Sautéed Green Beans With Mushrooms and Caramelized Cipollini Onions Recipe (2024)

Why It Works

  • Using sweet cipollini onions, and caramelizing them the slow, traditional way, results in the softest, sweetest onions.
  • Soy sauce adds extra savory flavor.
  • Blanching green beans keeps them crisp and green.

I generally don't like to apply the terms deconstructed/reconstructed to food because it makes me feel like I'm working on a recipe for a burn victim or perhaps aBrundlefly, but I suppose this recipe fits the bill. It's most of the flavors of a traditional green bean casserole—green beans, onions, and mushrooms—minus the cream, and put together in a less stodgy, altogether tastier way.

If you want to go for a more traditional approach, you can find itright this way. But if something a little lighter appeals to you, read on.

Sometimes working on a recipe involves fine-tuning or troubleshooting. Sometimes it involves completely re-thinking what exists. In this case, it's a matter of looking at each ingredient and maximizing its flavor before recombining them all into a whole that's greater than the sum of its parts. Let's go through the list one by one.

The Onions

Sautéed Green Beans With Mushrooms and Caramelized Cipollini Onions Recipe (1)

I have a deep and abiding love of cipollini onions, those little disc-shaped onions that at one point were found mostly in fancy-pants restaurants, but these days show up in farmer's markets and decently-sized supermarkets all over the place. This is good news for me.

They're sweeter than almost any other type of onion, with tons of residual sugars that make them prime candidates for caramelizing, which turns them almost candy-sweet and, more importantly, rids them of the onion-breath-causing compounds.

Sautéed Green Beans With Mushrooms and Caramelized Cipollini Onions Recipe (2)

Peeling them is a bit of a pain in the butt, so if you've got a kid of knife-wielding age or a significant other or a friend you don't mind exposing to a bit of tedious manual labor, now is the time to call on them. You know that guest who always comes into the kitchen and says, "can I do anything to help?" but doesn't actually expect you to say yes? Now is the time so say, "sure, can you peel those cipollini for me?"

To peel them, cut off the little nubs from the top and the bottom (sometimes you have to take off a little extra onion if the nub is really far recessed), then use a paring knife or your fingertips to strip off the outer layers.

Sautéed Green Beans With Mushrooms and Caramelized Cipollini Onions Recipe (3)

The process of caramelizing onions is slow and painstaking, since the onions have to go through several distinct phases.

First, the onions begin bysweating. As they slowly heat up, moisture from their interior (they are roughly 75% water by weight) begins to evaporate, forcing its way out of the onion's cells, and causing them to rupture in the process. This breakdown of the cells is what causes onions to soften during the initial stages of cooking. As onion cells continue to break down, they release their contents—a complex mix of sugars, proteins, and aromatic compounds (mercaptans, disulfides, trisulfides, thiopenes,and other such long, no-reason-to-memorize chemicals). This is when things start to smell really good, and, incidentally, when you should get the dog to leave the room, unless you enjoy a permanent onion aroma on your pet's fur.

Sautéed Green Beans With Mushrooms and Caramelized Cipollini Onions Recipe (4)

Once most of the liquid has evaporated and the temperature of the onion starts creeping up into the 230°F-and-above zone,caramelizationbegins to take place. This reaction involves the oxidation of sugar, which breaks down and forms dozens of new compounds, adding depth of flavor to your onions. Large sugar molecules like sucrose break down into small monosaccharides like glucose and fructose. Glucose and fructose are sweeter than a single sucrose molecule, making the overall flavor of caramelized sugars sweeter than the starting sugar.

At the same time, theMaillardreaction takes place. As with caramelization, the Maillard reaction will cause browning. However, the Maillard reaction is far more complex, involving the interaction of sugars, proteins, and enzymes. The products of the Maillard reaction number in the hundreds, and are still not fully identified. This is the reaction that causes browning on your toast or your steak when you cook it.

Ideally, as the onion continues to cook, three things will occur at the same time: (1) the complete softening of the onion's cell structure, (2) maximum caramelization (i.e., as brown as you can get before bitter products begin to develop), and (3) maximum Maillard browning (with the same caveat).

Now, with sliced onions, you candrastically speed up the process of caramelizing onionsby carefully browning and deglazing the onions in a heavy pot repeatedly.

With whole cipollini, this isn't possible; they're simply too thick to soften up properly using this method—at least, if you want to keep them intact. The traditional low-and-slow approach is the best way to deal with them. This is largely a hands-off process—just melt some butter, add the onions, and let them cook down for about 45 minutes, turning occasionally.

Sautéed Green Beans With Mushrooms and Caramelized Cipollini Onions Recipe (5)

Since you're driving off liquid from the outside in, the outermost layers of the onion may shrink as they lose moisture, causing them to squeeze the inner layers out. Just keep a lazy eye on the pan and poke down any onion innards that attempt to escape.

In due time, you'll be treated to the finest caramelized onions you've ever tasted (which makes me think, perhaps it's time to update myfrench onion dip recipe...)

The Mushrooms

First things first here: You've probably heard that you shouldn't wash your mushrooms in water because they'll absorb moisture, making them slimy or difficult to sear properly. It makes sense at first glance, but I'm the kind of guy who likes to turn glances into good hard stares,* so I did a couple of tests both roasting and sautéeing mushrooms that had been rinsed under cool running water and spun dry in a salad spinner, versus those that had been painstakingly wiped clean with a mushroom brush and a damp paper towel. I made sure to weigh the mushrooms at each stage to monitor how much liquid they absorbed and exuded.

*This works out with food, not so much in public places like bars and libraries.

Sautéed Green Beans With Mushrooms and Caramelized Cipollini Onions Recipe (6)

It's true: mushrooms do absorb water when you wash them, but it's only about 2% of their total weight, or, translated to volume, about 1 1/2 teaspoons of water per pound, which in turn translates to an extra 15 to 30 seconds of sautéeing time, or a minute or two extra in the oven,

That's a tradeoff I'm willing to take, and I'm guessing you are too.

Sautéed Green Beans With Mushrooms and Caramelized Cipollini Onions Recipe (7)

As with the onions, the goal with the mushrooms is to drive off moisture to concentrate flavor, and to introduce some browning to add depth and complexity. Unlike the onions, mushrooms have very little sugar, so there's no real caramelization taking place, only Maillard browning.

Sautéed Green Beans With Mushrooms and Caramelized Cipollini Onions Recipe (8)

This is good news—Maillard browning is a much faster process. All we need to do is sauté those 'shrooms in hot oil until they lose moisture and start to brown.

Sautéed Green Beans With Mushrooms and Caramelized Cipollini Onions Recipe (9)

To finish them off, I add a whole bunch of shallots—mushrooms and shallots are fantastic partners-in-crime—some fresh thyme leaves, and butter. It may seem excessive at this point, but it's key: That butter picks up the fat-soluble flavor compounds from the mushrooms, shallots, and thyme, and flavors all of the other ingredients when you eventually toss them together.

Mushrooms are naturally savory and contain high proportions of glutamates for their mass (the chemicals responsible for triggering our sensation of savoriness), but a little boost never hurts: I like to finish my mushrooms with a splash of glutamate-rich soy sauce.

The Green Beans

Sautéed Green Beans With Mushrooms and Caramelized Cipollini Onions Recipe (10)

The final element of the dish is also the easiest. Green beans are naturally sweet and delicious, so all we have to do is keep 'em that way. The key is to blanch them in boiling salted water so they cook rapidly through to their core before their exteriors have a chance to start softening.

Chefs often recommend using a big pot of salted water at a rolling boil for this process. More recently, I've taken to a couple of other techniques, includingcryo-blanching(freezing green vegetables to rupture their cells without altering their flavor), andcooking sous-vide; both processes recommended by Aki and Alex over atIdeas in Food. The methods work, and if you've got a vacuum sealer or a water circulator, I highly recommend you read up on them!

Sautéed Green Beans With Mushrooms and Caramelized Cipollini Onions Recipe (11)

But big-pot blanching is tried-and-true and will do the job just fine. The one thing youdon'tneed to do is shock vegetables in an ice bath after blanching. A quick trip under cold running tap water will cool them down fast enough to prevent any kind of overcooking that might occur.

Once we've got all of our elements—caramelized onions, sautéed mushrooms and shallots, and blanched green beans—the dish is as simple as throwing them all together in a pan, adding a squeeze of lemon juice, and tossing it all until combined.

It may seem like a lot of work for a single dish, but it's the kind of dish that can be prepared in its individual components 100% in advance. You can caramelize the onions and cook the mushrooms up to five days ahead of time and blanch the green beans the day before (let them sit much longer than that and they'll lose color), which leaves you about five minutes of actual work on the day you serve them.*

*This kind of component-combining dishes is the secret to how restaurants serve you food that tastes like it took hours to make in a matter of minutes.

Walk into the room and take a whiff and you mightthinkthat it's a green bean casserole coming out of the oven, but you've never had a casserole with onions this sweet and tender, beans this snappy, or mushrooms this intense.

November 2013

Recipe Details

Sautéed Green Beans With Mushrooms and Caramelized Cipollini Onions | The Food Lab

Active60 mins

Total75 mins

Serves6to 8 servings


  • 4 tablespoons unsalted butter or extra-virgin olive oil, divided

  • 1 pound cipollini onions, trimmed and peeled

  • Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper

  • 2 pounds green beans, trimmed

  • 2 tablespoons canola orvegetable oil

  • 1 pound button mushrooms, washed, trimmed, and cut into quarters

  • 1 medium shallot, finely chopped

  • 4 medium cloves garlic, minced (about 4 teaspoons)

  • 1 teaspoon pickedfresh thyme leaves

  • 1 teaspoon soy sauce

  • 1 teaspoon juice from 1 lemon


  1. Melt 3 tablespoons butter (or heat olive oil) in a large non-stick or cast iron skillet over medium heat. Add cipollini onions, season well with salt and pepper, reduce heat to low, and cook, turning occasionally, until onions are a deep, caramel brown, about 45 minutes total.

    Sautéed Green Beans With Mushrooms and Caramelized Cipollini Onions Recipe (12)

  2. Meanwhile, bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add beans and cook until tender-crisp, about 3 minutes. Drain and run under cool running water until cold. Set aside.

    Sautéed Green Beans With Mushrooms and Caramelized Cipollini Onions Recipe (13)

  3. Heat oil in a large saucepan over high heat until lightly smoking. Add mushrooms and cook, stirring occasionally, until they've released all their liquid and are browned, about 10 minutes total, reducing heat if oil starts to smoke excessively. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Add shallots, garlic, thyme, and remaining tablespoon butter (or olive oil) and cook, stirring, until fragrant, about 30 seconds. Add soy sauce and toss to combine.

    Sautéed Green Beans With Mushrooms and Caramelized Cipollini Onions Recipe (14)

  4. Add green beans, onions, and lemon juice to mushrooms and toss to reheat and combine. Serve immediately.

    Sautéed Green Beans With Mushrooms and Caramelized Cipollini Onions Recipe (15)

Make-Ahead and Storage

You can caramelize the onions and cook the mushrooms up to 5 days ahead of time and blanch the green beans the day before (let them sit much longer than that and they'll lose color). To serve, combine beans, mushrooms, and onions in a large skillet and cook over medium-high heat, stirring, until hot.

  • Green Beans
  • Onions
  • Vegetable Sides
  • Thanksgiving Side Dishes
Sautéed Green Beans With Mushrooms and Caramelized Cipollini Onions Recipe (2024)


Should I saute onions before mushrooms? ›

Do You Sauté the Onions First? To keep the onions from cooking in the mushroom juices, wait to add the onions until the mushrooms have released their excess liquid and almost all of that liquid has evaporated. Once you get there, add the onions and let them sauté and brown in the fat alongside the mushrooms.

Do mushrooms take longer to saute than onions? ›

Add sliced onions and worcestershire sauce and cook, stirring occasionally for 3-4 minutes or until edges start to get a little brown. Add mushrooms and cook additional 5-8 minutes depending on the size of the mushrooms and your preference for doneness.

How to saute mushrooms and onions without oil? ›

Oil-Free Sautéed Mushrooms and Onions

Heat a large skillet over medium heat for 2 minutes. Add the mushrooms, onion and garlic. Sauté for 6 minutes, stirring often and adding a splash of water if they start to stick. Stir in the thyme, salt and pepper and remove from heat.

How to spice up green beans from a can? ›

The legendary green beans recipe suggests simmering onion, green beans, and garlic in broth and finishing with crumbled fried bacon. This will not only improve the flavor, but the crispy bacon bits will also do wonders for the texture and are a perfect antidote to tender green beans.

Should I sauté mushrooms in oil or butter? ›

Olive Oil + Butter.

Sautéed mushrooms with butter have their benefits, but so do sautéed mushrooms with olive oil. I use both oil and butter for a dynamic duo that pairs searing (oil) with rich, satisfying flavor (butter). (I also use both in my Sauteed Spinach.)

How do you know when mushrooms are sautéed enough? ›

When the oil or melted butter is hot, add the mushrooms. You should hear a sizzle. (If the fat isn't hot enough, the mushrooms will start to water out and steam instead of sautéing.) Cook the mushrooms 4 to 5 minutes or until they're tender and lightly browned.

How do you get the most flavor out of sautéed mushrooms? ›

Oil and butter: For the best and richest flavor, cook the mushrooms in a mixture of olive oil and butter. Mushrooms: A pound of sliced button mushrooms should comfortably serve about four people. Wine: A tablespoon of red cooking wine enhances the flavor of the sautéed mushrooms.

Do you add water when sauteing mushrooms? ›

For perfect sauteed mushrooms, Alton Brown adds water into the mix before browning with butter to ensure firm, yet floppy mushroom slices.

How do you keep sautéed mushrooms from getting soggy? ›

Turn up the heat: Turn the heat up to medium-high and allow time for your oil/butter to get hot before adding the mushrooms. Keeping the heat up will help moisture evaporate quickly giving you a beautifully caramelized mushroom. If mushrooms are giving off lots of moisture keep the heat going until it's gone.

What is the difference between sautéed and caramelized mushrooms? ›

Caramelized vs.

Flavor wise, when sautéed onions and mushrooms taste slightly toasty and slightly sweet. But when caramelized, the flavors take on a whole new level of complexity! They turn incredibly sweet yet savory and they are cooked so long they practically melt in your mouth.

Is butter or oil better for sauteing onions? ›

Cooking onions longer at a lower heat results in soft and golden brown onions. This breaks down the natural sugars, so the onions taste extra sweet. We recommend using butter for the best flavor.

Do you salt mushrooms when sauteing? ›

Should I salt the mushrooms before cooking them? Never salt the mushrooms before cooking. Salt draws out moisture and will therefore make them extremely mushy. We want a nice meaty delicious bite to them with color and texture, so salt at the end always.

Should you drain canned green beans? ›

One of the primary reasons for draining and rinsing canned beans, or any canned food, is to remove some of the excess salt.

Do you sauté onions first or last? ›

To help cooks avoid burning their garlic, a lot of recipes call for sautéing other aromatics first, like onions, carrots, and celery, and then adding the garlic for the last few minutes.

What we should not do before cooking mushroom? ›

This is the big one: Do not salt the mushrooms too early in the cooking process. Salting too early often draws out too much of the inherent moisture or liquid, which can be a bit overwhelming if you're a mushroom newbie making a large batch.

How do you get the most flavor out of sauteed mushrooms? ›

Oil and butter: For the best and richest flavor, cook the mushrooms in a mixture of olive oil and butter. Mushrooms: A pound of sliced button mushrooms should comfortably serve about four people. Wine: A tablespoon of red cooking wine enhances the flavor of the sautéed mushrooms.


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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.