistra (left ear)
  • AU - Aures Unitas (both ears)
  • CBD - Common Bile Duct
  • LLL - Left Lower Lobe
  • LLQ - Left Lower Quadrant
  • LUL - Left Upper Lobe
  • LUQ - Left Upper Quadrant
  • LV - Left Ventricle
  • OD - Oculus Dexter (right eye)
  • OS - Oculus Sinister (left eye)
  • OU - Oculus Uterque (both eyes)
  • PNS - Peripheral Nervous System
  • RA - Right Atrium
  • RUL - Right Upper Lobe
  • RUQ - Right Upper Quadrant
  • RV - Right Ventricle, Residual Volume
  • UE - Upper Extremity

An Abbreviation a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

It's always advisable to consult with your doctor, nurse, pharmacist, or other medical professional about any and all medical terminology that's confusing or unclear. Only those within the medical field can truly decipher the multitude of abbreviations in the industry. If all this jargon has stirred up your interest, then try:

  • Common Prescription Abbreviations and Meanings
  • Nursing Abbreviations: From Job Titles to Medical Terminology
  • Medical Suffix Meanings
Medical Abbreviations List: Common Healthcare Terminology (2024)


What are 20 medical terms? ›

A to Z of medical terms
AbdomenThe tummy area from the lower ribs to the pelvis.
AnaesthesiaA medical way of relieving pain.
AnaesthetistA doctor trained to administer anaesthetics.
Anal sphincterThe muscle around the anus that is squeezed to prevent passing wind or opening the bowels involuntarily.
26 more rows

What are the most common medical abbreviations? ›

List of abbreviations
LAlocal anaesthetic
LDLlow-density lipoprotein (a type of cholesterol)
LFTliver function test (a type of blood test measuring enzymes and proteins in your liver)
LMPlast menstrual period
123 more rows

What is 24 in medical terms? ›

Modifier 24 is defined as an unrelated evaluation and management service by the same physician or other qualified health care professional during a post-operative period. Medicare defines same physician as physicians in the same group practice who are of the same specialty.

What is bio 100 medical terminology? ›

This course focuses on learning Greek and Latin prefixes, suffixes, word roots, and abbreviations used in medical documentation. Students will become familiar with names of diseases that affect the human body and procedures related to medical services.

What are the 20 words associated with medicine? ›

  • antibiotic.
  • cure.
  • drug.
  • medication.
  • pharmaceutical.
  • pill.
  • prescription.
  • remedy.

What is Med 121 medical terminology? ›

This course introduces prefixes, suffixes, and word roots used in the language of medicine. Topics include medical vocabulary and the terms that relate to the anatomy, physiology, pathological conditions, and treatment of selected systems.

What does sh mean from a girl? ›

“SH” has found its way into this digital lexicon, and it often stands for “self-harm” in the context of mental health. When teenagers use “SH” in their texts or online conversations, they might be referring to the challenging and sensitive topic of intentional self-injury. In another context, it could mean “same here.”

Does SX mean surgery? ›

Noun. Sx. (medicine) Abbreviation of surgery. (medicine) Abbreviation of symptom(s).

What does 0 0 mean on a prescription? ›

"0" means nill dose of the medication that should be taken in the morning, "0" means nill doses of the medication that should be taken in the afternoon, "1" means one dose of prescribed medication should be taken in the evening or at bedtime.

What does BD mean in text slang? ›

Text message abbreviations and acronyms
BDBig deal
BFFBest friends forever
BFDBig freaking deal
189 more rows

What does sh mean on TikTok? ›

The abbreviation "SH" is often used in TikTok videos, and it usually connotates "self-harm." The idea of using the abbreviated version instead of the whole word is to inform users that the original poster recognizes self-harm to be a sensitive topic and believes that mental health issues should be taken seriously.

What is the basic medical terminology? ›

There are three basic parts to medical terms: a word root (usually the middle of the word and its central meaning), a prefix (comes at the beginning and usually identifies some subdivision or part of the central meaning), and a suffix (comes at the end and modifies the central meaning as to what or who is interacting ...

What is F 20 in medical terms? ›

F20 Schizophrenia. The schizophrenic disorders are characterized in general by fundamental and characteristic distortions of thinking and perception, and affects that are inappropriate or blunted.

What is a common medical term? ›

This list contains some common medical abbreviations and acronyms: AC: Ante cibum, or "before meals," indicating when a patient should take medication. ADR: Adverse drug reaction. ALOC: Acute loss of consciousness. BMI: Body mass index, a measurement of body fat based on height and weight.

What is Bio 120 medical terminology? ›

This course is a survey of words, terms, and descriptions commonly used in medical arts. Emphasis is placed on spelling, pronunciation, and meanings of prefixes, suffixes, and roots. No laboratory is required.


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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.