Wooden Ocean: Main Questline Walkthrough (Minimal Spoilers) (2024)

Welcome to the guide for Wooden Ocean’s main questline walkthrough. This guide will help you complete the main quests and navigate through the game if you’re feeling lost. I won’t give away any boss battles or lore, but there may still be some spoilers. My goal is to simply guide you from point A to point B. Let’s dive in!


I’ve tried to minimize spoilers by just explaining how to get from point A to point B, and who to talk to at different points in the game.

Only scroll down to up until where you need to, so as to avoid getting spoiled by subsequent parts.

I don’t go into depth about the dialogue or lore you receive, and I decided that I wouldn’t give tips on how to defeat any enemies to leave that for readers to figure out on their own.

With that in mind, this guide for those who are trying to figure out where to go next or are unsure where to go next. I mark additional spoilers where necessary, just hover–or don’t–over spoiler text

This is a guide to meant to explore the minimum amount of necessary places/people you have to interact with to complete the game (for the most part). If you discover an area is interesting while following this guide, then by all means explore the location and loot to your hearts content–feel free to come back to this guide when you’re feeling like you want to progress further into the story if you get lost or want a general refresher.

If you find the game hard or want general tips, consider reading this guide:

three last things:

Read the comments at your own risk of getting spoiled

Click on images to make them clearer–steam is weird with large images like that, but clicking on them makes them infinitely more readable.

I make one assumption: that you’ve completed the prologue.

Two Main Questlines

So to get started, there are two major questlines that I believe you’re meant to complete to finish Wooden Ocean.

The first one is the “Marcus” questline which refers to Violet’s search for his brother.

The second questline’s name I won’t reveal until the very end of this guide to prevent spoilers

You can do either in any order, but let’s start with the first major questline offered to the player.

The Marcus Questline Overview

You’ll need to do the following to complete this questline:

  1. Reach Northern Katis
  2. Talk to Simon
  3. Enter the Church
  4. Meet the siblings and release their curse
  5. Traverse the Northern Katis Mines
  6. Reach the Church at the Poetry of Rust
  7. Optional: Repair the Divine Tower

Depending where you’re at, I’ve divided this guide into parts:

Part 1 would be reaching Northern Katis
Part 2 talking to Simon
Part 3 entering the church, and so on.

When you’re done with a specific part, feel free to move on to the next part

If you skipped the prologue and Intro, skip to part 5.

Marcus Questline Part 1

The first part of the quest is reaching Northern Katis, which isn’t too bad–all you have to do is follow this path next to the guards and the merchant shop. Follow it the entire way through and when there’s a fork in the road, head East!

Reaching North Katis

And with that you’re in Nothern Katis!

Marcus Questline Part 2

For this part, you’re going to want to talk to Simon and then head upstairs to find the letter Marcus left you.

Simon’s Place

Once you’re done with the letter, talk to Simon again and then head to the Church for the next part of the questline. If you’re ever lost, always remember that you can press Q to see where you should head next!

Marcus Questline Part 3

This is where things pick up slightly: first you’re going to want to head to the Church and then talk to the Priest. You can find the church from Simon’s place as shown below

Reaching the Church from Simon’s

And with that you’ve made it!

Now once you’re inside, you’ll want to talk to the priest and head downstairs to find a strange hole in the wall.

Inside the Church

We’ll now begin going through the Catacombs to investigate what’s going on.

Marcus Questline Part 4

For this part of the quest, you’re going to want to begin by hitting the switch to west of the Catacomb’s entrance. After that you’re going to follow the path shown in the image to reach a suspicious looking door.

The Catacombs

Let’s go through and see what going on.

The Siblings

Turns out there’s these two siblings who need your help, so we do exactly just that.

Follow the images shown above and there is a puzzle you’ll have to do, but it’s as simple as hitting the switch and heading to the other side!

Just prepare because a boss fight is incoming.

Leaving the Catacombs

And so, leave the arena and head back to Simon’s to progress the questline!

A Note before Going Forward:

This is the point where you should explore and come back when you’re stronger. The enemies spike in difficulty and if you’re new it’s probably worth going through different parts of the game, or potentially talking to the Commander in the Katis Barracks for side quests or do some general exploring.

Again, there’s no time limit for this questline, so come back to this guide once you feel like you’ve done a decent amount of exploring. Or not! Again, it’s fully up to you!

Anyways, moving on!

Marcus Questline Part 5

This is at the point where the game begins and you have access to your full party. It’s here where yo’ll begin if you decided to skip the prologue and chapter 1 of the game.

So what do we do from here? Well, we head to the Katis Mines as that’s your only lead, so let’s get started with that.

You can reach it by heading straight north from the Katis Graveyard and not stopping until you see the entrance to the Mines.

Note that this section of the guide is more about going through areas rather than explaining with whom you’re supposed to talk/interact with. Be sure to pay close attention to the images to not get lost!

Reading the Katis Mines

After that, I’m going to discuss the path you need to take to progress to the final part of this questline. The enemies get stronger, so make sure you’re well equipped.

The Mines & Mines 2F

This part isn’t too bad, just follow the path I show in the images above, as we’re going to want to head to the lower level of the mine to find Marcus

The Mines 2F Cont.

Continue onward–again, as a note I’m trying my best to not spoil too much so if you see something not shown in this guide, that’s a deliberate choice to ensure you get to experience parts of the game yourself!

And with that we move forward to:

Lower Rock

We’re getting closer now–follow the images above and you should be good to go. Note that the enemies only get stronger from here on out!

South of The Edge

We’re now getting super close to Marcus, because after this stop we get to:

The Edge & The Infinite Hotel

From the staircase we came from, you just keep on going North and you don’t stop. Well, stop if you want to explore the area since I personally think this is a cool part of the game, but I digress!

You continue forward North until you reach the suspicious door again. Go through it to reach the last part of this questline.

NOTE: BE VERY CAREFUL IF YOU DECIDE TO EXPLORE The Infinite Hotel. You can get lost very very easily, and to leave you need to randomly encounter a warp crystal in one of the rooms. Just make sure you save before exploring!

Marcus Questline Part 6

Congrats for making it this far–we’re closing in on Marcus and so we continue onward in:

The Poetry of Rust

Be absolutely certain that you save.

The Poetry of Rust cont.

Do note that you’re not locked into this part of the game. In the same spot where the warp crystal is in North Katis, there’s another in that same alleyway. You can always come back later once you’re stronger whenever you want.

Once you complete the questline, well first,

Congrats! This game is by no means easy, but–in spite of that–you managed to do it, and so you should be proud!

Secondly: read the spoiler below if you’re wondering what to do next.

If you’re wondering what to do next, I’d suggest activating the Divine Tower because you get an additional scene at the end of this questline.

I suggest looking at the “2nd Main Questline” since I personally believe that’s the most interesting questline of the two! But before that, we should talk about the other thing you should do:

The Divine Tower

Here is simplified version of the game map to get to the Divine Tower. I wanted to use in-game pictures but it was proving to be really cumbersome to show how to get there, so I opted for this instead:

If it’s hard to see the image, just click on it and it should be clearer.

Reaching The Divine Tower

I suggest clicking on the image if it’s hard to see. Essentially, you want to start from Northern Katis and reach the red tents to follow the route shown above. You travel faster than you think, so be careful to get lost while following this map.

Reaching The Divine Tower cont.

Talk to Layda, and then when you’re done make sure to talk to her again and follow the quest she hands you. You’ll be instructed to head to the top of the tower. It’s important to get the quest first, because if you skip it and climb the tower without it, you won’t be able to progress.

Reaching the Roof

Click on the image for it to look clearer. This is the following path to get to the roof–I should’ve mentioned that the enemies are pretty strong, so make sure you’re prepared.

The Roof

And with that you’ve completed the quest! Make sure to talk to Layda to receive your reward!

To move forward, you’re one step closer to beginning the 2nd main questline, and/or have completed the bonus task for the “Marcus” questline!

2nd Main Questline Pre-Reqs

I suggest coming here after you’ve completed the “Marcus” Questline (or want to skip part 6 of that questline), AND have visited the Divine Tower.

Spoilers incoming if you haven’t done either.


For this quest you’ll need the following:

  1. Your full party
  2. Access to your ship
  3. The Divine Tower Repaired
  4. A Puzzle Piece

I’m going to now explain how you get each of these in this section of the guide. If you’d rather find out yourself, then just come back when you’ve gotten all 4 things. I suppose a hidden 5 thing as well would be to make sure you’re strong enough since the game will spike in difficulty soon.

For 1: refer to the first few parts of the “Marcus” Questline to gain access to your full party.

For 2. Here’s an image for getting your ship:

tl;dr: get your tech level to 5, put a ghost to work on ship building, and then look for the breathing circle thingy–once it’s there, you have access to your ship.

For 3: refer to the “Divine Tower” section

For 4: this one is a lot more involved, so let’s look at it together.

But before that, you may ask “why do I need a puzzle piece?” well, this is because you can’t progress without at least one. It’ll be clear as you follow the “2nd Main Questline” parts.

So, the puzzle piece that in my mind took the least trouble to get was in the Poetry of Bronze V. This is because if you’re following this guide, it’s actually accessible fairly early in the “Marcus” questline. It’s also just one of the easier puzzles to explain, so let’s get to it:

Finding the Poetry of Bronze V

You’re going to want to return to the Northern Katis Mines and basically just make the first right you can beyond the guards. Follow the image and that should be enough.

Here’s the solution to the puzzle–the image becomes clearer if you click on it. Ignore this if you want to figure it out by yourself.

And with that you get your puzzle piece and now have everything you need to begin your second main questline!

And so now, we begin:

The 2nd Main Questline Overview

I suggest skipping this section if you just start on Part 1 and unfold gradually if you want to avoid spoilers.

This questline is a lot more involves and requires you to complete these main conditions,

  1. Enter the Temple of Bronze on Puzzle Island
  2. Clear the Ghost Road
  3. Reach Flavor’s Restaurant
  4. Talk to Simon at his place
  5. Go through the sequence
  6. Find a mysterious person and his shard
  7. Meet him at the Wooden Edge
  8. Reach the Red Temple
  9. Reach the end of the Linear Path
  10. Reach the End of Rust
  11. I won’t spoil it–you’ll just have to see for yourself.

As a reminder, I’m not going to give tips on how to complete the harder segments of the game so that you can experience the game yourself. I also omit a lot of interactions/scenes because if you follow the guide you’ll naturally run into them yourself; hence the (Minimal Spoilers) in the title of this walkthrough.

With that out of the way, let’s get started!

2nd Main Questline Part 1

Reaching the Temple of Bronze is easier than you would think: all you have to do is take your ghost ship straight down to the first island you see. After that, you can follow the main road to the temple.

Note: If you can’t access the temple, this means that you haven’t earned a puzzle piece. I suggest doing the Poetry of Bronze V and return here once you’re done with that.

The Temple of Bronze

Once you arrive at the temple, make sure you got downstairs and continue heading South. With that, we complete the first part of this questline!

2nd Main Questline Part 2

You’ll have met up with the best character in the game someone who needs your help. Help him out–this part is straightforward. Once you get here you’ll know what I mean.

The Ghost Road

Head to the restaurant to begin the next part of this questline.

2nd Main Questline Part 3

You’ll want to enter this building that’s just past the fight we just completed.

Flavor’s Restuarant

After the siblings’ dialogue, you’ll want to talk to both Flavor and Alex in the kitchen. After that, go upstairs like he says, talk to Roland, and go to your room to complete this part.

2nd Main Questline Part 4

You’re going to now want to head to Northern Katis. I suggest taking the teleportation crystal near you since that’s the fastest way back.

After that, you’re going to want to go to Simon’s.

He seems to have stepped out for whatever reason, but you’re going to want to interact with this corner to begin the next scene.

Be sure to read the letter that’s on the table!

2nd Main Questline Part 5

No images here since this part is relatively straightforward.

You’ll want to talk to the character in the room North.

After that, just go right on this path and be sure to stock up on supplies since you’re on your own for this part of the game.

The actual path isn’t that bad to follow–just keep on it and you’ll know when you’re done.

2nd Main Questline Part 6

So, this is where I personally got stuck on my first playthrough for a while because I didn’t know where to go (or how to press Q).

To follow the instructions set by the Symphony of Carbon , you’ll need to reach the Red Temple (which shouldn’t be confused with the Red Castle found in the Eastern Ocean like I originally thought).

However, you’ll find that if you head to the Red Temple, (which is actually more of an Island than a Temple), you won’t be able to progress. This is because you need to find specific character that you can easily miss in your first playthrough.

His first location is in the second level of the Catacombs–the same Catacombs where you met the siblings underneath the Church.

Finding the Mysterious Figure

He’ll ask that you help him find his missing Demon Shard.

Note: It has to be his specific Demon Shard–he won’t accept one that you might’ve found at a different point in the game.

You can find it by following the image shown below:

Finding His Demon Shard

And so now you have to head to the Wooden Edge–wherever the hell that is–to take him up on his offer! With that, this part of the questline is cleared!

2nd Main Questline Part 7

Finding him is a bit rough if it’s your first time since the Wooden Edge is pretty far and an intimidating place to head to if you’ve not gone there prior.

Essentially, you just want to keep on this road I show in the image below:

The Path to The Wooden Edge

And with that, you’re all set! Again, if you encounter a side quest or two, feel free to follow along if you want, but know that you just need to go to the Inn for drinks to progress through this main questline.

2nd Main Questline Part 8

To find the Red Temple you’ll have to sail a decent amount. The best advice I can give without posting an absurdly large RPGmaker map is to just go right until you end up blocked by the next large land mass. Except for one crossing you have to do, you just hug the coast of the coastline and you’ll find the Red Temple island–it should look like this:

Finding the Red Temple

You’ll find some really nice men outside a suspiciously dark red building. Be sure to interact with them for a nice reward.

2nd Main Questline Part 9

There’s not much to say here.

You were told that there was no going back, but you can actually just go through the way you came if you find the enemies in the area too strong or want to resupply at a shop.

This area of the game is called Linear Path–I think you’ll understand why in a second. There’s not much to say other than to follow the path ahead of you.

Reach the End of the The Linear Path

The actual point of no return is after the encounter.

PIECE OF ADVICE: I said I wouldn’t give any major suggestions, but make absolute sure that you remove all items that reduce your Max HP. It’ll just help. Also, really do make sure that you’re ready to go forward since there’s a massive difficulty spike incoming.

2nd Main Questline Part 10

I won’t say much else here on out. Just keep on moving forward.

The Poetry of Law

Reaching the End of Rust

Last Few Points of Interest

2nd Main Questline Part 11

I have nothing else to say other than good luck!

Some facts:

1. There is a talent called Iodine that you can find beyond the talent Patience
2. You have earned multiple levels if you’ve not noticed
3. You might have gotten some really good new key items
4. The EXP Well grants you EXP
5. You can always go back to the Poetry of Law
6. The Poet of Metal exists
7. NG+ is an option if you’re stuck

And finally, read below once you’re done with Part 11–you’ll know when you’re done with part 11

This questline is called “The Jealous Artist” Questline.


I hope you found this guide helpful and that you found the format to be the right balance of telling you where to go while not revealing too much.

Praise be to The Greatest Expression!

And that wraps up our share on Wooden Ocean: Main Questline Walkthrough (Minimal Spoilers). If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by rilks, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!

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Wooden Ocean: Main Questline Walkthrough (Minimal Spoilers) (2024)


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