Richmond Times-Dispatch from Richmond, Virginia (2024)

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Richmond Times-Dispatchi

Richmond, Virginia

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Flv Richmond Times-Digpalch: Wetlfarsday March 21 1934 Obituaries Lowell Thomas Here Saturday Talks atMosquc 3301 Fendall Avenue thb city Burial will be hi Rlvervlew Mrs Binford the widow of Thomu I Binford survived fay two sisters Mrs Suite Gooch and Mr Paul Butterworth oi Richmond three brothers A Wright of Richmond: A Wright Dumbarton and Wright Dos-well MRS 8ALLIE WOOLFOLK JORDAN Funeral services for Mrs Sallle Woololk Jordan 77 who died Tuesday at her home In Bowling Green Caroline' oounty will be held this afternoon at 3 o'clock Burial will be In Lakewood Cemetery She Is survived by two daughters Mrs Sklnker Moss Neck Vs Mrs Purr Bowling Green also four sisters and a brother the Rev Bland the Rev Reynolds and the Rev Oglesby officiating Interment wu In Forest Lawn beside her husband who died In November 1930 PETER BOXIXI Funeral services for Peter Bonlni who died Monday in Newport News will be held In that city tlhs afternoon at 3 o'clock Burial will be In River-view cemetery here at 4:30 He Is survived by hb wife and two daughters Misses Catherine and Louise Bonlni MM MRS SATTEB WHITE JOHNSON Mrs Leila Satterwhlte Johnson 75 died yesterday morning at her home in Ooochland county after an Illness of two months She Is survived by her husband Charles Johnson five daughters Mrs Puryesr of Ashland Mrs Barnett Barnetts Vs Mrs Nuckote and Mrs A Johnson Hylu Airs Massle Charlottesville four sons Charles Jr and 8 Johnson of Hylu two brothers Satterwhlte Glen Allen and Satterwhlte Jonesvllle Ky twenty-five grandchildren and two great grandchildren Funeral services will be held thb afterroon at 4 o'clock from Berea Baptist Church Hanottr County The Rev A Morgan will officiate MRS GLADYS MILLER MACKEY Mr Gladys Miller Mackey died yesterday at a local hospital She survived by her husband Joseph Mackey mother Mrs Mary Miller grandmother Mrs Jannie McCann one brother Henry Miller and two sisters Helen Miller and Ann Holt Funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at I o'clock from Tabernacle Baptist Church Burial will be in Riverview MRS ANNIE GARLAND BINFORD Funeral services for Mrs Annie Garland Binford who died yesterday In Charlottesville will be held thb afternoon at I o'clock from the home of her sister Mrs 8 Butterworth was actively Identified with Work of the American Legion Auxiliary Surviving with her husband are her mother Mrs Leila Merple Everhart three sisters Mrs Oscar Forsythe and and Misses Pearl and Carrie Everhart Clarke County and one brother Clem Everhart Hagerstown Md MRS LILLIAN Bl'RGE CHARLOTTESVILLE VA March Mrs Lillian Burge 78 widow of I Burge died at 10:30 o'clock last night at her home on Fry Spring Road after an Illness of one month Mrs Burge was a native of Pennsylvania but had resided here for the past seventeen years She survived by one daughter Mrs Van Dervoort well known soloist The funeral was held at 2 this afternoon from IU11 ft Irving's Funeral Parlors the having been conducted by Dr Henry Alfred Porter pastor of the First Baptist Church Interment was In Rlvervlew Cemetery MRS ELIZABETH DAVIS CHARLOTTESVILLE VA March Mia Elisabeth Sample Davb widow of Wyatt Davb died yesterday at the residence of her son Ira Davb 1155 Little High Street The funeral was held at 4 o'clock thb afternoon from the residence the service having' been conducted by Dr George Booker pastor of the First Methodist Church Interment wu In the cemetery at Liberty Church near Easthsm Mrs Davb wu born in Greene County She survived by two sons and one daughter William Davis Newport News Ira Davb of thb city and Mrs Rosalie Haney Philadelphia SIRS WILLIAM GILLISPIE CHARLOTTESVILLE March Mrs Cordelia A Gilllsple 78 wife of Willbm Glllbpif Confederate veteran died yesterday morning at her hom*o on East High Street after an Illness of about four weeks Burial rites were held In Rlvervlew Ceme tery at 3 thb afterpoon the service having been conducted by the Rev Russell White of the University Baptist Church Mrs Oillbpb wu Mbs Cordelia Ann Harris daughter of the late Oeorge Harris of thb city On March 15 1884 she married Mr GUlbple and had she lived until Sunday the couple would have celebrated their golden wedding anniversary Besides her husband who In hb 91st year Mrs GUllsple Is survived by five children: Norris Gllll-sple Roanoke Charles GilUspb of thb city: Randolph GUlbple of States vUle and Misses Eva and Mabel GUlbple of thb city SAMUEL JENNINGS LYNCHBURG March Samuel Bates Jennings 50 who Uved near Evergreen died Sunday at Memorial Hospital here He wu a naUvt of Appomattox County a farmer and unmarried Mr Jennings survived by the following brother! and lister: A and Jennings and Mrs Childress of Appomattox County MRS MURPHY BRYANT LYNCHBURG March Airs Winnie Turner Bryant 32 wife of Murphy Bryant of Monroe died late Sunday night at Lynchburg hospital Mrs Bryant survived by her husband and four children May land Faye Paul and Carbton Monroe of Monroe MRS BUTTS CROZET March Friends In Croat have received news of the death at her home In Oceana Va of Mrs Emma Swan Butts 86 widow of the Rev Butts first pastor of Croat Methodist Church One son Emmett Butte: four daughters Mrs Otho Bird Mrs Brock Mrs Msrchant and Mrs Fits-patrick and a number of grandchildren survive The funeral wu held In Norfolk has a large number of friends and relatives Funeral services were held at the Oreenfleld Baptist Church the pastor Rev Robertson having charge of the services Interment was made in the church cemetery Mrs Crider survived by her husband and an Infant daughter Iris Owen Crider her father and mother Mr and Mrs Taylor Rowland six sisters and one brother aU of this county MSS WALL CHATHAM March Funeral services (or Mrs Wall 75 were conducted Monday afternoon at the Van-dola church near Bachelor's Hall and Interment was made In the family cemetery Mrs Wall died at her home at Bachelor's Hall Bunday after a long decline In health She was a native of this county Services will be conducted by the Rev Moody Jt MBS AMMI RHODES STAUNTON VA March Death having come while she was a patient In the King Hospital here the funeral of Mrs Ammi Rhodes was held at Finley Memorial Presbyterian Church conducted by the Rev Cooke the Rev Flory and the Rev Campbell Before marriage she was Miss Leola Cox a life-long resident of Augusts County She survived by her husband a sister Mrs Minnie Grove Brighton Iowa two brothers Debnar Cox of Staunton and Charles Cox of Stuarts Draft MRS STEPHENS HAWKINS WINCHESTER A March The funeral of Mrs Lottie Everhart Hawkins 41 wife of Stephens Hawkins Berry vilie builder whose death in a hospital here followed an operation will take place from the Berryvllle Methodist Church tomorrow She Noted Speaker Traveler to Speak on Travels to Aid Church Charities Lowell Thomas noted author lecturer traveler and radjo voice will apeak here Saturday night at 8:15 o'clock at the Moeque for the benefit of St James and St Stephen! Epte-eopal churches Mr Thomu who at 43 yean of ate hu "had the experiencea of a thousand will give his "Adventures Amund the World and on the Air" here Hie affair is under the auspices of Junior Woman' Auxiliaries of the churches and proceeds will be devoted to furthering charity work in both parishes Upon completing his college education at the University of Northern Indiana the University of Denver and at Princeton Mr Thomas became a reporter on the Chicago Journal and subsequently reporter and editor of various other newspapers Laterlje became professor of oratory at Chicago Kent College of Law and Instructor of the department of English Princeton President Wilson sent Mr Thomu to Europe chief of the civilian mission to prepare historical records of the World War In turn he wu attached to Belgian French Italian Serbian American British and Arabian armies In 1932 he accompanied the Prince of Wales on a tour of India Two yean later he wu of the first world flight Widely Traveled In 1936 and 1927 Mr Thomu made a 25000-mlle airplane trip over twen- tv -one countries of Europe Asia and North Africa for the purpose of study- big International development In aviation It wu the longest passenger air Journey up until that time Mr Ttunosa hu written many books among them being Lawrence In Arabia" Pint World Plight" the Khyber Pass" Bra Devil" Skyways" and of the Deep" Mrs Frederick Robinson of St James and Mrs Irvin Thomas of St Stephens are chairman of the arrangements committee Mrs Ocorge Osborne Is In charge of publicity and Mrs Overton Dennis heads the ticket committee Berk of lour Independence Stande The Penn Mutual See Gaius Diggs or his associates 604-8 Mutual Bldg The Equitable LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY of the Uuited States EMCrutchfield General Agent 415 Mutual Bldg Richmond Ya New England Mutual Life Ins Co THE OLDEST CHARTERED MUTUAL LIFE lNM'RANl'E COMFAM IN THE CHARTERED 1935 THIS is a third of eerier of mdrertieemente which rii appear iu The Times Die patch I hie wceh lhe Insurance Companies whose names ap-pear herein will bring to job rita! facts concerning life Insurance and what It means to you DAVIS BUTTERWORTH GENERAL AGENTS msmmR mcsoEEtm teniiii'dMiiili laissitiustesi i i 1 'ift Bring the World Into Your With the Dial On The RCA VICTOR ALL WAVE RADIOS A new radio thrill awaits you Just think of a set which will not only bring in your favorite programs bur in addition is designed to cover the field of international short waveenter-tainment broadcasts as welL If you are looking for a radio with plus appeal this is it This new instrument is now on display at our store and we will be glad to demote suite it for you MODEL 121 Selective Short Wove "Globe $58 50 with RCA ftailiotrons Model 121 A selective Short-Wave receiver for Domestic and Intrrna-tioiml short-wave bands Six tube double vernier tuning fuU vision ait-plane dial tone control automatic volume control 8-inrh dynamic speaker clock type Beautiful veneered two-tone Rutt Walnut Cabinet 5850 cash complete with RCA Radio-tronv Also on mall cash balance monthly OTHER RCA VICTORS $24-95 (35)60131120 WILL SHOP FOR YOU She is columnist on the stall of Ths TimssrDss-pstch snd he trmres sr YOURS without- cisrs you re planning sn Ea-ter psrty arn want favurs or esn't to man to ouy basket for the kidcrrs if you wsns her to se'evt sll or pstv of your Sever eiwrnNe perhsi sa imp'tt'ant cr-i Jut or write lien snd in wil forward your requests Cnanied er Cl Deb gives (tiet ket to tOE'A everv Sund-v 04 W-ii-vtey for inrerratinff le'er sns baa received in si of tns hopping column 4 MBS MARTHA A REDD Funeral services for Mrs Martha A Redd wife of Edmund Redd who died yesterday at her home 3110 Lakevlew Avenue wlU be held this afternoon at 4 o'clock from Emmanuel Church Brook Hill Henrico County She was a daughter of Will ism Cad-man Policy and Sarah Policy and besides her husband la survived by her nieces Mrs Gregory Mrs Mercer Mrs Wilkinson also twenty-one grandnieces and grandnephewa CHARLES HEBBERT WILSON Charles Herbert Wilson 56 died yesterday at 5 at his home 1415 Melton Avenue He survived by hb wife Mrs Caurle Wilson one daughter Elisabeth a ion Jr two brothers Pled and Frank one slater Mrs Christian MBS ANNIE LOWMAX Funeral services for Mrs Annie Lowman wife of Robert Lowman who died Monday at a local hospital will be held this afternoon at 5 o'clock from Branches Baptist Church Burial will be In the church cemetery Besides her husband she survived by ten children: Mrs Danner Mrs Mamie Spencer Mrs Louise Shoo-smlth Mrs Margaret Wiglesworth Misses Evelyn Dorothy and Phy-lb Lowman Robert Jr Meade and Edward Lowman a slater Mrs Rosa Alvb four brothers Andrew Henry William and James Frotanan: also fourteen grandchildren MRS JOHN CRIDER CHATHAM March Mrs Lorene Crider the 11-year-old wife of John Crider of Chalk Level In this county died on Monday night after a short Illness Mrs Crider had spent her lfe In Pittsylvania County where she synonym nr Quality mud Excellence in Life Insurance" Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co 404 Mutual Building Herbert Hill General Agent StateMutualLife Assurance Co Incorporated 1514 403 State Planters Bank Bldg Telephone 3-1495 ACACIA Irani Premiums of Any Mnfnal Old-Line Company 63000 Ten-Year Term Alt IS -62014 Annually 61000 30-Pay Life Ate 55 6360 Monthly Other ages and amounts at propomonste cost DIAL 2-533 JOSFP1I GAYLE JOHN IIOLSTFAD Security FOR THE AMERICAN FAMILY SINCE 1887 The Union Central Life Insurance Co 31 SEWIO Mgr Ak About Our Annuities At Old Rates ASSETS OVER 300 MILLION DOLLARS 1UO-1S Mutual Bldg Dial 2-5883 RELIANCE Life Insurance Companj OF FITTWRIRGH PA CARROLL 9C01T Mar LOW It 1 LAID Henry Fine Freeman Acnrw Swlneford Vincent a Peek Cashier Phme 3 -694 State Mantere Bldg Tolar Noliey General Agent for Virginia Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co of Milwaukee in 10(h Street Bldg Richmond Vs THE Mutual Benefit Life-Insurance Company OF NEWARK CT Thurman General Agent 701 Mutual Building Pnt Bunntll Linseed Buitenrorih Ed-irtf Card sell Benjamin Dtr jm i rum RrriMS Haiti Jr Ws'-nt MewsU Bract lCiasc I Stewart Pamali Randolph Ruffin Ymrr Todd Daniel Wllliama Frank HuMnrd Farmnilo Vs L-li Msduan Cetera bu if Vs Funeral of Dr Glas Set for This Morning Funeral services for the Rev Gilbert Glass who died Monday afternoon at his home 3415 Elmwood Avenue will be held thb morning at 11 o'clock from Glnter Park Presbyterian Church The Rev John A MacLean Jr pastor will officiate and burial will be In Forest Lawn Active pallbearers will be Dr William Hill John Friend Dr Fairley Dr Charles Karen Dr Currie Dr Purcell Dr McLaughlin and McGill Honorary pallbearers will be Dr William Higgins Dr Lacey Dr Thompson Dr McAllister Dr Edward Stack Dr Donald Richardson Dr Porter Smith Dr Turnbull Dr Buch-holz Dr Paisley and Dr Thompson Dr Glass was editor-in-chief of the various religious publications of the Southern Presbyterian Church and outstanding in educational and church activities He survived by hb wife Mrs Alary Grandln Orr Gilbert: two children Margaret and James Harvey Glass a sister Albs Mary Glass Parks Duffey General Agent Connecticut General Life Insurance Company 207 State-Planters Bank Bldg UHnlt Willianskurc Vs Andrew Virata PnKoHeno Ya Bon Smith Christchureh Vs Monrat Wsufh Orante BANE BUILDING lIRGlMt Bradford Walker President Insurance Companj' Chas Hall Gen Jlgt JH Tracy A try gupt llomb Office Blilg iks i 406 6TATE PLANTERS Only 1 Chance in 40 John Wanamaker Tells Why He Bought Insurance You wouldn't play at a game if you knew there was only one chance in forty to win Yet tbat is the chance your boy is taking in playing the game of life Your boy has only one chance in forty of getting college education The law of averages is gainst him He do anything to help himself but you can! An endowment policy will eliminate chance and guarantee his educational future £ycry Authorizes Convict Job Loan Cenllaned Flam First Page can he retired from Increased revenues Because of the reduction In license taxes the highway department will find Itself with a deficit at Hie end of the present fiscal year This deficit will barely be covered by funds available from the refinancing of the Robertson art certificates Therefore without authorisation by the governor to borrow funds the State convict rasd force would be entirely without highway money support and would have to remain Idle Siililons Crash Victim Will Be Buried Today Funeral aervlcea for Slddons of Goochland Court House who died In a local hospital Monday as a result of the collision of his automobile with a street car at the Intersection of Monument Avenue and Lafayette Street last week will be held at 3 o'clock this afternoon at island Memorial Church Sandy Hook Vs The funeral party will leave Christian's Chapel this morning Surviving Mr Slddons are his wife Mrs Louise Hawthorne Slddons a daughter Mary Esther and an Infant son EarL The Utter still In a serious condition at the hospital as a result of the accident Active pallbearers will be Henry Housman Joel Perish Rush Henley I Driscoll Ben Parish and Richard Omohundro The following will serve as honorary pallbearers: Dr Hawthorne Wllkerson Goodwin Parish Moore Bacon Peace Reed Dr Preston Bernard Henley Dr Holman Miller Dr Leake and A Ammons Judpe Flournoy Is Dead in Kentucky According to Information received by relative here last night Judge Landon Cabell Flournoy distinguished Kentucky Jurist died yesterday at bis home In Morganfirld Ky A native of Prince George County Vs wher he was born in 1951 he was the son of William Cabell Flournoy and Mrs Martha Watkins Venable Flournoy He was educated at Hampden-Bydnry College and married Miss Susan Cobb of Virginia who survives him He is also survived by several children and three nephews of Richmond Littleton George and Marian Fltagerald Thurston 'Dies JACKSONVILLE FLA March Thurston 65 of St Oeorge Ga died hrre today following an 111-ness of several weeks He was well known in the South as a cotton broker and railroad man having lived at Burlington Richmond Vs and other places Burial will be at Burlington HEADQUARTERS FOR EASTER NOVELTIES! See Deb's column Adv CONSTIPATION Robs You of Vitality and Health Dra'l be failtr of pmml orsircL Keep your vjrlrm frre of pnongms utirr ind yoo'lt Innk swt year bffl Tale one little T-Z Tshlel whenever yes feel tltttsak full of coM hevisrh)-" era-nip led or bili-m It quirkty bssshra crated too cue tod lira Issy liny riesaiA and swettem die bowel ar auumuo SToma "I simply worked out five conclusions as the result of my oww thluking without any moving cause except my own judgment That I knew 1 was in-urvbir and I could not be certain of avoiding accident or ill liealih That was fhr first step to the building of sixty-two policies for SI 521000 Thai life inniaii'c was one of the best forms of Investment because from the timim-nl it wa made it was good for all it roar and carried with it a guarantee that there wa a protection in that investment that I could not get In any other Thai lire Insurance in the long run was a saving fund that not only saved hut took care of niy d'ioit That life innranee regarded front the standpoint of quick de-leihiinatiou was more profitable than any other investment 1 could make Tliat it enabled a man to give away all he wished during his lifetime and still make surh an estate as he eared to 9 Home Reneficial Association Ordinary and Industrial Insurance HOME OFFICE RICHMOND VIRGINIA There are few if any great public business or professional men who are not large holder of Life Insuranre And the reason is obvious They are great berause they are thinkers they analyse intelligently and Invest widely No honest m-fli ran anal) re hi life needs and not wi-h to protect himself and hi dependent to the full extent of his financial ability The object of this serir is to endeavor to induce you to give a little serious thought to your life tniiranrr NOW Consult your lire underwriter and analyse what von now own Even though you sisv not be in a position to purchase additional protection immediately It is Important that you familiarize yourself with the developments in lift insuianre and adapt your present holdings to inert your specific Atlantic Life Insurance Co RICHMOND VA a Honestly 7 a the Best Policy ATLANTIC AGENCY Inc General Agents 212-217 Mutual Building THE CORNERSTONE OF MANS FINANCIAL STRUCTURE Equitable Life Insurance Co of Iowa i HARY1E GOIlPIN JR- General Agent I 1191-2 mu PLAtTES BIE RUIPING 10 iou KNOW that John Wanatnakrr I only 'one of fhe tbouvsnds of successful Dim who owned' Life Inauranre In this Company Get BRUCE iHi NEW BOOKLET It is entitled What I have learned about Life Insurance Get a copy by writing' to one of thc( lire insurance firms listed in this advertisem*nt He will be glad to send you a copy free FINANCIAL THE' Life Insurance Company of Virginia iisiaaici wiii MARCH I A BICHMOND Chartered tail Oldest Southern Life 5 Raw Disf Mgr 923 Broad St i INDEPENDENCE WEEK MARCH 19th to 24th THIfkl PIMrlrt Manager Home (office Bulldlnc.

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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.