Vampire the masquerade bloodlines - [PDF Document] (2024)

Vampire the masquerade bloodlines - [PDF Document] (1)

ContentsVampire:® The Masquerade–Bloodlines™

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ¤

Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ¤

Enter the Night . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‹

Main Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‹

Playing the Game . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ›

Character Creation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ›

Creating Your First Vampire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ›

Character Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ∞

Main Game Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‡

Movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ·

Feeding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ⁄‚

Hacking/Lock Picking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ⁄⁄

Combat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ⁄¤

Dialog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ڤ

Quests/Experience Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ⁄‡

The Masquerade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ⁄·

Humanity and Frenzy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ¤‚

The World of Darkness® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ¤⁄

Clans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ¤¤

Disciplines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ¤∞

Appendix A: The Character Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ›°

Credits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ∞¤

Customer Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ∞8

Software License Agreement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

Vampire the masquerade bloodlines - [PDF Document] (2)

Enter the NightIn the game, you will play a newly embraced Kindred—a vampire who belongs

to a centuries-old society that has hidden itself in the shadows of the night. As

you learn to deal with your newfound supernatural powers, you’ll encounter

many mortals and immortals that you didn’t think could exist. Your survival as

a new creature of the night depends on the allies and enemies you make

through the course of your travels. Using your newfound vampiric powers

(called Disciplines), feed on unsuspecting strangers and avoid enemies as you

embark upon adventures in the night.

To begin the game, select Vampire:®

The Masquerade–Bloodlines™

from the Vampire:® The Masquerade–Bloodlines™folder contained in the

Programs section of the Windows® Start Menu.

Main MenuFrom this menu, you can

launch a new game, resume

games in progress or access

the configuration options.

New Game – Launch a new

Vampire:® The Masquerade–Bloodlines™

game from the night

of your Embrace. After selecting

New Game, you’ll be taken to the

character creation screen where

you can craft the attributes and

personality of your Player Character (PC).

Load Game – Load any games you have saved. To load a saved game, select

the game from the list and click on the Load Game button.

Options – Configure your controls, audio/video quality and performance

settings. Click on the tabs to choose the setting you wish to change.

Quit – Exit the game and return to the desktop.


The Masquerade–Bloodlines™

You remember the stories of vampires, werewolves and ghosts told to young

children around campfires…You thought they were just stories until tonight.

You went to a seedy nightclub on the Sunset Strip and met the person who

would change your life. It’s all a blur now, but you somehow ended up in a

two-bit motel. You didn’t care about anything at all until the moment it

happened. The kiss. It was a sharp pain at first, but it quickly turned into

pleasure as warm feelings flowed over your body. As the warmth began to

fade, you felt something else. A liquid being poured down your throat. Warm

and salty, it began to invigorate you. It began to change you. And within a

short time, you were reborn…as a vampire.

Welcome to the world of Vampire:® The Masquerade–Bloodlines.™

You are

now a vampire, one of the eternally damned, surviving among the millions of

people in the City of Angels—Los Angeles. As you struggle to accept your

newfound existence, you must learn to deal with the politics and intrigue that

are part of your new culture. Make allies and enemies, fight creatures both

living and undead and feed on the mortals of this world. It will be up to you

to make sure you see another night…

InstallationInsert disc one of Vampire:® The Masquerade–Bloodlines™

into your CD-ROM

drive. After a few seconds, the splash screen will appear. Click Install to begin

the installation process, and then follow the on-screen instructions.

If the splash screen doesn’t appear, you may have Autorun disabled. Double-

click on the My Computer icon on your desktop. Open the CD-ROM drive with

the Vampire:® The Masquerade–Bloodlines™CD inserted. Double-click on

Setup.exe to launch the Installer. If you need more information, consult

the help files.

Latest InformationYou’ll find the latest information about the game in the Readme file on the

game disc. Select Readme from the Start menu or select Support on the

splash screen then select Readme to view this information. If you’re having

problems installing or playing the game, you’ll also find assistance in the Help

files section of the Start menu.

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After picking a clan, you may choose gender as well. While gender doesn’t

affect your starting attributes, it does affect how some of the other characters

treat you.

When you’re done choosing your clan and gender, click the Next button.

Character SheetThe next page shows the

character sheet. This sheet lists

all your character’s attributes,

abilities he or she can learn and

the Disciplines that are

available. The sheet is broken

down into four basic sections:

Attributes, Abilities, Disciplines

and Feats.

Attributes are the general

characteristics that make up your vampire. The attributes are broken down

into three main sections: Physical, Social and Mental. Physical attributes

indicate how strong and agile your character is. The social column contains

your player’s appearance and allure—her ability to influence others. The

mental column contains how smart he is and how well he can perceive things.

Abilities are the various skills that your Kindred can have. These are broken

down into Talents, Skills and Knowledges. Talents are intuitive abilities that

are inherent or learned “in the field.” Skills are trained and practiced

abilities, which must be learned through specific study and training. Some of

the available skills include how well your character can fire a gun and sneak

around a patrolling guard. Finally, knowledges are the skills that rely on your

characters’ brains. Is he knowledgeable in the financial world or is he an

elite hacker?

The Disciplines section contains the three vampire powers your character has.

For more information on the various Disciplines, please refer to the Traits

and Disciplines section of this manual.

Playing the GameAs you travel through the streets of Los Angeles, you’ll encounter a multitude

of people. Some are rich and famous, while others are lonely and destitute.

Speak to everyone—they may have quests for you to accomplish. Only through

the completion of these quests will you be able to earn experience points

and increase attributes for your character. While you may start as a weak,

fledging vampire, you’ll soon grow to become one of the most powerful

creatures of the night.

Character CreationAt the beginning of the game, you’ll choose to play as one of the seven

Camarilla-affiliated clans in the game. Choosing your clan determines where

points can be placed into the starting skills and your powers. For more

information on the Camarilla and the seven clans and their Disciplines,

please refer to The World of Darkness® section in this manual.

Creating Your First VampireNow what type of vampire are you? A brawler who destroys anything in his

path? Or the socialite who would rather use a silver tongue to get herself

out of nasty situations? Perhaps you are a hideous creature, skulking in the

shadows to learn information that could prove quite valuable to the

right person?

If you can’t decide on the type of vampire you wish to play, use the character

creation wizard. Answer a few questions and it will guide you to the creature

you should play. If you don’t like the option given to you, you may manually

decide your clan.

At the first screen, choose one of the seven Camarilla clans. For a short

description of each clan, choose the clan from the drop down list and the

description appears in the lower box. Each clan has a unique combination of

three Disciplines, which are your vampiric powers. Choose wisely, because

these powers will be yours for the rest of your undead existence.

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Main Game Screen

HUDThe Heads-Up Display (HUD)

gives you all the information

you’ll need to make it through

this new world. The following

is a breakdown of what it

all means.

In the upper left hand corner

of the screen is the message

and information area. This area

is important since it lets you

know if you’ve picked up any ammunition for your weapons, what level of

Discipline you’ve activated, as well as other important world events.

In the lower left hand and lower right hand corners, you’ll find the weapon

(left) and Discipline (right) indicators. While the Kindred have powerful

Disciplines, it doesn’t hurt to have a handy weapon, either. The weapon your

character has in hand is displayed in the lower left hand corner. When you

have a firearm readied, there will be three numbers on the indicator. The

first two are the amount of ammunition that’s left in the weapon and its

maximum capacity. The third is the amount of extra ammunition that you

have for this specific weapon.

When your character runs out of amm0, the weapon will automatically

reload. However, there will be times when there’s a lull in the action and you

may want to reload your weapon manually. To do this, press the R key (by

default) to reload. Be careful, some weapons take longer to load than others.

The Discipline icon shows the Discipline that’s currently selected. To use

the Discipline, click the right mouse button (default). This activates your

Discipline. For some Disciplines, a timer indicator appears to the left of the

icon while the Discipline is active. When the timer empties, the Discipline

will turn off. You can right-click while the Discipline is still active to add time

to the Discipline. To turn all the active Disciplines off at one time, press the

F8 key (default).

Finally, the Feats column shows the skills that determine how well your

character performs at certain tasks. For example, if your character has a high

unarmed combat ranking, then he or she will be much better at hand-to-hand

combat. If your character has a high hacking feat, he will be better at figuring

out someone’s password. To better understand what makes up a Feat, imagine

they’re a combination of your attributes and abilities. For example, your

ranged combat score is a combination of your character’s perception and

firearms skill. On the other hand, your character’s level of persuasion is a

combination of their appearance and subterfuge.

Note: Attributes, Abilities and Disciplines range from 0 to 5. Feats range

from ⁄ to ⁄‚.

To get a better understanding of how everything interacts on your character

sheet, roll your cursor over Strength. You’ll notice Unarmed and Melee

become highlighted in the Feats column. Now, roll your cursor over the Melee

Feat. Notice that Strength and Melee are the skills that combine to make your

Melee Feat. So, what does this all mean? It means you should choose very

carefully when creating your Player Character (PC). Placing points in Strength

affects two Feats. Would you rather these two feats increase or should you

place points in Dexterity which affects Lock picking and Sneaking?

Your clan selection determines how many points you have to spend in each

category of Attributes and Abilities during character creation. For example,

the Toreador is stronger in Social areas, average in Mental areas and weakest

in the Physical realm. Make sure to choose wisely since clan selection affects

your vampire strengths and weaknesses.

Note: Every clan receives 1 point in each Discipline and an additional

point to spend on the Discipline of your choice.

For a complete breakdown of attributes, abilities and feats, please refer to

Appendix A.

Once you’ve spent all your points and are satisfied with your character, click

the Next button to begin the game.

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MovementTo control your character, by default, use the W key to move forward, the

S key to move backwards and the A and D keys to strafe left and right. To

jump, press the spacebar. The longer you hold down the spacebar, the

longer your character will jump. Finally, click on the Ctrl key to crouch.

Crouching automatically enables stealth mode. In stealth mode, your

character can attempt to sneak past guards. The higher the character’s

Sneaking Feat, the greater the chance of successfully sneaking past guards.

The black and white bar which appears to the right of your health bar is the

light meter. The light meter gives you a good indication whether the

character is hidden in shadows or not. As your character moves in and out

of light, the bar either increases (to indicate that your character is fully lit)

or decreases (to indicate your character is hidden in shadows). The number

at the top of the indicator shows the range at which enemies can see you—

‚ means no one in range can see your character; 100 indicates there are

enemies close enough to see the vampire in stealth mode. The colors on the

range indicator show the “awareness” of enemies. If the range indicator is

green, enemies don’t know anyone is there. If it’s yellow, enemies will begin

to investigate the area around your character. If the indicator is red,

enemies will be able to find you. An exclamation point means the vampire

was spotted.

If your character is able to sneak up behind an unsuspecting NPC, an icon

with a skull will appear in the lower center of the screen. This icon shows

that your character can perform a stealth kill on the target. To perform the

stealth kill, click the Use key. The stealth kill will kill the NPC before he or

she has a chance to react. However, any allies of the targeted NPC may react

to the stealth kill.

In the upper right of the Discipline icon is the blood bar. Blood is the fuel for

all your character’s vampiric powers. When your character uses Disciplines,

the blood bar decreases. To replenish your blood bar, you need to feed,

which is explained later, or drink from blood packs in your inventory. The

maximum amount of blood that a Kindred can have is 15 units.

The health meter is to the upper left of the Weapon icon. As your character

takes damage, the bar decreases. If the bar ever reaches the bottom, your

character is dust. Over time, your character’s body heals itself as the vampire

blood automatically mends your wounds. Aggravated damage—damage from

fire, electricity, sunlight, claws and fangs—appears on the health bar in

yellow. This damage takes at least twice as long to heal as other damage.

The icon above the health meter indicates if you’re in one of the

following areas:

∑• Masquerade – Represented by the sad drama mask, these areas have

the Masquerade in effect. If your character is caught using his powers

in these areas, you’ll cause a Masquerade violation (see the

Masquerade section).

∑• Elysium – Elysium is represented by the letter E. When your character

is in Elysium, no combat can occur. Your character will be unable to

ready weapons or use Disciplines in areas that are marked as Elysium.

∑• Combat – Represented by a pistol icon, this is an area where combat

can occur. Your character is free to use Disciplines and weapons to deal

with any threats.

At any time, you can toggle between first and third-person view modes by

pressing the Z key (default).

Note: There will be certain situations where your character is forced into

one specific view mode over another.

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Hacking/Lock PickingDuring the course of your

travels, you may come across

locked doors or password-

protected computers. If you

have a pair of lock picks, which

can be bought from your local

pawnshop, you can try to open

locked doors. When your

character begins the lock

picking attempt, a progress bar

appears. If your lock picking

feat is higher than the lock rating, you’ll unlock the door. If not, it will say

“Fail” on the bar and the door will remain locked. If you have trouble

opening a lock, try using your vampiric abilities to increase your lock

picking feat.

Hacking a computer works

similarly to lock picking. If your

character has a good Hacking

Feat, he or she can attempt to

hack computers. When you see

the password screen, press

Ctrl + C to start the hacking

attempt. If you’re successful,

you’ll gain access to the system.

FeedingBlood, the life force of all

humans, is the fuel for your

Disciplines. To activate

Disciplines, a varying amount of

blood is used. To replenish your

blood supply, your character

needs to feed. To feed, move to

the intended target, and press

the F key. Your character will

attempt to grapple your

opponent and begin feeding

upon him or her.

When you’ve seized your opponent, the world fades away as your character

becomes enthralled in the feeding process. The world drifts away but does

not come to a standstill. Nearby enemies will attack your character.

The blood bar is at the top of the screen and represents the amount of

blood left in your victim. As the victim’s blood bar goes down, your blood

level goes up. If the victim’s blood bar reaches zero, the victim will die.

If you kill an innocent in this manner, your character will lose humanity

points. To end feeding, press the left mouse button or F key. For humans,

being fed upon by Kindred brings them to a state of near ecstasy. When

the feeding process is done, the human will remain in a dazed state.

If you’re in a combat area, your victim will immediately regain

consciousness if you do not drain all the blood. Additionally, you will

not lose humanity if you kill an aggressive NPC in a combat area.

Note: Different NPCs have varying amounts of blood.

Ventrue characters cannot feed on rats. Additionally, if a Ventrue feeds

on a bum or prostitute, there’s a 50% chance the Ventrue will vomit the

blood back up.

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Throughout the game, your character will have the opportunity to purchase

armor, which helps soak damage. There are four classes of armor available—

light clothing (what your character automatically starts with), heavy cloth,

light leather and heavy leather.

FirearmsAs you travel through the streets of Los Angeles, you’ll

encounter several shady merchants who’ll provide

firearms for the right price. These firearms range from

simple midnight specials to submachine guns. There will

also be situations where your character can obtain more

exotic weapons such as flamethrowers.

These firearms may be available, but your character may not be able to use

them to their fullest potential. All firearms have several basic attributes.

They are:

∑• Ranged Combat Requirement – The minimum Ranged Combat your

character can have to avoid taking a penalty when using this weapon.

∑• Base Damage – The amount of damage the weapon causes.

•∑ Fire Rate – The speed at which the weapon fires.

∑• Reload Speed – The speed at which the weapon can be reloaded.

• Damage Potential – The maximum amount of damage that can be

inflicted on an opponent. This is based upon the vampire’s Ranged

Combat Feat and the Combat requirement of the weapon. Note, actual

damage may vary if the opponent has armor or a high level of Defense.

Note: For a complete explanation on how damage is calculated, please

refer to the Readme.

To effectively use certain weapons, your character needs their Ranged Combat

feat to meet or exceed the Ranged Combat Requirement. For example, if the

shotgun has a ranged combat requirement of 4, your character needs a

Ranged Combat Feat of at least four to effectively use the weapon. If your

character’s Ranged Combat Feat is below the minimum, your character will

still be able to use the weapon, but will be less effective with it (i.e., cause

less damage). Conversely, if your character’s Ranged Combat Feat is higher

than the minimum, your character will cause more damage since your

CombatIn Vampire:® The Masquerade–Bloodlines,

™the real time combat system is

not only based on skills, but on your character’s attributes as well. Your

character’s attributes determine the types of weapons that he or she is able

to use effectively, their accuracy, the amount of damage caused and the

amount of damage that the character is able to sustain.

Types of Damage and SoakingThere are three types of damage: bashing, lethal and aggravated. Different

weapons cause different types of damage to a vampire. Some examples are:

• Bashing – Caused by blunt objects such as baseball bats, tire irons

or sledgehammers.

∑• Lethal – Caused by bladed objects or firearms. For example, knives,

swords or guns. Note, Kindred treat bullets as bashing damage.

∑• Aggravated – Caused by supernatural damage, like sunlight,

werewolf claws or mystical attacks.

When a vampire is hit, the vampire has two feats that help absorb or nullify

the damage. First, there is the Defense feat that reduces damage from any

type of attack. The other feat is called Soak. Soak is the natural resistance

that vampires have to various types of damage. When Defense and Soak

work together, the Kindred can take little or no damage. The damage that’s

absorbed is based on the following:

∑• Bashing – Armor, Stamina and Fortitude*

∑• Lethal Damage – Armor and Fortitude*

∑• Aggravated Damage – Fortitude*

*Fortitude is a Discipline available only to certain clans.

Fortitude soaks damage only while it’s active.

This means if a baseball bat-wielding thug attacks you, your character could

avoid damage from a smashing hit if he or she has a high stamina.

Conversely, if your character has a low stamina, he or she will take the

brunt of any blunt hits that make contact.

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Remember to change up your combos to keep the enemy off balance and

allow you to connect for more damage. If you continue to use the same combo

over and over, the enemy will have an easier time blocking and countering.

When your character hits an enemy, the Melee combat feat determines how

much damage is caused and how easily an opponent can defend against your

attack. Depending on the effectiveness of your melee attack and the defense

of the target, several things may occur:

• The target can be sent flying back through the air.

• The target can be knocked off balance and open for another attack.

• The target can block your attack and leave the vampire staggered and

unable to attack for a moment.

• The target can dodge the attack.

• The target can dodge the vampire’s attack and counterattack.

If the vampire is on the defensive, use blocking to get the upper hand in a

melee battle. If the character is actively blocking (default key: Tab), you’ll get

a defense bonus equal to the vampire’s dexterity. When actively blocking,

different results can occur:

• The enemy is knocked off balance and open for a counterattack.

• The character defends against some of the attacker’s damage.

• The character cannot block the attack and is sent off balance.

A character can quickly turn the tide of battle by using a well-timed block to

knock an enemy off balance and set him or her up for a big combo attack.

To summarize, a higher Melee combat skill increases the chance of landing

crushing blows and clean hits while reducing the odds of being

counterattacked. On the other hand, a higher Defense Feat means the

character will be knocked around less and blocks will throw attackers off-

balance and reduce the damage taken.

Like Ranged Combat, Disciplines such as Potence, Presence, Fortitude and

Celerity can tip the scales to the character’s side.

character’s skill with the weapon will be better than the average human.

The difference between the vampire’s combat feat and the requirement for

the weapon is the Feat Adjustment.

To fire a weapon, simply point the weapon at the intended target and press

the left mouse button. As your character moves and fires the weapon, the

crosshairs will grow and shrink. If you stand completely still, the crosshairs

come down to a pinpoint. The spread of the crosshairs indicate where your

bullet will travel. The speeds at which the crosshairs grow and shrink are

based on your character’s Ranged Combat skills. If you have a low Ranged

Combat skill, it’ll take several seconds before the crosshairs shrink to the

smallest size. If you have a high Ranged Combat skill, it will only take one or

two seconds.

Different weapons in the game have different minimum crosshair sizes. This

means a pistol can have a very small reticule while shotguns and automatic

weapons have relatively large reticules.

As mentioned above, some characters can soak the damage. This is true of the

enemies you encounter as well. Sometimes the enemy will soak the damage

and sometimes the enemy will take the brunt of the attack. In addition,

Disciplines such as Celerity, Auspex, Presence and Fortitude all serve to

enhance the character’s ranged capabilities. Remember to try using Disciplines

along with guns for devastating results.

MeleeJust as deadly as ranged combat, melee attacks are quite useful in eliminating

an enemy. A Kindred with a knife or blunt object can crush or slice an

unsuspecting human with several precision strikes.

To attack an enemy with a melee weapon, approach the enemy and click on

the attack button. When pressing one of the directional keys along with the

attack button, the vampire will perform one of four different combo moves.

Each direction (forward, back, left and right) causes another combo move to

occur when the attack button is pressed.

Note: Some combos cause the character to travel great distances, so

experiment with combos to learn which one works better for you.

Additionally, some combos are directional and others are in great arcs

that can strike multiple enemies.

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When you place your targeting reticule on a character you can speak with,

a small mouth icon appears at the bottom center of your screen. To initiate

the conversation, click the use button (default is E).

After the conversation begins, numerical choices will appear on-screen.

These are your possible responses to the NPC. To choose a response, press

the corresponding number key to select the choice you want. If you need to

review the conversation, press the Insert key to display the dialog history,

and then use the Page Up and Page Down keys or the mouse wheel to scroll

through the discussion text.

During the dialog, there will be times when you can use some of your

character’s Feats or Disciplines to alter the course of the conversation.

To indicate you’ll need to use these skills, some dialog choices appear in a

different color and style from the rest of the choices. Some of the skills that

can be used and the corresponding dialog styles are:

•∑ Persuasion – Appears in blue text.

• Intimidation – Appears in green text.

• Seduction – Appears in purple, cursive text.

• Domination/Dementation – Appears in red text. Note, the dots

next to the dialog line indicate the number of blood points needed to

use the Discipline.

Quests/Experience PointsOver the course of the game,

you‘ll be given quests to

perform. Some of these quests

will be forced upon you by

more powerful members of

Kindred society while others

will be simple favors done for

individuals in need. Once your

character has accepted a quest,

the quest log will show

pertinent details about the task.

Unarmed CombatThe Unarmed Combat Feat serves two purposes—it determines how well the

vampire can fight with fists (or claws in the case of a Gangrel using Protean)

and how well the character can grapple an opponent to feed on him or her.

With a higher unarmed combat feat, there’s a much better chance for the

character to succeed at grappling an opponent. This becomes important when

a character needs to replenish their blood supply while in battle. A hostile

target is a tasty snack and is less troublesome once the blood is drained.

Note: If the vampire takes damage while feeding, the feed will be

broken. In addition, NPCs that are fed upon will not be in a stunned state

if the feed is broken. So, if you choose to feed on a shotgun-wielding

thug, make sure to drain all of his blood or you might get a face full

of buckshot.

Disciplines such as Potence, Presence, Fortitude (for blocking attacks and

preventing feed breaking) and Celerity make aggressive feeding easier.

DialogDuring the dark nights in Los

Angeles, you’ll encounter a

rogue’s gallery of characters

including bounty hunters,

prostitutes, assassins, washed

up actors and other Kindred.

Some of these characters will

want to work with you, others

will give you important

information and some will try

to turn you into dust. It’s up to

you to decide how to treat each of these characters, since your dialog choices

affect their response to you. Do you want to make an enemy? Then threaten

the character. Do you want to make a friend? Maybe you should perform a

small task to curry their favor. Your interaction with these characters

determines whether they help or hurt you.

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*All starting characters get the first ranking in all Attributes and

Disciplines, except for the Nosferatu who do not have any rankings

in Appearance.

The MasqueradeVampire society is not a lawless group of bloodsuckers. While there are those

who believe that the vampires have the right to rise and take over the world

of the kine, there’s a group called the Camarilla that believe the Kindred must

remain hidden from human eyes. Outnumbered by 100,000 to 1, the Camarilla

believe they’ll be hunted down and destroyed if humans learn about them.

To prevent this from happening, the Camarilla created a tradition known as

the Masquerade.

In simple terms, the Masquerade means your character shouldn’t show any

supernatural behavior while in public. If a vampire overtly uses the Disciplines

or feeds in public, it will cause fear and panic in the streets and bring law

enforcement, who would rather shoot than ask questions.

For the Nosferatu, the Masquerade is even tougher. With their hideous

appearance, the Nosferatu cannot walk among humans without causing panic.

The Nosferatu must learn to travel via the sewers (accessible through manhole

covers) and hide in the shadows as they make their way through the world.

If your character violates the Masquerade, a red slash appears through one

of the masks on the character sheet. If you continue to violate the

Masquerade, more slashes appear. More violations will arouse the suspicion of

vampire hunters, who will certainly come by to investigate.

Throughout your stay in Los Angeles, there will be opportunities to commit

acts that will absolve your character of a Masquerade violation. However,

these moments are few and far between. While the first Masquerade violation

only results in a slap on the wrist, the fifth one will certainly mean your

imminent destruction.

To access the quest log, press the L key. Here, you can see your quests based

on the area where you received the quest. The four areas where you can

receive quests are Santa Monica, Downtown L.A., Hollywood and Chinatown.

To review the quests for a specific area, click on the name of the area.

After clicking on the area, you’ll see all the active quests and a brief

description of each. As you complete certain objectives, the quest log will be

updated and you’ll receive an update message. Check your quest log often for

hints or tips on what to do next.

Once you’ve completed a quest, the quest moves to either the successful quest

or failed quest column. When you successfully complete a quest, your

character gets experience points. Your available experience points are listed

in the lower right-hand corner of the character sheet.

You can raise your character’s statistics and Disciplines with experience

points. With higher stats, your character gets better Feats to use throughout

the game. With higher ranks in Disciplines, your character gets stronger and

better powers to use.

The vampire’s humanity level can be increased as well. The cost for humanity

is two times the character’s current humanity rating. For example, if your

character’s humanity is §, it will cost ⁄¤ XP to raise it to ‡. Toreador will pay

the current rating in cost.

To spend experience points, simply go to your character sheet and click on

the next higher dot of the skill you want to increase. For example, if you have

Strength of 3 and want to increase it to 4, click on the fourth dot to spend

experience points and get your increase.

The cost for the next level of Attributes, Abilities and Disciplines differ based

upon your character’s current skill ranking. The following chart describes the

cost to take a skill to the next level.

Skill/Cost First Level Second Level Third Level Fourth Level Fifth Level

Attributes –* 4 8 12 16

Abilities 3 3 6 9 12

Disciplines –* 5 10 15 20

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The World of Darkness®

On a cold, rainy night in Los Angeles, you have been unceremoniously ushered

into a world that you never knew existed. This is a world where creatures of

the night—vampires, werewolves and ghosts to name a few—coexist with

mortals. You’ll learn much throughout your travels, but the following gives a

brief breakdown of the inhabitants of The World of Darkness.

SectsIn vampire society, vampires tend to belong to one of two sects—the

Camarilla or the Sabbat. As mentioned previously, the Camarilla believes in

upholding the Masquerade. Under the rule of a Prince, who’s in charge of the

entire city, members of the Camarilla follow the rules of the Masquerade or

face persecution and possible execution. Sebastian LaCroix has recently

claimed Downtown Los Angeles as Camarilla territory, and established his

power base there as Prince. Prior to Prince LaCroix’s arrival, L.A. was

under the Anarchs.

The Sabbat, who are the enemies of everyone non-Sabbat, believe that

humans are cattle. Humans should be used as food and it doesn’t matter if

they learn of the Kindred’s existence. It’s an extremely violent sect and

its members seek to destroy the Camarilla by any means necessary. The

Sabbat hide in the back alleys of Los Angeles, always looking for the

opportunity to strike.

Not belonging to any particular sect, there’s a group of vampires who reject

most of the Camarilla traditions and all the leaders who enforce them. This

group is known as the Anarchs. The Anarchs despise the current hierarchy

of vampire society and live amongst themselves. The Anarchs are soundly

entrenched in Hollywood, but still have members who watch over Downtown

Los Angeles, waiting for Prince LaCroix to slip up.

Lastly, the Kuei-Jin, who are also known as the Kindred of the East, reside

within the heart of Chinatown. If there’s anything that can unite the Anarchs

and the Camarilla, it would be their hatred toward the Kuei-Jin. Mysterious

and aloof, very little is known about the Kuei-Jin. What is known is that they

have been making a move to take over California for the last several years

and wrestling territory away from the Anarchs.

Humanity and FrenzyWithin every vampire, there is the Beast—the primordial and dark nature of

the vampire. For the rest of your existence as a creature of the night, you

must learn to use your humanity to control the Beast that rages within.

On the top of your character sheet, there are several dots that show your

humanity level. With a higher level of humanity, you’re much closer to

being the person you once were. However, as your humanity goes lower and

you have a low blood pool, you get much closer to letting the Beast take

over your body.

To lose humanity, your character must commit wanton acts of violence

against the innocent kine of the world. So, if you kill civilians through acts

of violence or feeding, your character will lose some of the essence that

makes him or her human. Killing those who attack you will not cause you

to lose humanity.

While your humanity can remain quite high, there will be times when the

Beast will rear up. When this occurs, your character enters a state of Frenzy.

In this state, you lose all control of your character and you’ll have to watch

as your character attacks and feeds on the closest victim. During this state,

your character receives +5 to Strength, Stamina and Wits and mental

Disciplines don’t have as strong an effect. While this state is temporary, it

could lead to several bad situations, especially if your character Frenzies in

the middle of a crowded neighborhood. Remember, killing innocents while

in Frenzy also counts against your humanity.

Frenzy typically occurs when

your character has taken a

great deal of damage or if your

character is low on blood.

Depending on your character’s

humanity level, your character

may be more prone to Frenzy.

The best way to stop the Beast

from raging is to make sure

your character’s humanity

remains high.

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Insane by nature, the Malkavians see the world in a different light than

anyone else. This “insight” allows Malkavians to see the true intentions of

others. However, it also means they have a much more difficult time

communicating with others on occasion. The nature of the Malkavians gives

them a +2 bonus to the Inspection Feat.

Advantages: +¤ to Inspection Feat

Disadvantages: Your “insight” can make negotiations difficult.

Disciplines: Auspex, Dementation and Obfuscate

Hideous and disgusting, the Nosferatu are cursed with a grotesque form.

Forced into the shadows of the night, the Nosferatu have learned to adapt

and hide from society. Due to their hideous nature, the Nosferatu start

with an Appearance of zero and their Seduction Feat can never be any

higher than zero. Relying on rats for blood, the Nosferatu get 3 blood

points when feeding on them.

Advantages: Living in the sewers, the Nosferatu have better kinship

with beasts. They’re able to gain more nourishment from the blood

of animals.

Disadvantages: They have an appearance of zero that can never

be raised, and their Seduction Feat can never be above zero.

Disciplines: Animalism, Obfuscate and Potence

¤¤ ¤‹

ClansWithin the Camarilla and Sabbat, there are clans: groups of vampires related

to each other through the Embrace with unique Disciplines and Attributes.

The Brujah are passionate idealists. At times, this passion can lead them to

trouble since they tend to make their arguments with their fists and not

words. Their rage means the Brujah start with a -¤ to Frenzy checks, but they

get a +1 to their Unarmed Feat.

Advantages: +1 to the Unarmed Feat

Disadvantages: Tends to Frenzy more often

Disciplines: Celerity, Potence and Presence

If any clan were close to the Beast, it would be the wildly nomadic Gangrel.

Usually preferring to be loners, the Gangrel clan has recently severed its ties

with the Camarilla. With their feral nature, the Gangrel are much more

attuned to animals and have the ability to take on animal forms. Like the

Brujah, members of Clan Gangrel receive a –1 to Frenzy checks. When

Frenzied, the Gangrel receive a +∞ to strength on top of the regular +∞ that

all vampires receive as well as +5 bonuses to Wits and Stamina.

Advantages: +∞ additional to Strength, Wits and Stamina during Frenzy

Disadvantages: Tends to Frenzy more often

Disciplines: Animalism, Fortitude and Protean

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The leaders of the Camarilla, the Ventrue enforce the Masquerade. With

their large bank accounts, the Ventrue have acquired quite expensive tastes.

This allows them to gain easier acceptance into the Camarilla; however, they

cannot lower themselves to ever feed on rats. The Ventrue are the only clan

that can use Dominate to affect a conversation.

Advantages: Easier acceptance into Kindred society and they can use

Dominate in Dialog.

Disadvantages: Ventrue cannot feed on rats, and feeding on bums and

prostitutes creates a ∞‚% chance of vomiting.

Disciplines: Dominate, Fortitude and Presence

DisciplinesDisciplines are vampiric powers of the Kindred that set them even further

above mortals. Each clan specializes in three Disciplines, and it’s up to you to

utilize these Disciplines in the manner you decide.

When a passive Discipline is activated, a bar with the Discipline name appears

to the left of the indicator. When the bar empties, the Discipline spends

another blood point and the bar fills up again. Right-click while the Discipline

is still active to end it. To turn off all your Disciplines, press F8.

Note: For the passive Disciplines (Auspex, Celerity, Fortitude, Potence,

Protean, Presence and Obfuscate), your character automatically uses the

strongest level available. Passive Disciplines always use one point of

blood no matter the level. The cost of blood is per activation.

For targeted Disciplines (Animalism, Dementation, Dominate and

Thaumaturgy), you need to choose the level you want to use. Targeted

Disciplines use blood depending on the level (e.g., if your character uses

Level 3 Thaumaturgy, it costs 2 blood points to activate that level). Generally,

The Toreador envision themselves as artists and visionaries. They seek

the best of refinements, believe in being on the cutting edge and wearing

haute couture. With their close ties to human society, the Toreador can

buy humanity at half the cost. Additionally, the Toreador gain or lose

double the amount of humanity when committing acts that benefit or

harm human society.

Advantages: Retaining more of their former humanity, Toreador

pay half experience cost for buying humanity and receive double

humanity rewards.

Disadvantages: Toreador suffer double the humanity penalty when

losing humanity.

Disciplines: Auspex, Celerity and Presence

The least trusted of the Camarilla clans, the Tremere are blood sorcerers.

Using blood magic, or Thaumaturgy, the Tremere guard their secrets

quite religiously and do not take outsiders into their confidence. Relying

on their blood magic, the Tremere can only have a maximum of › for

their physical attributes.

Advantages: Access to Thaumaturgy

Disadvantages: Due to time taken to study Thaumaturgy, the Tremere

clan cannot raise their physical stats past ›.

Disciplines: Auspex, Dominate and Thaumaturgy

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Level ‹: Spectral Wolf

Cost: ¤ Blood

Amount of Targets: Single

Breaks Masquerade: Yes

Description: Creating a dust cloud at the feet of the target, a

spectral wolf appears and mauls the victim. Once the wolf has

completed its task, it returns to the mist where it came from.

Level ›: Bloodsucker’s Communion

Cost: ‹ Blood

Amount of Targets: Single

Breaks Masquerade: Yes

Description: From the darkness, several ghostly bats descend on

the victim. Bursting in and out of the victim, the bats drain the

target of his or her blood. When the bats are satiated, they travel

to the caster to deliver the blood removed from the target.

Level ∞: Pestilence

Cost: ‹ Blood

Amount of Targets: Multiple

Breaks Masquerade: Yes

Description: Like a Biblical plague, insects swarm any targets

within the line of sight of your character. The lucky ones will be

able to fend off the ravenous swarms, while others will be killed

as their flesh is eaten from their bones.

to use a targeted Discipline, you must aim your cursor at the target and

right-click to activate the Discipline. Some Disciplines affect single target

while others affect an area of targets.

Note: There are Disciplines that violate the Masquerade when used

in public, while others do not garner the attention of passersby.

Additionally, certain supernatural creatures have some immunity

to Disciplines.

List of Disciplines

AnimalismAnimalism allows the Kindred to use the Beast that

resides within to contact and manipulate nearby

animals. At the Kindred’s bidding, these animals act as

weapons against the Kindred’s enemies. This is a

targeted Discipline.

Level ⁄: Nightwisp Ravens

Cost: ⁄ Blood

Amount of Targets: Single

Breaks Masquerade: Yes

Description: Upon activation, a flock of black ravens swarms

the target and prevents the target from taking any actions. After

a short amount of time, the flock dissipates. Any action taken

against the target will dissipate the flock immediately.

Level 2: Burrowing Beetle

Cost: ⁄ Blood

Amount of Targets: Single

Breaks Masquerade: Yes

Description: When called, a single beetle flies at the target and

burrows into his or her body. Tracking the target, the beetle

causes damage to the target as it burrows deep within the body.

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Level ›

Cost: ⁄ Blood

Amount of Targets: N/A

Breaks Masquerade: No

Description: Adds two points to Wits and two points to

Perception. Reveals the auras of all living and undead within a

great distance. Lasts ‹¤ seconds per activation.

Level ∞

Cost: ⁄ Blood

Amount of Targets: N/A

Breaks Masquerade: No

Description: Adds three points to Wits and three points to

Perception. Reveals the auras of all living and undead within a

tremendous distance. Lasts ܤ seconds per activation.

AuspexThis Discipline allows a vampire to see auras of those

nearby. In addition to seeing auras, you’ll receive stat

boosts and heightened senses. The auras are different

colors depending on the mood of the target relative to

the player—white means the character is neutral, red

means the target is hostile and blue means the target is

scared. In addition, supernatural creatures have auras different from normal

humans. For example, vampire auras show up as a black smoky cloud. This is

a passive Discipline.

Level ⁄

Cost: ⁄ Blood

Amount of Targets: N/A

Breaks Masquerade: No

Description: Adds one point to Wits. Reveals the auras of |

the living and undead within a short distance. Lasts ¤‚ seconds

per activation.

Level ¤

Cost: ⁄ Blood

Amount of Targets: N/A

Breaks Masquerade: No

Description: Adds one point to Wits and one point to

Perception. Reveals the auras of all living and undead within a

modest distance. Lasts ¤› seconds per activation.

Level ‹

Cost: ⁄ Blood

Amount of Targets: N/A

Breaks Masquerade: No

Description: Adds two points to Wits and one point to

Perception. Reveals the auras of all living and undead within a

large distance. Lasts ¤° seconds per activation.

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Level ›

Cost: ⁄ Blood

Amount of Targets: N/A

Breaks Masquerade: Yes

Description: Character moves with a level › speed

enhancement. Costs one blood per activation. Lasts ⁄› seconds

per activation.

Level ∞

Cost: ⁄ Blood

Amount of Targets: N/A

Breaks Masquerade: Yes

Description: Character moves with a level ∞ speed

enhancement. Costs one blood per activation. Lasts ⁄› seconds

per activation.

CelerityThis Discipline allows the Kindred to move at

extraordinary speeds. As a vampire moves faster and

faster, the world around him or her appears to slow

down. With Celerity, a Kindred can close ∞‚ yards within

a few seconds and throw some devastating blows before

the target can even react. This is a passive Discipline.

Level ⁄

Cost: ⁄ Blood

Amount of Targets: N/A

Breaks Masquerade: No

Description: Character moves with a level ⁄ speed enhancement.

Costs one blood per activation. Lasts ⁄› seconds per activation.

Level ¤

Cost: ⁄ Blood

Amount of Targets: N/A

Breaks Masquerade: Yes

Description: Character moves with a level ¤ speed

enhancement. Costs one blood per activation. Lasts ⁄› seconds

per activation.

Level ‹

Cost: ⁄ Blood

Amount of Targets: N/A

Breaks Masquerade: Yes

Description: Character moves with a level ‹ speed enhancement.

Costs one blood per activation. Lasts ⁄› seconds per activation.

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Level ›: Berserk

Cost: ‹ Blood

Amount of Targets: Single

Breaks Masquerade: No

Description: Similar to the Frenzy experienced by the Kindred,

this level causes the recipient to go mad and enter a bloodthirsty

frenzy. Attacking any allies around him, the NPC will continue to

fight until he or she is killed. This may have a lesser effect on

supernatural creatures.

Level ∞: Bedlam

Cost: › Blood

Amount of Targets: Any within radius of targeted NPC

Breaks Masquerade: No

Description: Washing over the targeted NPC, this level causes

the target and those around to suffer from one of the previous

levels of Dementation.

DementationCursed with insanity, Dementation is the special power

of the Malkavians to channel their madness and force

it into the minds of those around them. This is a

targeted Discipline.

Level ⁄: Hysteria

Cost: ⁄ Blood

Amount of Targets: Single

Breaks Masquerade: No

Description: Drawing forth maddening humor from deep inside,

this causes the target to become incapacitated with laughter.

Taking any action against the hysterical NPC will cause the victim

to return to his or her senses.

Level ¤: Mass Hallucination

Cost: ¤ Blood

Amount of Targets: Any within radius of player

Breaks Masquerade: No

Description: Spreading forth the insanity from the vampire’s

mind, mass hallucination causes anyone nearby to suffer mild

hallucinations and a -¤ to Firearms, Melee, Brawl, Defense and

Resistance to Feeding.

Level ‹: Vision of Death

Cost: ¤ Blood

Amount of Targets: Single

Breaks Masquerade: No

Description: This level causes the targeted victim to imagine his

or her greatest fear. The terror is so real, the targeted NPC

collapses and dies from the stress and shock to his or her system.

This may have a lesser effect on supernatural creatures.

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\Level ›: Possession

Cost: ‹ Blood

Amount of Targets: Single

Breaks Masquerade: No

Description: The victim will desperately attack anyone who

means you any harm, until the victim eventually dies of cardiac

arrest. This may have a lesser effect on supernatural creatures.

Level ∞: Mass Suicide

Cost: › Blood

Amount of Targets: Any within radius of targeted NPC

Breaks Masquerade: No

Description: Washing over the targeted NPC, this level causes

the target and anyone around him or her to suffer a fatal episode.

This may have a lesser effect on supernatural creatures.

DominateWith the superior strength of the vampiric mind, Kindred

with the power of Dominate can control the minds of the

weaker kine and even some Kindred.

Level ⁄: Trance

Cost: ⁄ Blood

Amount of Targets: Single

Breaks Masquerade: No

Description: This causes the target to fall into a deep trance.

Taking any action against the NPC causes him to return to

his senses.

Level ¤: Brainwipe

Cost: ¤ Blood

Amount of Targets: Any within radius of player

Breaks Masquerade: No

Description: All enemies within a small radius will think you’ve

disappeared. The effect wears off after 5 seconds.

Level ‹: Suicide

Cost: ¤ Blood

Amount of Targets: Single

Breaks Masquerade: No

Description: This causes the victim to suffer a fatal fit. This may

have a lesser effect on supernatural creatures.

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Level ›

Cost: ⁄ Blood

Amount of Targets: Self

Breaks Masquerade: No

Description: Adds › guaranteed points to all soak feats.

Lasts ¤∞ seconds per activation.

Level ∞

Cost: ⁄ Blood

Amount of Targets: Self

Breaks Masquerade: No

Description: Adds ∞ guaranteed points to all soak feats.

Lasts ¤∞ seconds per activation.

FortitudeWhile being undead automatically gives Vampires a

natural toughness, the Discipline of Fortitude increases

their ability to withstand blows.

Note: Fortitude can soak aggravated damage and it

will stack upon all other soak gained from Stamina

and/or blood buffs.

Level ⁄

Cost: ⁄ Blood

Amount of Targets: Self

Breaks Masquerade: No

Description: Adds ⁄ guaranteed point to all soak feats,

greatly increasing your damage reduction. Lasts ¤∞ seconds

per activation.

Level ¤

Cost: ⁄ Blood

Amount of Targets: Self

Breaks Masquerade: No

Description: Adds ¤ guaranteed points to all soak feats.

Lasts ¤∞ seconds per activation.

Level ‹

Cost: ⁄ Blood

Amount of Targets: Self

Breaks Masquerade: No

Description: Adds ‹ guaranteed points to all soak feats.

Lasts ¤∞ seconds per activation.

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Level ‹: Hidden Killer

Cost: ⁄ Blood

Amount of Targets: Self

Breaks Masquerade: No

Description: The vampire can move while crouched and

perform stealth kills as long as the vampire does not touch the

NPC beforehand. Any other actions, such as interacting with the

environment, overt combat, moving while standing or bumping

into NPCs will break Obfuscate. Any melee attack that breaks

Obfuscate ‹ receives a ∞‚% damage bonus. Lasts ¤¤ seconds

per activation.

Level ›: Advanced Invisibility

Cost: ⁄ Blood

Amount of Targets: Self

Breaks Masquerade: No

Description: The vampire can perform all movement, both

crouched and standing, and perform stealth kills as long as the

vampire does not touch the NPC beforehand. Any other actions,

such as interacting with the environment, overt combat or

bumping into NPCs will break Obfuscate. Any melee attack that

breaks Obfuscate › deals double damage. Lasts ¤› seconds

per activation.

Level ∞: Unseen Force

Cost: ⁄ Blood

Amount of Targets: Self

Breaks Masquerade: No

Description: The vampire can move freely and interact with the

environment (e.g., pick up objects, open doors, take items, etc).

Any actions, including bumping into NPCs and combat actions will

break Obfuscate. Any melee attack that breaks Obfuscate ∞ deals

triple damage. Lasts ¤§ seconds per activation.

ObfuscateObfuscate is the power to make one’s physical self

disappear, whether this is in the dark shadows of an

alley or under the bright lights of a spotlight. Those who

use Obfuscate can hide from anyone, including

characters standing just a few feet away. At all levels, if

the character is “lurking” (i.e., not moving or performing

any actions), the Obfuscate timer will not run down.

Note: The vampire can stay invisible indefinitely as long as he or she

doesn’t move. If a vampire is seen moving, the effect is broken until the

vampire is hidden again, at which point, the timer resumes. A vampire

cannot enable Obfuscate if an NPC is looking at him or her.

Level ⁄: Hide

Cost: ⁄ Blood

Amount of Targets: Self

Breaks Masquerade: No

Description: The vampire can turn and look around, stand and

crouch and remain invisible. If any other actions are performed,

Obfuscate will be broken. Lasts ⁄° seconds per activation.

Level ¤: Limited Invisibility

Cost: ⁄ Blood

Amount of Targets: Self

Breaks Masquerade: No

Description: The vampire can move while crouched. Any other

actions, such as interacting with the environment, combat, moving

while standing or bumping into NPCs will break Obfuscate. Lasts

¤‚ seconds per activation.

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Level ›

Cost: ⁄ Blood

Amount of Targets: Self

Breaks Masquerade: No

Description: Adds › points of supernatural strength to all

melee and brawl attacks. Potence initially lasts ¤∞ seconds

per activation.

Level ∞

Cost: ⁄ Blood

Amount of Targets: Self

Breaks Masquerade: No

Description: Adds ∞ points of supernatural strength to all

melee and brawl attacks. Potence initially lasts ¤∞ seconds

per activation.

PotencePotence is the ability of vampires to increase their

strength to unnatural levels. A Kindred with Potence

activated can bend steel pipes as if they were rubber.

Note: Potence will stack on top of any blood buffs,

and any extra damage caused by this supernatural

strength cannot be defended against.

Level ⁄

Cost: ⁄ Blood

Amount of Targets: Self

Breaks Masquerade: No

Description: Adds ⁄ point of supernatural strength to all

melee and brawl attacks. Potence initially lasts ¤∞ seconds

per activation.

Level ¤

Cost: ⁄ Blood

Amount of Targets: Self

Breaks Masquerade: No

Description: Adds ¤ points of supernatural strength to all

melee and brawl attacks. Potence initially lasts ¤∞ seconds

per activation.

Level ‹

Cost: ⁄ Blood

Amount of Targets: Self

Breaks Masquerade: No

Description: Adds ‹ points of supernatural strength to all

melee and brawl attacks. Potence initially lasts ¤∞ seconds

per activation.

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Level ‹

Cost: ⁄ Blood

Amount of Targets: Self

Breaks Masquerade: No

Description: Any NPCs caught within a large radius of the

vampire become dazed and suffer a -‹ to Strength, Wits and

Perception and a reduced rate of attack. There’s a ¤‚% chance

anyone caught in the radius will become mesmerized. Lasts

ڤ seconds per activation.

Level ›

Cost: ⁄ Blood

Amount of Targets: Self

Breaks Masquerade: No

Description: Any NPCs caught within a large radius of the

vampire become dazed and suffer a -› to Strength, Wits and

Perception and a reduced rate of attack. There’s a ¤‚% chance

anyone caught in the radius will become mesmerized. Lasts ڤ

seconds per activation.

Level ∞

Cost: ⁄ Blood

Amount of Targets: Self

Breaks Masquerade: No

Description: Any NPCs caught within a large radius of the

vampire become dazed and suffer a -∞ to Strength, Wits and

Perception and a reduced rate of attack. There’s a ¤∞% chance

anyone caught in the radius will become mesmerized. Lasts ڤ

seconds per activation.

PresenceA Kindred with the power of Presence can instill dread

and cowering fear. Presence can make enemies tremble

or even stun them into submission.

Note: Supernatural creatures are more resistant to the

mesmerization effect of Prescence.

Level ⁄

Cost: ⁄ Blood

Amount of Targets: Self

Breaks Masquerade: No

Description: Any NPCs caught within a tiny radius of the

vampire become dazed and suffer a -⁄ to Strength, Wits and

Perception and a reduced rate of attack. Lasts ڤ seconds

per activation.

Level ¤

Cost: ⁄ Blood

Amount of Targets: Self

Breaks Masquerade: No

Description: Any NPCs caught within a large radius of the

vampire have a ⁄‚% chance to become mesmerized. If the NPC is

mesmerized, they will be unable to move or fight unless damaged

by the vampire. All others will suffer a -¤ to Strength, Wits and

Perception and a reduced rate of attack. Lasts ڤ seconds

per activation.

›¤ ›‹

Vampire the masquerade bloodlines - [PDF Document] (23)

Level ‹: Will of the Wolf

Cost: ⁄ Blood

Amount of Targets: Self

Breaks Masquerade: See Description

Description: When this level is activated, the Gangrel gains +¤

to Stamina. At medium range, this level causes a Masquerade

violation. Lasts ¤∞ seconds per activation.

Level ›: Hunter of Night

Cost: ⁄ Blood

Amount of Targets: Self

Breaks Masquerade: See Description

Description: Further transforming the Gangrel into a bestial

form, the vampire’s claw damage is increased with a gain of +¤ to

Strength. The Masquerade is violated if any Kine see the vampire

at long range. Lasts ¤∞ seconds per activation.

Level ∞: War Form

Cost: ⁄ Blood

Amount of Targets: Self

Breaks Masquerade: Yes

Description: At the highest level, the vampire is transformed

into his or her war form. The vampire gains increased claw

damage at this level. Lasts ¤∞ seconds per activation.

ProteanAvailable only to the Gangrel Clan, the power of Protean

allows the Kindred to manipulate his or her physical

form. While some of the manipulations are quite subtle,

other manipulations transform the Gangrel into a

bestial form.

Note: All the bonuses are cumulative from the

previous levels.

Level ⁄: Gleam of Red Eyes

Cost: ⁄ Blood

Amount of Targets: Self

Breaks Masquerade: See Description

Description: Turning the vampire’s eyes a glowing reddish color,

this level gives a ⁄-point bonus to Wits and the ability to see in

the dark. At point blank range, Kine will notice the change in eye

color, which causes a Masquerade violation. Lasts ¤∞ seconds per


Level ¤: Feral Claws

Cost: ⁄ Blood

Amount of Targets: Self

Breaks Masquerade: See Description

Description: Changing hands into claws, this level allows the

Gangrel to deal aggravated damage to any enemies he encounters.

At a medium distance, Kine will notice the claws, which causes a

Masquerade violation. Lasts ¤∞ seconds per activation.

›› ›∞

Vampire the masquerade bloodlines - [PDF Document] (24)

Level ›: Blood Salvo

Cost: ‹ Blood

Amount of Targets: Any within a cone of the vampire’s reticule

Breaks Masquerade: Yes

Description: While blood strike affects a single target, blood

salvo fires projectiles at any target within the cone of the

vampire’s view. Like blood strike, the blood will return and

provide blood to the Tremere vampire.

Level ∞: Blood Boil

Cost: › Blood

Amount of Targets: Single/Area of Effect

Breaks Masquerade: Yes

Description: This devastating attack causes the blood in the

target to heat up and explode like a bomb. Any NPCs caught

within the explosion will suffer damage from the heat and force

of the blast.

ThaumaturgyGuarded closely by the Tremere, Thaumaturgy is the

blood magic that’s the basis of their magical arts. Using

their own Vitae, the Tremere can manipulate the target’s

blood for some devastating results.

Level ⁄: Blood Strike

Cost: ⁄ Blood

Amount of Targets: Single

Breaks Masquerade: Yes

Description: Firing a blood red projectile, this shot will strike

your victim. If you remain still and the victim lives, the blood strike

will return with stolen blood from your victim.

Note: If another Blood Strike is fired before the first one returns, then

the returning blood from the first shot will dissipate and be lost.

Level ¤: Purge

Cost: ¤ Blood

Amount of Targets: Radius (any within melee range)

Breaks Masquerade: Yes

Description: Causing those around the vampire to become

violently ill, the affected NPCs begin to vomit blood. Damaging to

both human and supernatural foes, Purge is quite useful in

stopping a swarming group of enemies.

Level ‹: Blood Shield

Cost: ‹ Blood

Amount of Targets: Self

Breaks Masquerade: Yes

Description: The Blood Shield envelops the Tremere vampire

in a magical barrier that protects the vampire from a portion of

any damage inflicted. After absorbing enough damage, the

shield dissipates.

›§ ›‡

Vampire the masquerade bloodlines - [PDF Document] (25)

›° ›·

Dodge – Dodge is how well your character can avoid being hit by anything

ranging from knives to guns. Dodge is a component of the Defense Feat.

Intimidation – Intimidation is how well your character can make threats

sound convincing. Intimidation is necessary for the Intimidate Feat.

Subterfuge – Subterfuge is the ability for your character to conceal his

or her motives and decipher the motives of others. Subterfuge is needed

for Seduction.

Firearms – Firearms is how well your character can use guns of all types.

Firearms is needed for Ranged Combat.

Melee – Melee is the ability to fight in close combat with handheld

weapons such as knives and swords. Melee is needed for the MeleeCombat Feat.

Security – Security is the knowledge of how locks and security systems

work. Security is needed for the Lock Picking Feat.

Stealth – Stealth is the ability to move silently and avoid being detected.

Stealth is a component of the Sneaking Feat.

Computer – Computer knowledge is how well your character can operate

computers and other hi-tech devices. Computer knowledge is needed for the

Hacking Feat.

Finance – Finance is your character’s ability to evaluate the worth of

different objects and manage his or her money. Finance is a component of

the Haggle Feat.

Investigation – Investigation is the character’s ability to notice minute or

hidden details. Investigation is a component of the Inspection Feat.

Scholarship – Scholarship is the ability of your character to gather

information and his or her overall knowledge. Scholarship is a component

of Research and Persuasion.

FeatsFeats are the basis of the “dramatic system” in Vampire:® The Masquerade–Bloodlines.

™When your character faces an obstacle, the character’s feat

ranking determines how well he or she can succeed and overcome against

the challenge:

Appendix A:The Character Sheet

The following is a description of the various skills on your character sheet:

Attributes Attributes are the core components of your character. They are what make

your vampire function, from the physical to the mental aspects:

Strength – Strength is a measure of your character’s physical prowess. It’s

a necessary component for Unarmed and Melee Combat.

Dexterity – Dexterity is the speed and agility of your character. It’s used

for Lock Picking and Sneaking.

Stamina – Stamina is the toughness and mental fortitude of your character.

It’s used to calculate your Kindred's bashing soak attribute.

Charisma – Charisma is how well your character can charm and influence

others using their personality. It’s important for Persuasion.

Manipulation – Manipulation is the ability to make others do what you

want. It’s used in Haggle.

Appearance – Appearance is the physical attractiveness of your character.

It’s a component of Seduction.

Perception – Perception is a measure of your character’s awareness of his

or her physical environment. Perception is necessary for Ranged Combatand Inspection.

Intelligence – Intelligence is the ability to learn, think and remember. This

is used in Research and Intimidate.

Wits – Wits is the sharpness of the character’s mind and the ability to think

on his or her feet. Wits is used in Defense and Hacking.

AbilitiesAbilities are the skills your character can learn:

Brawl – Brawl is the skill at which your character can fight with his

or her hands. Not surprisingly, brawl is a component of the UnarmedCombat feat.

Vampire the masquerade bloodlines - [PDF Document] (26)

∞‚ ∞⁄

Inspection – Inspection is the feat that allows you to notice things that

other people wouldn’t look at twice. With a high inspection skill, certain

objects will have a definite “glow” about them. In some situations, your

character can find precious objects that may have fallen on the ground or

possibly secret passages that wouldn‘t have been noticed.

Research – If your character’s approach is more academic than practical,

he or she will learn many new things with a high Research skill. With

Research, your character will be able to read and understand arcane books.

Research can lead to new skills your character can learn from just reading

the book.

Haggle – Haggle is the ability to drive a price down in the buyer’s market.

The higher your character’s haggle skill, the lower the prices will be for

those important items and the higher the prices will be for items you sell.

Intimidate – While pure brawn can be used to beat out information, a

character with high intimidate can merely stand silent and let his or her

presence make an informant blubber like a baby. During conversations with

other NPCs, intimidate can be quite useful in getting information from

unwilling stool pigeons.

Persuasion – For the smooth talking character, persuasion can be a very

useful ability. Characters with a high persuasion can use charm and finesse

to gain important information.

Seduction – A character with a high level of seduction is the vampire

equivalent of Don Juan. With a high seduction skill, your character can

charm those of the opposite sex to do your bidding. This could include

anything from providing information, items or even their blood.

Unarmed Combat – Unarmed Combat is used to fight someone in hand-to-

hand combat and feeding from enemies in combat. With a low Unarmed

Combat skill, your character won’t be able to throw a punch to save his or

her life. With a high Unarmed Combat skill, your character can box in

professional fights.

Melee – Melee is the ability for your character to fight with weapons that

range from knives to katanas to sledgehammers. With a low melee skill,

your character will fall on his or her own weapon. With a high melee skill,

characters can carve their initials in your opponent’s clothing.

Ranged – Ranged combat is how well your character can handle and fire a

weapon. Certain weapons such as pistols require lower ranged combat skills.

Better weapons such as the rifle require your character to be highly trained

in ranged combat. For a complete description on how ranged combat works,

please refer to the combat system of the manual.

Defense – When an attacker has the upper hand on your character, there

are times when a good defense is much better than offense. Defense is

vitally important since it gives you the chance to soak damage so your

character can survive longer. A shotgun blast three feet from your head can

become a minor flesh wound if your defensive reactions helped you turn

away at the last second.

Lock Picking – Lock picking is the art of getting into places you’re not

supposed to be. With a set of lock picks, which can be bought from any

pawnshop, a character with high Lock Picking can break into Fort Knox

if needed.

Sneaking – If your character is low on blood and surrounded by a

squadron of members from the local chapter of the Society of Leopold,

sneaking is a vital skill. Depending on your character’s level of sneaking,

he or she can move through a crowded room without anyone even noticing.

Hacking – Hacking is the ability to know a computer better than knowing

your own self. With that knowledge, your character will have a much easier

time getting information from any unmanned computer terminal. With a

high hacking skill, your character can break into any system and have access

to all data within seconds. With a low hacking skill, a vampire can barely

press Ctrl+Alt+Del at the same time.

Vampire the masquerade bloodlines - [PDF Document] (27)

∞¤ ∞‹


Creative DirectorJason Anderson

Project LeadLeonard Boyarsky

PROGRAMMINGLead Programmer

Andrew Meggs

ProgrammersTim Cain

Brock HeinzSteve Moret

Jesse ReynoldsSteve ShimizuDennis Taylor


Aaron BrunstetterSean Craig

Lee NeedhamHuy NguyenNate Trost

SCRIPTINGLead ScripterBrock Heinz

ScriptersJason Anderson

Marc BarberJocelyn Chew

TJ PerilloSteve Rhoades

Additional ScriptingHuy NguyenDavid Webb

ARTLead Animator

Mark Bremerkamp

Lead Character Modeler

Chad Moore

AnimatorsDaniel AlpertBryan Bode

Leonard BoyarskyNate Brown

Nivbed (Justin Cherry)Sean Keegan

Craig MatchettLong Nguyen

Christine ThomasAaron Weldon

Additional ArtSissy Chang

Peter DelgadoLucas Feld

Chris GlennBrian Godlewski

Thomas JuddJason Kane

Jason ManleyMike McCarthyPete MeihuizenCorey Pelton

Art InternsRoss Cangelosi

Dave Kim

Taehoon KimMike Palleschi

\Level BuildingJason Anderson

Chris AshtonDavid Marsh

Jaime SueBryan Warmack

Additional Level Building

John AtteaHector Espinoza


b mitsodaChad Moore

TJ PerilloJason Anderson

Leonard Boyarsky

Additional Design and Dialog

Steve BokkesTiffany ChuDavid Webb

Audio Scripting Bret Johnson

Additional SupportEain BankinsMarc Barber

Leonard BoyarskyTracy BoyarskyJocelyn Chew

James Foster-KeddieBrock HeinzThuy Vu Ho

Bret Johnson

b mitsodaChad MooreBen MullichLong Nguyen

TJ PerilloSteve RhoadesSteve Shimizu

Nate Trost

MIS ManagerScott Jacobson

Troika ProducerTom Decker

Office ManagersPrincess Eiland

Sharon Shellman

SOUNDOriginal MusicCompositions/

Vampire BloodlinesComposer

Rik Schaffer/Womb Music

Sound FX Design, Foley Artists

Jason Freedman and Rik Schaffer/

Womb Music

Casting and Voice DirectorMargaret Tang/Womb Music

Voice Over Recording,Editing, PostRik Schaffer

Margaret Tang/Womb Music

Voice Over ActorsAndre Sogliuzzo

Andy MilderArmando Valdes-

KennedyCourtenay Taylor

Dana LeeDaran Norris

Debi Mae WestDee Baker

Edita BrychtaEdward Yin

Erin FitzgeraldFred TatascioreGrant Albrecht

Greg EllisGrey DelisleHope Levy

James A. TaylorJay GordonJim Ward

John DiMaggioJosh PaskowitzKat CressidaKeone Young

Margaret TangMary McGlynnMatt Morton

Michael GoughMichael Yama

Neil RossNika Futterman

Phil La MarrRobin Atkin Downes

Steve Blum


Computer ProjectsDirector

Chris McDonough

PresidentMike Tinney

Vampire: The Masquerade/

Vampire: The RequiemDeveloper

Justin Achilli


ProducerDavid Mullich

Associate ProducersGlenn IgeEric Lee

Executive ProducersThaine LymanGraham Fuchs

Production TestersDanny TaylorEain Bankins

Jeremiah Jones

VP of StudioMark Lamia

President, Activision Publishing

Kathy Vrabeck


Vampire the masquerade bloodlines - [PDF Document] (28)

Special ThanksValve

Gabe NewellDoug Lombardi

Scott LynchRick Ellis

Quintin DoroquezNvidia

ATI TechnologiesMacrovision


Matt MortonPaul Lee

Threewave SoftwareMason Deming


Vice President, GlobalBrand Management

Dusty Welch

Director, Global Brand Management

David Pokress

Associate BrandManager

Richard Brest

Special ThanksBrad CarrawayHarte LoganRick Mehler


Vice President,Corp. Communications

Maryanne Lataif

Director,Corp. Communications

Michelle Schroder

Sr. Publicist,Corp. Communications

Peter Binazeski

Publicist,Corp. Communications

Maclean Marshall



Installer ProgrammerAnthony Lu


VP, Creative Services & OperationsDenise Walsh

Director, Creative Services

Matt Stainner

Creative ServicesManagerJill Barry

Creative ServicesAssistant Manager

Shelby Yates


Senior CounselJay Komas

ParalegalErika Denton

Senior ParalegalMike Larson

Legal Admin.Dani Kim


Worldwide Executive of MusicTim Riley

Music Supervisor &Licensing Coordinator

Brandon Young



Project LeadThom Denick

Senior Project LeadsMatt McClure

Glenn Vistante

QA ManagerMarilena Rixford

Floor LeadDoug Todd

Third-Shift Floor Lead Walter Williams

Single PlayerCoordinator

Randolph L.S. d'Amore

Test TeamBrad ArnoldRick Bernard

Sy ChaTravis CummingsJustin Frederick

Josef GeigerAnthony GordonFrankie Gutierrez

∞› ∞∞

Jason GuyanSam Hau

Ben KaplanJohn Lagerholm

Mark LeeTaylor Livingston

Jeff LoveBrian Marvin

Keith McClellanNathaniel McClure

Jim NorrisMike Norris

Garret OshiroDanielle PinoMax Porter

Chris PuenteJulio RodriguezTim Scholefield

Tim ShanksMat Solie

Peter VonoyYun WangDean Yang

Localizations LeadJoshua Feinman

Localizations Senior Lead

Anthony Korotko

Floor LeadMichael DeMarti

Database ManagerSean Kim

Localizations Test TeamAmit BaderChris BaileyJames DavisBrian Diggs

Kai HsuJeff Love

Daniel LunaShawn MahlerDaniel NicholsEric Van Rooy

Eric SmallGrant Werner

Senior Project Lead,Third Shift

Henry Villanueva

Manager, Night ShiftAdam Hartsfield

Manager, Third ShiftJason Levine

Manager, Code Release Group

Tim Vanlaw

Lead, Code Release Group

Jef Sedivy

Customer SupportGary Bolduc – Phone SupportMichael Hill – E-mail Support

CS/QA Special ThanksJim SummersJason WongJoe Favazza

Nadine TheuzillotEd Clune

Jason PotterJohn RosserJeff MoxleyIndra Yee

Mike BeckTodd Komesu

Joule MiddletonVyente Ruffin

Chris KeimNeil Barizo

Willie BoltonJennifer VitielloJeremy ShortellMike RixfordDylan RixfordTyler RiversNick FavazzaBarb Lemaire


Activision UKSenior Vice President,European Publishing

Scott Dodkins

UK General ManagerRoger Walkden

Director of Marketing UK/ROE

Alison Turner

Head of European Corporate

CommunicationsVickey Cayzer

Head of Publishing Services

Nathalie Ranson

Marketing ManagerTim Woodly

Localization Manager– PC GroupTamsin Lucas

Vampire the masquerade bloodlines - [PDF Document] (29)

“Needle’s Eye”courtesy of

Die My DarlingWritten by F.G. Reiche

Performed by Die My Darling


“Come Alive”Written and

Performed by Daniel Ash

© 2002 Psychobaby Records

Written by Daniel AshPublished by

Ashman Music (ASCAP),Administered by

Music of Windswept

“Pound”Performed by

AERIAL2012 Written by J. Blackwell,H. Cummings, S. Smith,C. McCall and M. Wolfe

From the AlbumA.E.R.I.A.L.

(A Euphoric Ride Into Another Life)

Published by 2012 Publishing Limited2004 Copyright 2012 llc

“isolated”Performed by Chiasm

Written, Produced and Recorded by

Emileigh Rohn Licensed from

COP InternationalPublished by


“Lecher Bitch”Performed byGenitorturers

Written by Jennifer Vincent,

David Vincent, andVincent SalettoFrom the album Flesh Is the Law

© 2002 G-Force RecordsPublished by

Retribution Music

“Smaller God”Performed by

Darling ViolettaWritten by C. Elen/

J. Thomas/S. McManusPublisher

Box By The Bed Music(ASCAP)


“Female in standing pose”© 2004 Corel

“3 men sitting in a tank “©2004 Corel

“¤ dogs, sitting side by side” ©2004 Corel

“Motorcycle racers” ©2004 Corel

Uses Bink Video. © 1997-2004 by

RAD Game Tools, Inc.

Havok Physics Tools © 2004 Havok.


Creative ServicesManager

Jackie Sutton

Localization ProjectManager

Simon Dawes

Creative ServicesCoordinatorPhilip Bagnall

European Operations Manager

Heather Clarke

Production PlannersVictoria Fisher

Lynne Moss

Activision FranceMarketing Director

Bernard Sizey

Marketing GroupManager

Guillaume Lairan

Brand ManagerGautier Ormancey

PR ManagerDiane de Domecy

Activision GermanyMarketing Manager

Stefan Luludes

Brand ManagerStefan Seidel

PR ManagerBernd Reinartz

PR ExecutiveMartin Pitzl

IT & Web ManagerThorsten Huebschmann

Activision ItalyGeneral Manager

Paolo Chisari

Marketing ManagerLaura Lombardi

Brand ManagerPaolo Pastorelli


Stephanie O’MalleyDeming

French LocalizationExeQuo

German LocalizationEffective Media GmbH


by Lacuna Coil Music and Lyrics byMarco Coti Zelati,Christina Scabbia,

Andrea FerroMagic Arts Publishing

(ASCAP)Courtesy of

Century Media Records

“Cain” by Tiamat

Music and Lyrics byJohan Edlund

Magic Arts Publishing(ASCAP)

Courtesy of Century Media Records

“Bloodlines”Written and

Performed by Al Jourgensen/

MinistryCourtesy of

Sanctuary RecordsPublished by

13th Planet Music, Inc.© 2004

Vampire the masquerade bloodlines - [PDF Document] (30)

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OWNERSHIP: All title, ownership rights and intellectual property rights in and to the Program and any and all copiesthereof are owned by Activision or its licensors. The Program is protected by the copyright laws of the United States,international copyright treaties and conventions and other laws. The Program contains certain licensed materials andActivision’s licensors may protect their rights in the event of any violation of this Agreement. You agree not to remove,disable or circumvent any proprietary notices or labels contained on or within the Program.

THE PROGRAM UTILITIES: The Program contains certain design, programming and processing utilities, tools, assetsand other resources (“the Program Utilities”) for use with the Program that allow you to create customized new gamelevels and other related game materials for personal use in connection with the Program (“New Game Materials”).The use of the Program Utilities is subject to the following additional license restrictions:• You agree that, as a condition to your using the Program Utilities, you will not use or allow third parties to use the

Program Utilities and the New Game Materials created by you for any commercial purposes, including but notlimited to selling, renting, leasing, licensing, distributing, or otherwise transferring the ownership of such New GameMaterials, whether on a stand alone basis or packaged in combination with the New Game Materials created byothers, through any and all distribution channels, including, without limitation, retail sales and on-line electronicdistribution. You agree not to solicit, initiate or encourage any proposal or offer from any person or entity to createany New Game Materials for commercial distribution. You agree to promptly inform Activision in writing of anyinstances of your receipt of any such proposal or offer.

• If you decide to make available the use of the New Game Materials created by you to other gamers, you agree todo so solely without charge.

• New Game Materials shall not contain modifications to any COM, EXE or DLL files or to any other executableProduct files.


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U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS: the Program and documentation have been developed entirely at privateexpense and are provided as Commercial Computer Software or restricted computer software. Use, duplication ordisclosure by the U.S. Government or a U.S. Government subcontractor is subject to the restrictions set forth insubparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clauses in DFARS 252.227-7013 or asset forth in subparagraph (c)(1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer Software Restricted Rights clauses at FAR52.227-19, as applicable. The Contractor/Manufacturer is Activision, Inc., 3100 Ocean Park Boulevard, Santa Monica,California 90405.

INJUNCTION: Because Activision would be irreparably damaged if the terms of this Agreement were not specificallyenforced, you agree that Activision shall be entitled, without bond, other security or proof of damages, to appropriateequitable remedies with respect to breaches of this Agreement, in addition to such other remedies as Activision mayotherwise have under applicable laws.

INDEMNITY: You agree to indemnify, defend and hold Activision, its partners, licensors, affiliates, contractors, officers,directors, employees and agents harmless from all damages, losses and expenses arising directly or indirectly fromyour acts and omissions to act in using the Product pursuant to the terms of this Agreement.

MISCELLANEOUS: This Agreement represents the complete agreement concerning this license between the partiesand supersedes all prior agreements and representations between them. It may be amended only by a writingexecuted by both parties. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be unenforceable for any reason, such provisionshall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable and the remaining provisions of this Agreementshall not be affected. This Agreement shall be construed under California law as such law is applied to agreementsbetween California residents entered into and to be performed within California, except as governed by federal lawand you consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the state and federal courts in Los Angeles, California.

If you have any questions concerning this license, you may contact Activision at 3100 Ocean Park Boulevard, SantaMonica, California 90405, USA, (310) 255-2000, Attn: Business and Legal Affairs, [emailprotected].


Vampire the masquerade bloodlines - [PDF Document] (33)

with the OfficialStrategy Guide fromBradyGames!

To purchase BradyGames' Vampire®: The Masquerade Bloodlines™

Official Strategy Guide, visit your local electronics, book or software retailer. Also available online at

ISBN: 0-7440-0461-6PRICE: $19.99 US / $28.99 CAN / £12.99 Net UK

• Detailed walkthrough and expertstrategies for all quests.

• Complete coverage of every clan,skill and vampire power, includingstrengths and weaknesses of each.

• Comprehensive weapon and item lists.

• Plus, tips for interacting withcharacters, forming alliances,uncovering plot points and more!

© 2004 White Wolf Publishing, Inc. Vampire: The Masquerade, White Wolf andthe World of Darkness are registered trademarks and Vampire: The MasqueradeBloodlines is a trademark of White Wolf Publishing, Inc. Game code © 2004Activision, Inc. and its affiliates. Published and distributed by ActivisionPublishing, Inc. Activision is a registered trademark of Activision, Inc. and its affiliates. All rights reserved. Developed by Troika Games, LLC. PC CD-ROM logo TM and © IEMA 2004. The ratings icon is a registered trademark of theEntertainment Software Association. All other trademarks and trade names arethe properties of their respective owners.

Vampire the masquerade bloodlines - [PDF Document] (2024)


Is Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines unfinished? ›

After three years in development with no end in sight and running over budget, Activision set a strict deadline for completion, and Bloodlines was released incomplete in November 2004.

Is vampire masquerade bloodlines hard? ›

OP - the only difficulty this game offers is building your character. If you fail at it and spread your points too thin, you'll never be able to finish the game. If you build to your clan's strengths, the game is easy. There's little in between.

How many hours is vampire the masquerade bloodlines? ›

29 Hours
Main Story11422h 59m
Main + Extras36729h 17m
Completionist8740h 22m
All PlayStyles56829h 43m

What is the password for Jeanette's computer in vampire the masquerade bloodlines? ›

The Asylum, Second Floor: The password for the 'email' application on Jeanette's computer is "wishes". The Asylum, Second Floor: The password for the 'email' application on Therese's computer is "1baroness3". The Asylum, Second Floor: The password for the 'contacts' application is "callme".

Is VTM Bloodlines 2 cancelled? ›

Bloodlines 2 is now scheduled to release in fall 2024.

Is Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 ever coming out? ›

The Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 release date is set for "Fall 2024", according to developer The Chinese Room (via Steam).

Why is vampire Bloodlines so good? ›

This player freedom, upheld by quality writing and worldbuilding, exemplifies everything I love about Bloodlines. So if you dig RPGs and are at all on the fence, go and grab Vampire: the Masquerade – Bloodlines off your digital distributor of choice.

How many endings are in vampire Bloodlines? ›

The storyline is non-linear; though most events will be encountered regardless of the character's choices, there are numerous optional quests and five distinct endings.

How many clans are there in vampire the masquerade bloodlines? ›

The 13 Clans. Vampire: The Masquerade introduces the use of 13 clans (or major bloodlines) in the game.

What is the best class in Vampire The Masquerade? ›

Best archetype classes in Vampire: the Masquerade - Bloodhunt
  1. Vandal (Brujah)
  2. Brute (Brujah) ...
  3. Siren (Toreador) ...
  4. Enforcer (Ventrue) Enforcers are quite deadly in a firefight. ...
  5. Prowler (Nosferatu) Prowler is what one would call a tracking class of Vampire: the Masquerade - Bloodhunt. ...
May 3, 2022

Can you sleep with Jeanette in vampire the masquerade? ›

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

Other than that, once you leave Santa Monica, you won't deal with them again. If Jeanette lives she'll send you emails and you can have sex with her, but it won't affect how the game turns out. But that's really a role-playing choice, cooperation gets you max xp.

How to save both Voerman sisters? ›

Right from the beginning you have to please both of the sisters with no complaints. Be sensual with Jeanette and obedient with Therese. Give the Hotel amulet to Therese and choose all the sensual (pink) lines when talking to Jeanette.

Who is the girl in the vampire the masquerade? ›

Therese Voerman (also known as Jeanette Voerman) is the Malkavian Baron, as well as the aspiring Prince of Santa Monica and the proprietor of The Asylum, a nightclub in the area of Santa Monica.

How many endings does Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines have? ›

The storyline is non-linear; though most events will be encountered regardless of the character's choices, there are numerous optional quests and five distinct endings.

What happened to the vampire Bloodlines 2? ›

Along with the announcement of the change in developers in February 2021, the game was delayed past 2021. In September 2023, The Chinese Room was announced as the new developer, with the game scheduled to release for PlayStation 5, Windows, and Xbox Series X/S in late 2024.

Is bloodlines a continuation of Vampire Academy? ›

Bloodlines is a book series by Richelle Mead. It is a spin-off of Mead's Vampire Academy series. The books follow alchemist Sydney Sage. After the incident with Rose and Dimitri, Sydney is being closely watched by the Alchemists (humans who help keep the vampire world a secret).

Is bloodlines canon in LA by night? ›

L.A. by Night is an American actual play web series where the cast plays as vampires using the fifth edition Vampire: The Masquerade ruleset. It is set canonically in the World of Darkness series after the events of Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines and focuses on Kindred society in Los Angeles.


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