Vikram Solar Ltd. | 11 customers and 0 suppliers (2024) provides you with genuine shipments, location, competitors, buyers, customers, suppliers, supply chain, products, product portfolio, contacts, employees, turnover of:

Falta Manufacturing Unit Falta Special Economic Zone, Sector Ii, South 24 Parganas



Where does Vikram Solar Ltd. buy?

no data available

no data available

To whom does Vikram Solar Ltd. sell?To Fbo Backwoods Solar ElectricJavelin Logistics 5349 NE 152nd Place Portland OR 97230 shipments sent:2customer share:0.7 %HS or HTS codes are a global standard used to describe the type of goods being shipped (Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System).The World Customs Organization (WCO) manages the Harmonized Tariff Description and Coding System (HTS). Over 170 countries participate in the WCO's HTS system. The first six digits of the HTS code marking of all articles in international trade are the same for all countries using the HTS. The last two or four digits are country-specific. In many countries these last four digits represent the tariff rate and suffix for the statistical reports of the trade balance of imported goods.HS codes: 2

11 customersexplore

Which products does Vikram Solar Ltd. buy?

no data available

no data available

Which products does Vikram Solar Ltd. sell?HS or HTS codes are a global standard used to describe the type of goods being shipped (Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System).The World Customs Organization (WCO) manages the Harmonized Tariff Description and Coding System (HTS). Over 170 countries participate in the WCO's HTS system. The first six digits of the HTS code marking of all articles in international trade are the same for all countries using the HTS. The last two or four digits are country-specific. In many countries these last four digits represent the tariff rate and suffix for the statistical reports of the trade balance of imported goods. HS code: 854140Photosensitive semiconductor devices, incl. photovoltaic cells whether or not assembled in modules or made up into panels; light emitting diodes (excl. photovoltaic generators) observed in number of shipments:208

9 products soldexplore

To which countries does Vikram Solar Ltd. sell?toUnited States of America number of shipments:273country's share in shipments:98.9 %weight of shipments:18,772.4 t

2 export countriesexplore

Vikram Solar Ltd. | 11 customers and 0 suppliers (1)

Market analysis methodology:
from raw statistical data to Artificial Intelligence (AI)

ABRAMS world trade wiki as a partner of UN Comtrade (database of the United Nations) as well as the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) analyzes billions of statistical data as well as freight and customs data using intelligent algorithms as well as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and has developed a "unique business intelligence portal" on this basis (quote UN Comtrade / References).

On this page you will get insights into the market activities of Vikram Solar Ltd. which have been individually prepared by our research team.

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Vikram Solar Ltd. | 11 customers and 0 suppliers (2)

Multi-level supply chain transparency

ABRAMS world trade wiki not only shows direct suppliers and buyers of the first tier (Tier-1). Our tool Supply Chain Intelligence breaks the visibility barrier beyond Tier-1, enabling a comprehensive insight into the entire supply chain network, providing multi-tier transparency with just one click.

Vikram Solar Ltd. | 11 customers and 0 suppliers (6)

Who are the contact persons in the purchasing department of Vikram Solar Ltd.?

ABRAMS world trade wiki offers the search for current contact persons in the purchasing department of Vikram Solar Ltd. as a free service.

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Vikram Solar Ltd. | 11 customers and 0 suppliers (7)

Who are the contact persons in the sales department of Vikram Solar Ltd.?

ABRAMS world trade wiki offers the search for current contacts in the sales department of Vikram Solar Ltd. as a free service.

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Vikram Solar Ltd. | 11 customers and 0 suppliers (8)

Where can I find information about compliance at Vikram Solar Ltd.?

ABRAMS world trade wiki offers the search for latest compliance news from all over the world about Vikram Solar Ltd. as a free service.

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Vikram Solar Ltd. | 11 customers and 0 suppliers (9)

What are the latest press releases about Vikram Solar Ltd.?

ABRAMS world trade wiki offers to search for the latest press releases from around the world about Vikram Solar Ltd. as a free service.

Vikram Solar Ltd. | 11 customers and 0 suppliers (10)

Vikram Solar Ltd. | 11 customers and 0 suppliers (11)Purchase

What does the supply chain of Vikram Solar Ltd. look like?

Generally you can differentiate the supply chain or supply network of Vikram Solar Ltd. by two perspectives:

  • The supplier side (a so-called Tier-1-supplier is a direct supplier, Tier-2 is a supplier of the Tier-1 supplier, Tier-n is a supplier at any level in the Vikram Solar Ltd. supply network).
  • The buyer side (a so-called Tier-1 buyer is a direct buyer, Tier-2 is a buyer of the Tier-1 buyer, Tier-n is a buyer at any level in the Vikram Solar Ltd. distribution network).

To ensure business stability and continuity, a supply chain or supply network must be constructed in such a way that external influences can cause as little damage as possible to Vikram Solar Ltd..This applies both in the area of procurement (the loss of a supplier must be covered by an alternative supplier) as in the area of sales (the loss of a buyer must be covered by an alternative buyer).

Risks can generally be considered as the non-availability of goods, through cutback or complete halt of production, or the potential loss of business partners, violating compliance rules (e.g. protection of the environment, labor legislation) and thus drop out of the supply network.

This risk should not necessarily be limited to the direct business partner (Tier 1), it involves the entire supply chain, unless sufficient alternative suppliers and buyers have been put in place.

Get an overview of the international supply chain of Vikram Solar Ltd. (upstream/procurement and downstream/sales) from Tier-1 to Tier-n

E.G.: Tier-1 Buyer Fbo Backwoods Solar Electric

ABRAMS world trade wiki not only shows direct suppliers and customers of the first tier (Tier-1). With just one click in our tool Supply Chain Intelligence you get a comprehensive insight into the supply network with multiple tiers (Tier-n) beyond the first tier.

Is the supply chain of Vikram Solar Ltd. stable?

Each tier in the supply chain or supply network on the supplier side of Vikram Solar Ltd. involves a single risk. The more tiers, the more difficult it is to analyze and monitor the business partners. Suppliers of suppliers are generally unknown, so there is already an increasing risk at the second (Tier 2) level.

If e.g. a first Tier supplier is not adding any value, the supply chain can be shortened and the risk of failure can be minimized by skipping this supplier. A previous Tier-2 supplier now turns into a Tier-1 supplier, which we call "go-direct". In our tool Supply Chain Intelligence as far as international suppliers are concerned, this analysis can be done with one click:

Analyze the potential of shortening and therefore stabilizing the supply chain of Vikram Solar Ltd.

Vikram Solar Ltd. | 11 customers and 0 suppliers (12)Sales

Who are the buyers of Vikram Solar Ltd.?

The performance of a company depends fundamentally on its buyers. Therefore, a largest possible base of stable buyers is crucial. A total of 11 international buyers of Vikram Solar Ltd. could be identified in bills of lading. For example, one of the buyers is the company Fbo Backwoods Solar Electric, which has received 2 shipments.

Among 2 identified buying countries, an important target country to sell products to is: United States of America. 273 shipments of goods were shipped to this country in the period covered.

Get an overview of the international sales and its 11 buyers of Vikram Solar Ltd. with Company Transparency

Which products does Vikram Solar Ltd. sell?

Based on the analysis of international bills of lading (bill of lading/ bills of lading/ BOL), a total of 9 different product categories sold by Vikram Solar Ltd., can be identified.

These are classified by means of HS codes (HTS codes or customs tariff numbers).

For example, HS code 854140 classifies the following products:

„Photosensitive semiconductor devices, incl. photovoltaic cells whether or not assembled in modules or made up into panels; light emitting diodes (excl. photovoltaic generators)". This HS code was sighted 208 times in total.

Get an overview of internationally sold products by Vikram Solar Ltd. with Company Transparency

Is Vikram Solar Ltd. able to optimize its profits on the buyer side of the supply chain? (downstream)

Each tier in the buyer side of the supply chain or supply network of Vikram Solar Ltd. is adding value and therefore costs. The more tiers, the more expensive the product gets. Supply chains are normally not very transparent, trade secrets are part of the survival tactics in each stage of the value chain, especially for trading companies.

If e.g. a Tier-1 buyer from Vikram Solar Ltd. that primarily trades products and doesn’t add any value (only fulfills the distributor function) it is possible to shorten the supply chain downstream giving a potential to optimize profit margins for Vikram Solar Ltd.. A previous Tier-2 buyer now turns into a Tier-1 buyer, which we call "go-direct". In our tool Supply chain Intelligence as far as international buyers are concerned, this analysis can be done with one click:

Analyze the potential to shorten the supply chain and optimize the profit margins on the sales side of Vikram Solar Ltd.

Vikram Solar Ltd. | 11 customers and 0 suppliers (13)Reliability

Is Vikram Solar Ltd. a reliable supplier?

Each company contributes significantly minimizing risks for its buyers, through its own stability. Internal risks (endogenous factors) can be e.g. financially (financial ratios, free cash flow, balance sheets) or operationally (production, lead times). Since 2021, external risks have increased due to worldwide shortages and are an important factor as to whether a supplier such as Vikram Solar Ltd. can itself reliably deliver due to external dependencies (exogenous factors).

To assess this, data analysis should be conducted to get practical answers:

Which buyers does Vikram Solar Ltd. consistently sell to over a long period of time that can be identified as a good reference?

Does Vikram Solar Ltd. have problems supplying at the moment?

The more constant outgoing shipments of a company’s, the easier it is to assess potential problems for a supplier like Vikram Solar Ltd.

Operational aspects like a stable supply chain, an in-house production and reliable logistics define sustainable performance.

Since 2021, global supply shortages have increasingly added external factors as to whether a supplier like Vikram Solar Ltd. can deliver reliably itself through dependencies.

Based on the statistical trend of shipments (in terms of the number of shipments and respectively the quantity of goods) the current supply and performance capacity can be indirectly analyzed.

Here you can see an analysis of shipments by Vikram Solar Ltd. to international buyers in the last few months with Company Transparency

Vikram Solar Ltd. | 11 customers and 0 suppliers (14)Competitors

Who are the competitors of Vikram Solar Ltd.?

Generally you can differentiate the competition of Vikram Solar Ltd. by the purchase and sales perspective.

  • Start the competitive analysis on the purchase side.
  • Start the competitive analysis on the sales side.
Who are the competitors of Vikram Solar Ltd. on the purchase side?

Competitors of Vikram Solar Ltd. on the purchase side (procurement of raw materials and components for production or distribution) are exposed on ABRAMs wiki under Competitive Intelligence, purchased products, classified by HS-Codes or by top product terms.

Who are the competitors of Vikram Solar Ltd. on the sales side (selling similar products)?

Competitors on the sales side of Vikram Solar Ltd. (selling raw materials or components for production or distribution) are exposed on ABRAMS wiki under Competitive Intelligence, sold products classified by HS-Codes (e.g. 854140, 854143) or by top product terms.

Further information on shipments
from Vikram Solar Ltd.

  • shipments statistically processed according to business relationship
  • product portfolio
  • shipment history
  • and much more

Vikram Solar Ltd. | 11 customers and 0 suppliers (15)

Which companies sell similar products like Vikram Solar Ltd.?


Apex Opto Corp.


Ils Electro-Mechanical Supplies Ltd.


Macnica Cytech Pte Ltd.

The above information comes from sources accessible to everyone, in particular from public institutions. The initial data was not verified by inigma LLC, but used unchanged ("as is"). The aforementioned companies have neither assigned nor supported inigma LLC to publish the above information. The use of the website and the information available is subject exclusively to the of inigma LLC.

Vikram Solar Ltd. | 11 customers and 0 suppliers (2024)


Are Vikram solar panels good? ›

Vikram Solar panels: Powerful and efficient

Efficiency generally floats from 20.2% to 23%, competing with that of top brands. The high performance and efficiency make Vikram Solar modules a great option for both residential and commercial solar systems.

How do I get customers for solar energy? ›

How to Generate Leads for Solar Sales
  1. Paid Search Advertising:
  2. SEO Strategies:
  3. Social Media Engagement:
  4. Webinars and Workshops:
  5. Local Community Outreach:
  6. Partnerships and Referrals:
  7. Better-qualified solar leads:
  8. Cost-effective solar marketing:
May 20, 2024

How much is Vikram solar worth? ›

Who are the current shareholders of Vikram Solar?
Shareholders NamePost Round Holding %Net worth
Other People25.61%58.7Cr
Other Investors0.82%1.87Cr
2 more rows
Aug 13, 2024

Which is the No 1 solar company in India? ›

Tata is the Most Trusted and Largest solar manufacturer in India for Home, Residential, and Industrial requirements.. Tata solar plays an important role in making India as a leading sustainable solar power producer country.

Who owns Vikram solar? ›

Vikram Solar was founded in 2006 by Gyanesh Chaudhary as a manufacturer of solar modules. It has since moved into engineering, procurement, and construction management, and solar power plant operations and maintenance.

Is Vikram Solar Tier 1? ›

In 2014, Vikram Solar became India's only Tier 1 module manufacturer, featured in BNEF's list.

How much do solar salesmen make per sale? ›

Typically, Solar Sales Representatives earn commissions based on a percentage of the sale value, which may include the cost of solar panels, installation, and related services. Commissions can range from around 3% to 10% or more of the total sale.

Who is the target customer for solar panels? ›

Identifying target customers for solar products

Begin by recognizing the types of customers likely to purchase solar products. These customers might be homeowners, commercial property owners, or even governments. Analyze their demographics, such as age, income, homeownership status, and geographical location.

How do I market myself as a solar salesman? ›

Solar marketing strategies — how to get solar leads online
  1. Organic social media.
  2. Paid social ads.
  3. Search ads.
  4. SEO and content marketing.

What is the market share of Vikram Solar? ›

Introduction to Vikram Solar Ltd

The company enjoys a 19% market share with 2.5 GW of installed manufacturing capacity for solar PV modules, as of December 31, 2021.

What are the financials of Vikram Solar? ›

Financial Ratios of Vikram Solar Limited:
Gross Margin21.7923.53
Net Margin0.632.33
EBITDA Margin9.9712.04
Return on Fixed Assets2.008.30
14 more rows

What is the capacity of Vikram solar panel? ›

Vikram Solar's annual PV module production capacity stands at 3.5 GW.

Who is No 1 in solar energy? ›

1 Solar Developer. With a portfolio representing total capacity of 41.3 gigawatts (GW) in 2023, including 12 GW already in operation, TotalEnergies is a major player in the solar power market.

Which energy supplier is best for solar panels? ›

All you need to do is get your grid electricity from Octopus, and every month you'll receive 15p for every kWh your solar panels export, which is a reasonably good rate. If you're not looking to get a solar battery, and if you'd rather have Octopus as a supplier than E. ON or British Gas, this is your best choice.

Who is the highest rated solar company? ›

The 7 Best Solar Companies of 2024
  • Palmetto: Our overall top pick.
  • Momentum Solar: Best for solar system customization.
  • Freedom Solar: Best for off-grid systems.
  • Blue Raven Solar: Best for financing.
  • Solar Energy World: Best for sustainability initiatives.
  • Sunrun: Best for leasing options.
  • Tesla Energy: Best for panel design.

Which company made solar panel is best? ›

Top 10 Solar Panel Companies in India
  • Fenice Energy. One of India's leading solar companies, Fenice Energy, has pioneered in the solar energy sector. ...
  • Premier Solar Systems Pvt Ltd. Premier Solar Systems Pvt. ...
  • Novasys Energy. ...
  • Emmvee Solar Systems. ...
  • Waaree Energies. ...
  • Tata Power Solar Systems. ...
  • Adani Solar. ...
  • RenewSys India Pvt.
Mar 25, 2024

What is the external rating of Vikram solar? ›

Acuité has downgraded the long term rating from 'ACUITE A' (read as ACUITE A) to 'ACUITE A-' (read as ACUITE A minus) and the short term rating from' ACUITE A1' (read as ACUITE A one) to 'ACUITE A2+' (read as ACUITE A two plus) on the Rs. 2300.00 Cr bank facilities of Vikram Solar Limited (VSL).

What are the top five solar panels? ›

SunPower, REC, Panasonic, Maxeon, and Jinko Solar offer the best solar panels. The type of solar panel, power output, efficiency, performance in warm climates, warranty, and price are the key factors to assess when comparing solar panels.


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Name: Laurine Ryan

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.