The Ultimate Guide To Jersey Giant Chickens – Size, Origin, Cost, And Jumbo Eggs! (2025)

November is the best time of year to talk about one of our favorite chicken breeds – the mighty Jersey Giant! Imagine a chicken so massive, so magnificent, that it could replace your Thanksgiving turkey while still being the most charming member of your farmyard family.

Sound intriguing?

Then, let’s explore this epic chicken breed in detail.

The Ultimate Guide To Jersey Giant Chickens– Size, Origin, Cost, And Jumbo Eggs! (1)

Jersey Giant Chicken Overview

The Ultimate Guide To Jersey Giant Chickens– Size, Origin, Cost, And Jumbo Eggs! (2)

The Jersey Giant is the largest purebred chicken breed developed in the United States. Jerseys are most famous for their impressive size and dual-purpose capabilities as meat—and egg-producing chickens.

OriginDeveloped in New Jersey in the late 1800s by the Black brothers (John and Thomas).
CostSuper cheap! As of November 2024, Hoover’s Hatchery sells ten counts of unsexed Jersey Giant chicks for about $35. ($3.5 each.) Male chicks are around $27 for 10. (About $2.70 each.)
Lifespan5 to 8 years.
Rooster Weight11 to 15 pounds.
Hen Weight9 to 12 pounds.
TemperamentDocile, gentle, and calm.
AppearanceLarge, robust body with black, white, or blue feather varieties.
UsesDual-purpose. Meat production and egg laying.
Egg colorLight brown.
Egg productionAround 150 to 200 jumbo-sized eggs per year.
APA Approved?Yes (recognized by the American Poultry Association in 1922).

    The table above offers a superb glance at the Jersey Giant chicken. Let’s also take a closer look below.

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    Origin And History

    The Ultimate Guide To Jersey Giant Chickens– Size, Origin, Cost, And Jumbo Eggs! (3)

    First, let’s go back to the late 1800s in New Jersey. There, two brothers, John and Thomas Black, had a colossal dream – to create the ultimate meat chicken that could potentially replace turkeys on American dinner tables. These agricultural innovators spent years carefully breeding Black Langshan, Black Java, and Brahma chickens to develop the magnificent Jersey Giant. By 1870, they had created a large chicken that lived up to its name – a giant among chickens!

    What Is The Jersey Giant Chicken Breed Used For?

    The Ultimate Guide To Jersey Giant Chickens– Size, Origin, Cost, And Jumbo Eggs! (4)

    The Jersey Giant is the Swiss Army knife of chickens and is fantastic for meat and egg production. These birds are a homesteader’s dream.

    Their substantial size makes them excellent meat birds, with roosters providing a whopping amount of meat per bird – anywhere from 6.5 to 10.5 pounds of delicious dressed meat. They’re also consistent layers for egg lovers, producing 150 to 200 large brown eggs annually.

    Backyard farmers and small-scale agricultural enthusiasts adore Jerseys for their dual-purpose capabilities and gentle nature.

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    Jersey Giant Spacing Requirements

    The Ultimate Guide To Jersey Giant Chickens– Size, Origin, Cost, And Jumbo Eggs! (5)

    Because Jersey Giants are more significant than standard chickens, they need spacious coops and runs. Here is what we recommend for Jersey Giant space requirements.

    • Coop space: At least six square feet per bird.
    • Run space: At least twelve square feet per bird.
    • Outdoor space: at least 20 square feet per bird.

    While they’re hardy birds, they appreciate protection from extreme winter temperatures, especially since they grow slower than other breeds.


    The Ultimate Guide To Jersey Giant Chickens– Size, Origin, Cost, And Jumbo Eggs! (6)

    If chickens could enter the gentlest teddy bear contest, Jersey Giants would win the award! These are the peaceful giants of the chicken world. They’re calm, docile, and incredibly friendly.

    Even though they’re massive (like Fezzik on The Princess Bride), they’re known for being patient with everyone and getting along wonderfully in mixed flocks.

    Don’t be intimidated by their size. Jerseys are the golden retrievers of the poultry world – ample, lovable, and always ready to be your feathered friend.

    They’re so mellow that many farming colleagues recommend Jersey Giants for first-time chicken keepers or families with young children.

    Health And Lifespan

    The Ultimate Guide To Jersey Giant Chickens– Size, Origin, Cost, And Jumbo Eggs! (7)

    Jersey Giants are exceptionally robust chickens that typically live five to eight years with proper care. Despite their impressive size, Jersey Giants demonstrate remarkable adaptability, thriving in cold and hot climates while showing natural resistance to many common poultry diseases.

    Like all backyard poultry, maintaining optimal health requires regular vet examinations, a balanced diet, and adequate living space. Jersey Giants’ living quarters are particularly crucial, as their larger size demands more generous housing and feeding accommodations than standard chicken breeds.

    Providing sufficient room prevents stress and allows these majestic birds to eloquently express their naturally exquisite behaviors.

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    Food And Water

    The Ultimate Guide To Jersey Giant Chickens– Size, Origin, Cost, And Jumbo Eggs! (8)

    Jersey Giants live up to their name when it comes to appetite! These hefty (and hungry) birds consume approximately 120 to 150 grams (4 to 5 ounces) of feed daily as adults, roughly 20 to 40% more than standard chicken breeds.

    During the Jersey’s extended growth period, they require high-quality feed with 18 to 20% protein content to support proper development. Once they begin laying, they should transition to a layer feed with 16% protein.

    Water consumption is equally substantial. Adult Jersey Giants drink about 500 to 600ml (16 to 20 ounces) daily, increasing in hot weather. Their size demands sturdy, elevated feeding and watering equipment—standard chicken waterers may not suffice!

    Consider using heavy-duty two to three-gallon waterers positioned at chest height to prevent contamination and accommodate their frequent drinking needs. Clean, fresh water should always be available, as proper hydration is crucial for these large birds’ health and egg production.


    The Ultimate Guide To Jersey Giant Chickens– Size, Origin, Cost, And Jumbo Eggs! (9)

    Picture a chicken that looks inflated to cartoon-like proportions – that’s the Jersey Giant! They have a rectangular body shape with a broad, deep chest and an upright, almost regal stance.

    Despite their massive size, their tight and smooth feathers give them a sleek appearance. They move with a surprising grace that misrepresents their enormous frame, almost like a heavyweight boxer who can pirouette.

    Size And Weight

    These chickens are not playing around when it comes to size! Roosters can tip the scales at an impressive 13 to 15 pounds, while hens reach a substantial 10 to 12 pounds. These birds are nearly twice the size of many ordinary backyard chicken breeds.

    Jerse Giants are so large that some initially mistake them for small turkeys! Their hefty size means they aren’t the best option for living in small urban coops, but they shine in spacious backyards or farm settings.


    Jersey Giants come in three stunning varieties that make your flock look like a work of art.

    • Black: The original and most traditional color, with a stunning beetle-green sheen in the sunlight.
    • White: Pristine and elegant, with pure white feathering
    • Blue: A stunning, silvery-blue color that looks almost ethereal in the right light.

    Each color variety maintains the Jersey Giant breed’s signature massive size and gentle temperament. The black variety was the first developed, with white and blue varieties following later.

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    Our Ballad To Jersey Giant Chickens

    The Ultimate Guide To Jersey Giant Chickens– Size, Origin, Cost, And Jumbo Eggs! (10)

    Foraging in fields where free birds roam, these Jersey Giants call our backyard home. Here stand these chickens, massive and bold, a breed with stories yet untold. Behold the Jersey Giant, proud and tall. It towers above them one and all!

    From New Jersey’s fertile ground, these big birds came. This delicious breed earned its farmyard fame.

    With bodies broad and spirits bright, their personalities shine intensely even into the November night. Their gentle heart belies their size, and kindness gleams inside their eyes.

    They strut with grace despite their weight. These thankful birds, we celebrate. Their black, white, and blue colors sing of a holiday feast that time will bring. From a brother’s dream to our chicken coop floor, this Jersey Giant is one we adore!

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    Beyond their impressive size and delectable meat, Jersey Giants are living proof that chickens can be much more than just farm animals. They’re gentle giants, backyard companions, and culinary superstars rolled into one spectacular package.

    And they’re also a joy to raise. These gentle giants stand ready to strut into your heart and transform everything you thought you knew about chickens!

    What about you?

    • Do you agree with us that Jersey Giants are superb backyard chickens?
    • Have you ever seen a real-world, real-life Jersey Giant?
    • Are you thinking of adding some Jerseys to your flock this year (or next year?)

    Thanks for reading.

    Have a great day!

    The Ultimate Guide To Jersey Giant Chickens – Size, Origin, Cost, And Jumbo Eggs! (2025)


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