Top UX design and research books for beginners | Suzanne Hansen posted on the topic | LinkedIn (2024)

Suzanne Hansen

enthusiastic, skilled UX interaction/visual designer | UX/UI research | AI | VR/AR | web3 | crypto | NFTs

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here are some of the most popular and highly recommended UX design and research books for people starting out in UX:UX Design Books:1.) Don't Make Me Think by Steve Krug2.) The Design of Everyday Things by Don Norman3.) Universal Principles of Design by William Lidwell, Kritina Holden, and Jill Butler4.) Lean UX by Jeff Gothelf and Josh Seiden5.) About Face: The Essentials of Interaction Design by Alan Cooper, Robert Reimann, David Cronin, and Christopher NoesselUX Research Books:1.) Observing the User Experience by Elizabeth Goodman, Mike Kuniavsky, and Andrea Moed2.) Just Enough Research by Erika Hall3.) Interviewing Users: How to Uncover Compelling Insights by Steve Portigal4.) Rocket Surgery Made Easy by Steve Krug5.) Quantifying the User Experience by Jeff Sauro and James R. Lewisi posted an article on my blog of 18 books total with a short summary of each:

18 Awesome Books to Read for UX Designers and Researchers
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  • Suzanne Hansen

    enthusiastic, skilled UX interaction/visual designer | UX/UI research | AI | VR/AR | web3 | crypto | NFTs

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    if you are new to the field of UX, you might not have a large portfolio to show potential employers. doing freelance work on gig sites is one way to build on your portfolio when you are just starting out. by offering a diverse range of small, specialized UX design services, you can cater to various client needs and demonstrate your versatility and expertise in the field.i posted an article on 37 different facets of UX design that you can advertise on gig sites to build your portfolio:

    What Small Jobs Can I Do On Gig Sites to Expand My UX Design Portfolio? 37 Ideas to Showcase Your UX Skills
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  • Suzanne Hansen

    enthusiastic, skilled UX interaction/visual designer | UX/UI research | AI | VR/AR | web3 | crypto | NFTs

    by utilizing a variety of qualitative & quantitative UX research methods, researchers can gain deeper insights and a more holistic understanding of the issues they are are some different methods for qualitative UX research:1.) interviews2.) focus groups3.) ethnography4.) case studies5.) diary studies6.) contextual inquiry7.) narrative analysis8.) grounded theory9.) content analysishere are some different methods for quantitative UX research:1.) surveys2.) experiments3.) observational studies4.) correlational studies5.) descriptive research6.) meta-analysis7.) content analysis (quantitative)8.) secondary data analysis9.) surveys and questionnaires10.) data miningcombining qualitative & quantitative methods:1.) mixed methods research2.) triangulationi posted an article on my blog that expands more on each method:

    Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods in UX Design: Constructing a Story Through Empathy
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  • Suzanne Hansen

    enthusiastic, skilled UX interaction/visual designer | UX/UI research | AI | VR/AR | web3 | crypto | NFTs

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    UX research & UX design are not just about creating aesthetically pleasing interfaces or conducting user interviews. they are critical components that drive business deeply understanding & addressing user needs, businesses can enhance satisfaction, drive conversions, reduce costs, build a strong brand, & make informed strategic decisions.investing in UX research & design ultimately leads to more competitive, user-centered products that drive long-term business growth.key reasons why UX research & UX design are integral to businesses:1. enhancing User satisfaction & retention2. driving conversion & revenue3. reducing costs & increasing efficiency4. building a strong brand & competitive advantage5. informing strategic decisionsi posted a more in-depth article on my blog:

    Why UX Research and UX Design are Integral to Businesses
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  • Suzanne Hansen

    enthusiastic, skilled UX interaction/visual designer | UX/UI research | AI | VR/AR | web3 | crypto | NFTs

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    using best practices in UX research ensure that you gather accurate, insightful, & actionable data to drive your design are some key best practices:1. Define Clear Research Goalsestablish what you want to learn or achieve from the research.outline specific questions & objectives you want the research to address2. Choose the Right Methodologyselect methods that align with the research goals & questions.decide between qualitative & quantitative methods, or a mix, based on the type of data needed3. Recruit Representative Participantsensure findings are relevant to the target audience.recruit participants who match the demographics & behaviors of the end users4. Prepare Thoroughlyavoid biases & plan a smooth research process.develop detailed scripts, consent forms, & guidelines. test equipment & tools before sessions5. Maintain Ethical Standardsrespect participants' rights & privacy.obtain informed consent, ensure confidentiality, allow participants to withdraw at any point6. Use Mixed Methodsgain a comprehensive understanding of user needs & behaviors.combine methods like interviews, surveys, usability testing, & analytics for better perspective7. Focus on Contextunderstand how users interact with the product in real-life scenarios.conduct contextual inquiries & field studies to observe users in their natural environment8. Iterate Your Researchcontinuously refine understanding through new data.conduct research in cycles, incorporate findings into the design & testing again9. Engage Stakeholdersintegrate research findings into the design & development process.share insights regularly with designers, developers, & other stakeholders through reports, presentations, and/or workshops10. Be Flexible and Adaptablepromptly address unexpected challenges & prepared to adjust methods & focus as new insights emerge during research11. Analyze Data Systematicallydraw meaningful conclusions from research.use qualitative & quantitative analysis techniques, such as thematic analysis, statistical analysis, & data visualization12. Communicate Findings Effectivelyensure insights lead to actionable changes.present findings clearly & concisely, using visuals & storytelling to highlight key insights & recommendations13. Validate Findingsensure the accuracy & reliability of gathered insights.cross-check findings with other data sources & methods, seek feedback14. Focus on User Needskeep the user at the center of the design process.prioritize research questions & methods that reveal real user needs, pain points, & desires15. Document the Processmaintain a clear record of the research activities & findings.keep detailed notes, recordings, & documentation of each research session & analysis phaseby adhering to best practices, you can ensure that your UX research is thorough, reliable, & directly informs the design process, leading to user-centered products & solutions. ๐Ÿ˜Š ๐ŸŽ‚

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  • Suzanne Hansen

    enthusiastic, skilled UX interaction/visual designer | UX/UI research | AI | VR/AR | web3 | crypto | NFTs

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    storytelling is a crucial skill in UX design & research for several reasons. it helps bridge the gap between data & human understanding, making insights more relatable & actionable. here are the key reasons why storytelling is so important:1. engagement & persuasionstories captivate & engage the audience, making complex information more framing research findings within a narrative, you can capture the attention of stakeholders, ensuring they understand & remember key insights2. emotional connectionstories evoke emotions, which can be powerful motivators for change.when you tell the story of a userโ€™s journey, struggles, & triumphs, stakeholders can empathize with users, leading to a stronger commitment to addressing their needs3. simplification of complex dataUX research often involves complex data that can be overwhelming.storytelling helps to distill this data into a coherent narrative, making it easier to communicate findings & insights to non-researchers4. memory retentionpeople are more likely to remember stories than isolated facts & presenting research findings as a story, you enhance the likelihood that stakeholders will recall & act on the information5. clearer vision & directionstories provide a clear and compelling vision for design solutions.a well-crafted narrative can illustrate the end-user experience & the impact of design changes, guiding the team towards a shared goal6. human-centered focusUX design is fundamentally about solving problems for real people.storytelling centers the human experience, ensuring that design decisions are grounded in real user needs and contexts7. facilitates buy-in & collaborationeffective storytelling can unify teams & build consensus.when stakeholders see the human impact of design decisions, they are more likely to support & collaborate on user-centered initiatives8. contextual understandingstories provide context that raw data alone cannot situating user feedback within a broader narrative, you highlight the circ*mstances & reasons behind user behaviors and preferences9. inspires innovationstories can spark creativity & inspire new ideas.hearing about real user challenges & experiences can lead to innovative solutions that might not emerge from data analysis alone10. clarifies the problem & solutionstories articulate the problem clearly & outline a potential solution.a narrative can effectively illustrate the userโ€™s problem, the consequences of that problem, & how the proposed design can resolve itstorytelling transforms UX research from a collection of data points into a compelling narrative that drives understanding, empathy, & action. it makes the userโ€™s voice heard & ensures that design solutions are deeply rooted in real-world experiences ๐Ÿ˜Œ ๐Ÿ’—

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  • Suzanne Hansen

    enthusiastic, skilled UX interaction/visual designer | UX/UI research | AI | VR/AR | web3 | crypto | NFTs

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    making wireframes is so much fun! there are several ways to do it too, it never gets mundane. wireframing for an app can be approached in several simple and effective ways. here are some methods that can help you get started without needing special tools or techniques:1. sketching on papermaterials needed: paper, pens, and markers.steps:first, decide on your page layout. next, draw a basic layout of your app. this could include simple shapes representing different objects or interactive elements. remember to use industry standards!use different colors to represent various elements like UX/UI components, interactive objects, and navigation paths.annotate your sketches to indicate interactions, movements, and transitions between scenes.advantages: quick, easy to iterate, and no need for special tools.2. whiteboard wireframingmaterials needed: whiteboard, markers.steps:draw large-scale wireframes on a whiteboard, using different sections to represent different parts of the layout.use different colored markers to differentiate between interactive elements, navigation paths, and static objects.discuss and refine the wireframes with your team by adding notes and making changes directly on the whiteboard.advantages: collaborative, easy to change, and visually engaging for team discussions.3. cardboard mockupsmaterials needed: cardboard, scissors, tape, markers.steps:cut out cardboard shapes to represent different objects and elements in your app.arrange these shapes on a flat surface to create a top-down view of your layout.use markers to label and add details to the cardboard pieces, indicating interactions and navigation paths.advantages: physical & tangible, easy to rearrange, and provides a 3D perspective.happy prototyping! ๐Ÿ˜„ ๐ŸŽ‚

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  • Suzanne Hansen

    enthusiastic, skilled UX interaction/visual designer | UX/UI research | AI | VR/AR | web3 | crypto | NFTs

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    attempting my first prototype for a VR app has been a very interesting journey. i had to use a lot of side doors to compensate for many areas. i am happy to share what i have learned so far:step 1: choose the right toolsto wireframe for VR, tools that support 3D modeling will come in very useful. there are a few options i discovered including Unity, SketchUp, Blender, & A-Frame.step 2: define the spacestart by defining the physical space of your VR environment. consider the size of the virtual room, the user's starting point, and the boundaries they can move within. sketching out a floor plan on paper can help visualize the space.step 3: basic 3D modelingusing your chosen tool, create basic 3D models of your appโ€™s environment. in Unity, you can start with simple shapes (like cubes and spheres) to represent objects and areas within the space.step 4: design for interactionconsider how users will interact with the environment. identify key objects and areas where interactions will occur, such as buttons, levers, or interactive panels.user flow: map out user pathways within the 3D space. highlight the journey users will take and the interactive zones they will encounter. ensure pathways are intuitive and logical.interactive elements: use placeholders for interactive elements. for example, you can add simple clickable objects that users will interact with.step 5: depth & scalepay attention to the depth and scale of objects in your environment. objects should be appropriately sized and spaced to match real-world proportions. test the environment by navigating through it using a VR headset to ensure a realistic scale.

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  • Suzanne Hansen

    enthusiastic, skilled UX interaction/visual designer | UX/UI research | AI | VR/AR | web3 | crypto | NFTs

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    another interesting concept in UX Research is using confounds:confounding variables, or confounds, are irrelevant factors that co-vary with the independent variable, potentially leading to misleading interpretations of study outcomes.for instance, in educational research, overlooking variables such as student motivation or prior knowledge can confound the results of a study investigating the effectiveness of a new teaching method.researchers employ experimental controls, such as random assignment or matching, along with statistical techniques like analysis of co-variance, to mitigate the influence of confounding variables and isolate the true effects of the independent variable on the dependent variable.consider a scenario where a usability study is being conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of a new mobile banking app interface. the researcher wants to ensure that any differences observed in user behavior are not due to participants' prior experience with mobile banking apps, which could confound the address this confound, the researcher could recruit participants who have varying levels of experience with mobile banking apps. however, this could introduce variability in the data if participants' prior experience significantly influences their interaction with the new app interface.instead, the researcher decides to control for prior experience by randomly assigning participants to two groups: one group consists of participants with extensive experience using mobile banking apps, while the other group consists of participants with little to no prior experience.during the usability study, participants in both groups are asked to complete a series of tasks using the new mobile banking app interface. their interactions are carefully monitored, noting any differences in task completion time, error rates, & user satisfaction between the two controlling for prior experience with mobile banking apps, the researcher can more accurately assess the impact of the new app interface on user behavior. this helps ensure that any observed differences are credited to the design of the interface itself, rather than participants' prior experience.

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  • Suzanne Hansen

    enthusiastic, skilled UX interaction/visual designer | UX/UI research | AI | VR/AR | web3 | crypto | NFTs

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    there are so many interesting UX research methods. one in particular is experimental design research. it involves using variables and controls to get more in-depth insights. here is an example scenario:Scenario: improving user engagement on a social media platformBackground:a social media platform is experiencing a decline in user engagement. users are spending less time on the platform and there are fewer interactions. the platform's team wants to understand the factors influencing user engagement and devise strategies to improve it.Research Objective:identify the factors affecting user engagement on the social media platform & evaluate potential interventions to increase user engagement.Experimental Design Process:Identifying Factors:conduct initial qualitative research (interviews, surveys, & focus groups) to understand user behaviors, motivations, & pain points.use insights gained to identify potential factors influencing engagement, such as content relevance, platform features, user interface design, & social interactions.Hypothesis Formation:based on the identified factors, formulate hypotheses about the factors that have the most significant impact on user engagement.for example: "increasing the visibility of user-generated content in the news feed will lead to higher user engagement."Experimental Conditions:design experimental conditions to test the hypotheses. for example, one condition might involve increasing visibility of user-generated content in the news feed, while another condition maintains the existing algorithm.randomly assign users to different experimental conditions to minimize bias & ensure the validity of the results.Data Collection:1.)collect quantitative data on key performance indicators, such as time spent on the platform, number of interactions (likes, comments, shares), & user retention rates.2.)use analytics tools to track user behavior & measure the impact of the experimental conditions on user engagement.Analysis and Interpretation:1.)analyze the data collected from the experimental conditions to determine the effects of each intervention on user engagement.2.)compare the performance between conditions using statistical analysis techniques to identify significant differences.3.)interpret the findings to understand which factors have the most significant impact on user engagement & refine the hypotheses accordingly.Recommendations:based on the results of the experimental research, make recommendations for optimizing the SM platform to improve user engagement.develop actionable strategies informed by the research findings, such as redesigning the news feed algorithm, introducing new features to encourage social interactions, or personalizing content following principles of experimental design research, the SM platform can gain valuable insights into the factors driving user engagement & implement strategies to enhance the user experience & increase engagement levels.


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Top UX design and research books for beginners | Suzanne Hansen posted on the topic | LinkedIn (16)

Top UX design and research books for beginners | Suzanne Hansen posted on the topic | LinkedIn (17)

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Top UX design and research books for beginners | Suzanne Hansen posted on the topic | LinkedIn (2024)


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